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  1. QUOTE (LV_FPGA_SE @ Aug 22 2008, 07:23 AM) After the NI week, NI seems to run out of work....
  2. Hi all, I am missing one of the screw lock connectors on a PCMCIA 6036 cards: Here's a zoom: Does anyone know where I can order these? NI didn't have a clue and all my tries on Google resulted in other things. They can also be found on the M-series HD connectors. Ton
  3. QUOTE (Aristos Queue @ Aug 21 2008, 08:15 PM) Kind of like this? http://lavag.org/old_files/monthly_08_2008/post-3370-1219382545.png' target="_blank">
  4. After too much programming last night and watching TV at the same time this vision popped into my head.
  5. QUOTE (mross @ Aug 21 2008, 02:14 PM) In fact the code, more correctly called the bitstream, that is running on the FPGA is more like a digital circuit diagram (think EE, not CS) , than any kind of program. So in order to preserve dataflow when converting a LV diagram to FPGA, extra code/circuitry is added so that the circuit implemented on the FPGA behaves like a LV VI. The most common part of this process is the Enable Chain. The enable chain enforces data flow from one portion of the FPGA code/circuit to the next by setting an enable flag whenever the data output of one piece of code/circuit is valid. The next piece of code/circuit will not perform its action until the input data is valid as stated by the explicit signal from the previous piece of code/circuit. Due to the mapping of LV code to the FPGA, any wires and data associated wires take up a signficant portion of the limited FPGA circuit real estate "space", so in LV FPGA programming you always optimze your code by minimizing the amount of data on your diagram. Therefore a sequence structure is preferable to data flow if you don't need the data for something else. In addition error clusters don't exist in LV FPGA and are not an option. FPGA programmers don't make errors.
  6. QUOTE (Tom Bress @ Aug 21 2008, 03:55 PM) The CLA re-cert is just the CLA exam all over again. Ben
  7. adding to the previous list... What about the CLA that teaches LV Advanced regularly? It seems that teach that course should count. Ben
  8. QUOTE (Tom Bress @ Aug 21 2008, 01:25 PM) adding to Tom's list... Writing Nuggets, Logging CAR's, and how about a little "peer review" while we are at it. What I had in mind is when it comes time for me to re-certify, I could post to the Dark-Side or here on LAVA looking for sponsors. If you get three or more sponsors (indicating that they can confirm I have remained active) no re-test. All of these above example would help make LV better (CAR's), Grow the LV-KB (Nuggets) or build the LV community/Save NI money to support LV. It just seems there are activities above and beyond the NI training that make us better LV developers that just don't count. Ben
  9. Back to the topic of seq frames... I also use them when I am preparing to create a sub-VI. I can wire up all of the inputs that I will need in the sub-VI to the seq frame and then create a sub-VI from the seq frame. This gets all of my controls on the FP of the sub-VI. But after I create the sub-VI I remove the seq frame. Another case... I had out-lawed multi-frame stacked seq structures in our shop until I saw how another developer had used a two frame seq structure. She put all of the code in the first frame and she pasted an image of the code's design in the second. This was really clever since all I had to do was reach up and switch frames to refernce her design. Ben
  10. QUOTE (neB @ Aug 21 2008, 09:07 AM) But who is to say that you are staying active and are demonstrating continued proficiency?
  11. I still use multi-frame flat seq structure for benchmarking (get time - test - get time). Under most cicumstances the time required to pass an error cluster is small but if I'm trying time something that takes as much time as it takes to pass the error cluster, then it will be hard to determine how much time was taken by each. And before we get off on another tangent... I have managed to measure the time difference between using a sub-VI with "extra" connectors and an identicle VI with no "extra" connectors, so for my work, it does make a difference. Ben
  12. QUOTE (PaulG. @ Aug 21 2008, 11:02 AM) QUOTE Warning! Due to system upgrades, ni.com may be unavailable from 11:00 AM CST Wednesday, August 20 - 11:00 PM CST Sunday, August 24 As the website states we doing a number of system upgrades this week and different portions of the web site and FTP site may be not responding at different times or or may be performing at less than normal levels.
  13. QUOTE (ASTDan @ Aug 21 2008, 10:36 AM) You are correct! We have been beating them up about the performance in a thread that I will not link do to the poor performance. It seems to be affecting everything from logging calls, logging in, making sales, let alone the "Dark Side". I am sure there is more than one person that are not getting very much sleep or will until they get it fixed. Ben (A troll that lives under a bridge in the Dark Side)
  14. QUOTE (Tom Bress @ Aug 21 2008, 10:07 AM) Trademarks time to establish and are very slow to change. We could ask a similar question about "Coke". Ben
  15. Count me in the "If you stay active and demonstrate continued proficiency >>> No Re-Test" catagory. Ben
  16. Just use a Waveform Chart. When you present data as a Waveform datatype the chart looks at the "t0" value to determine where to plot the point. It allows you to plot multiple traces all having differnt "t0" values that are not periodic. Gotchas? Changing the number of plots shown will reset the chart. Present data that is earlier than data already plotted will reset chart. History is in units of WFs not data points (in the event you have WF's with multiple "y" values). Try it, you'll like it. Ben
  17. QUOTE (electrika @ Aug 20 2008, 07:04 PM) can you post your vi? or at least a picture of the blockdiagramm from your "G" vi...
  18. QUOTE (NimbleThink @ Aug 20 2008, 07:19 PM) Yes, but sometimes a State Machine is just more than the job requires. Sequence structures have their place for very simple VIs. State machine are more suitable to more complex sequencing tasks, especially where the order of tasks will vary depending on the data. For example state machine are very good at handling execeptions and errors that may occur during program execution. A sequence structure has a static sequence of operations and it is cumbersome to execlude operations due to errors, etc. State machine are more flexible and manageable as the application changes and you need to add, edit, remove, and reorder states (operationss). QUOTE (NimbleThink @ Aug 20 2008, 07:19 PM) How might you implement a state machine where the next state not only depends on the current state but also the prior state? Use state variables, in LV terms typically a cluster containing all the state variables, passed through the state machine using a shift register.
  19. QUOTE (Milchbilch @ Aug 20 2008, 01:19 PM) I would like to say it's just a checkbox, but it's not. In the application builder you have to create multiple Destination with the destination type = LLB. Than, in the source file settings, you can associate VIs, libraries, classes or directories to a custom destination by clicking "Set destination for all contained items". It's not so hard if the project is well organized.
  20. QUOTE (Norm Kirchner @ Aug 20 2008, 02:01 PM) On TCP palette "String to IP" if you don't wire an input will return machines IP. If that works for you, thanks got to Rolf, if its wrong please forgive me. Ben
  21. I currently have an application running as a service using srvany and overrided VIs. So it's possible. The only difference with your problem description is the way I manage the overrided VIs. For this application I manually configure the application builder to save classes as a different .llb file instead of letting it copy the file in different directories. This application is build with LV8.5 but if my memory serves, I did the same thing with LV8.2.
  22. QUOTE (Aristos Queue @ Aug 20 2008, 02:42 AM) Have you ever tried to file a CAr without being able to reproduce the issue on demand? I have seen a couple of those myself, also working LV 8.5. I'm not using globals so if its the same bug I have seen it is not due them. THe other observation that I can add is that a really fuzzy general type observation. I would swear (if pressed) that code changes are not propagating to all of the VI's that are not open. I say this because I work with a tree.VI open and after amking changes (but before running) I save everything (from tree.vi save all) then close the tree.vi. Backup then re-open and test the code. WHen closing the tree.vi, I see VI's that want to be saved. As a result I ahve resorted to an old habit of opening and closing the tree a couple of times to make sure all of the changes get propogated. Just reporting what I have ben seing. Ben
  23. QUOTE (LV_FPGA_SE @ Aug 20 2008, 03:56 AM) The Ladder diagramm doesn't work with LabVIEW 8.6b7 ....
  24. QUOTE (maybe @ Aug 20 2008, 02:52 AM) Hi, Please find tha ttached vi. I found it in the forum sometime back. it uses WIN32 for capturing the screen. Copy this code in to your application run the vi and then do a CTL+V as mentioned in the documentation part. Hope this would help u.
  25. QUOTE (JustinThomas @ Aug 20 2008, 01:29 AM) Thanks Guys....it solved my problem
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