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LAVA 1.0 Content

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Posts posted by LAVA 1.0 Content

  1. QUOTE (martin@aerodynamics @ Jun 5 2008, 07:09 AM)

    This never happend to me, since I live in "little" Switzerland, I know almost al NI Switzerland sales and support people, and they know me as well (since I call them so much :wacko: ).

    So they don't just call me to ask wheter I need help, they are happy if I don't call at all...


    My experience with NI people (Austin, France and Switzerland) sums up like this : very good relationship with technical people only.

    Better not to comment market/sales.

    Many *people* I spoke to think more or less the same.

  2. QUOTE (Michael_Aivaliotis @ Jun 4 2008, 10:23 PM)

    I blogged recently about some great NI content. I watched some of those webinars. I also received a phone call a few days later from an NI sales person asking if I needed any help since I watched the webinar. Is it just me or is this practice down right annoying as hell. It really makes me NOT want to click on any NI content. This is not the first time this has happened. Anyone else annoyed at this?

    PS. I wouldn't mind an email as much, but a phone call is over my limit.

    This never happend to me, since I live in "little" Switzerland, I know almost al NI Switzerland Sales and Support people, and they know me as well. So they don't just call me to ask wheter I need help...

  3. Hi JG,

    I started before LV 5 so my list is much shorter than yours. The two things I miss are;

    1) Re-size grab points were at the corners and not in the middle (I often sit and stare wondering when the grab point will show up)

    2) Re-size objects dialog.

    RE: slow

    Was it LV 5 of LV 5.1 that introduced multi-threading? (so little memory, too lazy to do a search).

    LV 6.1 introduced a lot of speed functionality if memory serves me.


  4. QUOTE (JiMM @ Jun 4 2008, 01:55 AM)



    I would love to hear any suggestions as to how to improve it's efficiency. I am not looking for fancy mathematical insights (won't help future projects). I have a solution, it's just slow (~4.5 minutes). What I am interested to learn is how to improve the code using more efficient LabVIEW practices. Thanks for any insights!

    I can't open you VI :o .

    What version of LabVIEW did you use ?

    Can you repost it please ?

  5. QUOTE (jaegen @ Jun 3 2008, 08:02 PM)

    LabVIEW is now in the language list. :ninja:


    That's cool !



    Thank you for introducing me to this fascinating challenge. My wife would not thank you
    I would be interested in any suggestions to improve my code. I can get the job done, but I am sure that my
    coding skills can only go up. Attached is my solution to the Euler project chalenge #3. I would love to hear any suggestions as to how to improve it's efficiency. I am not looking for fancy mathematical insights (won't help future projects). I have a solution, it's just slow (~4.5 minutes). What I am interested to learn is how to improve the code using more efficient LabVIEW practices. Thanks for any insights!

    I hope I'm putting you into trouble :unsure: .

    I started the Euler projet with the same intent : improving my LabVIEW skills.

    The first solution I found for problem 3 is quite slow as well, now that I saw the above linked code I will try to get inspired and improve my subVIs because it's easy to draw a solution that WILL find the solution but not untill the end of the universe ! :shifty:

    Don't have time right now to have a look at your code, but I will.

    EDIT :

    I tested the prime factor VI that won the coding challenge on NI Forums, it takes 2ms to find the solution of prob 3 :blink:


  6. Here are some thoughts.

    De-couple the serial ports I/O from the message traffic they carry. For all active serial ports check the number of bytes waiting at each port and read those from the serial buffer. Queue up the read data to seperate queue for each that feed some parsing code. THe Parsing code shoudl check the framing and valiidtiy of the message in the context of any previously read data and then use the results as if it came right from the port.

    So let the serial support code just do serial and lett other code handle the data.

    If each serial port has to support command response traffic, then six clones of serial support that use a design pattern similar to Jim Kring's Queued Message Handler with Response Notification would get you a long way.


  7. QUOTE (Michael_Aivaliotis @ Jun 2 2008, 03:02 PM)

    Well what can I say. I tested it and it was working... back to the drawing board.

    OK, for a moment I though tyou were floowing my advise I gave regarding lay-offs at DEC. I said they should start by laying-off managers and keep laying them off until someone notices. A similar approach could be used to find out whcih links are used and whicha are not. Just shut them all down and only fix the one people find.

    Of course I am just being silly now.


  8. QUOTE (El_Frito @ May 30 2008, 12:46 PM)

    I'm creating an application which has a relatively small main screen and switches between recording, playback, and several monitoring modes. My approach was to create a sub panel and swap out the front panels of several sub vis running in parallel. I've got an event structure in the main vi that will pass user events to the sub vi event structures to let them know when they're being displayed. Every sub vi event structure uses the same user event registration.

    This works well... 95% of the time. Once in a while (I haven't found any consistencies, yet) a user event does not get handled. For instance, when the user clicks on the "New Recording" button on the main panel, the main panel's event structure generates a user event that should inform the 'new recording' sub vi to pop up the recording wizard. Once in a while.. no wizard. Another example (a more serious one) is when the "Exit" button is pressed, one of the sub vis will not exit. The particular vi which does not exit is not consistent--sometimes its the 'new recording' sub vi, sometimes its the 'status monitor' sub vi, and so on.

    I've dropped in debugging scenarios which should alert me if there is an error that could be being dropped, but I haven't found anything so far. Is there something that could cause the user event to not be handled?


    Post example to get better advice.

    If you are using Filter Events then an earlier executing filter event could discard the event and therefore the other events will not be fired. Event are handled in the same order in which they are decalred.

    Just want cmoes to mind.


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