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LAVA 1.0 Content

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Posts posted by LAVA 1.0 Content

  1. QUOTE (Aristos Queue @ Apr 10 2008, 08:47 PM)

    IMPORTANT. Read the readme.html about *how* to perform a mass compile. Doing a mass compile like you normally do WILL NOT suffice. The version number between 8.5 and 8.5.1 is not internally bumped, so a mass compile won't work -- LV won't see that anything needs to be recompiled.

    =========Quoting from the readme.html=============

    Recompiling VIs for Bug Fixes

    The following fixes in LabVIEW 8.5.1 require you to manually recompile the VIs to correct the problem. To force a recompile of a VI without recompiling its subVIs, <Ctrl>-click the Run button. To force a recompile of all VIs in memory, <Ctrl>-<Shift>-click the Run button. To force a recompile of the entire current VI hierarchy, close all VIs currently opened, open the top-level VI, and <Ctrl>-<Shift>-click the Run button. This method will not recompile any of the VIs called dynamically in the hierarchy.

    You also can force recompile all VIs in a specified directory using the following steps. Note that you do not need to perform these steps for VIs installed with LabVIEW 8.5.1.

    Use a standard text editor to open the LabVIEW.ini file located in the LabVIEW directory.
    Add massCompAll=True as a new line at the end of the file.
    Save and close the LabVIEW.ini file.
    Open LabVIEW.
    Select Tools»Advanced»Mass Compile to display the Mass Compile dialog box.
    Navigate to the desired directory and click the Current Folder button.
    Click the Mass Compile button to force recompile all VIs in that directory.
    Click the Done button to return to LabVIEW.
    Once you finish the force recompile, reopen the LabVIEW.ini file.
    Remove massCompAll=True from the file.
    Save and close the LabVIEW.ini file.


    I did that, and during the mass compile LabVIEW crashed... :o

    What shall I do now ?


  2. QUOTE (crelf @ Apr 25 2008, 08:48 AM)

    I think you're confusing NI with LAVA Ben :D

    Ok that poorly woded quip before running off to work did hit that mark. I'll try again.

    "What prize would be at the the end of a geocache adventure that would motivate LAVA to stop talking and run off to start geocaching?"


  3. QUOTE (Cat @ Apr 24 2008, 02:53 PM)

    I saw that when I did a search on "geocaching" on the lava website. Yet another reason to try to make it to NIWeek sometime. My team leader is a geocacher; maybe he'll break some $ loose for it now. :)

    It's a lot of fun. I've found over 100 geocaches in 17 states. This is nothing compared to Real Geocachers. They have find counts in the thousands. Most geocachers tend to be in the tech professions (or families thereof).

    There are more than 600,000 caches hidden in over 100 countries.

    It's a great way to see places you never would have gone otherwise. A fun way to get out of doors and get a little exercise (or a lot, depending on the cache).

    As I read this thread the question arose "What prize would be at the the end of a LAVA geocache adventure?"

    A LV Scripting License?


  4. QUOTE (PaulG. @ Apr 23 2008, 03:12 PM)

    You guys are the best. But now I can't get that stupid song out of my head. :wacko:

    I don't have time to develop this idea myself but I'll toss it out there anyway.

    I think the code would appear much simpler while also demonstrating LV's natural strength if sub-VI's with good icons were used for each phrase of the song with names like;

    XX_Bottles_of_Beer_on_the_Wall - icon of wall of beers (which in-turn calls ...)

    Bottles_of_Beer - icon of a bottle of beer

    Take_One_Down - icon of beer being taken down

    Pass_It_Around - icon of beers being passed

    The loop would "look" like the song and in execution highlighting it could act ou the song. And to give it that extra "LAVA-twist" add scripting to change the icon of "Pass_It_Around" to animate the passing.

    Now I challenge someone to do THAT in "C". :thumbup:


  5. QUOTE (Micael @ Apr 24 2008, 07:54 AM)

    Hi all,

    I'm new to LAVA, and I am looking for a way to search shared variable nodes inside the VIs block diagrams, just the way you can search for all instances of a subVI by right-clicking on it or using Ctrl-F.

    For instance I downloaded The "scripting tools" library, and it seems that it could be useful.

    I someone has already done something similar, or has any suggestions, they will be welcome.

    Thanks in advance (and sorry for my english).


    If you do a search Objects >>> Structures >>> Shared vaiables

    you will get list of ALL of the shared variables.

    I have not heard of any way to search for a specific shared variable. A number of the LabVIEW Champions have fed-back that this situation should be addressed.


  6. QUOTE (Jim Kring @ Apr 23 2008, 12:58 PM)

    Since you can't have negative posts, I would assume that you have to have 4096 posts to be in that club ;)

    I agree... In fact, I only wanted to boost my count to bring me closer to the 5-bit count club. :rolleyes:

  7. QUOTE (jbrohan @ Apr 23 2008, 01:29 PM)


    Sorry to tell you hat using IE6 under Xp I get this error message when I change a page in Lavag. This is a rather slow computer anyway!



    I saw the same thing on a computer I just installed, I switched to firefox 2 and have no more problem.

    Another way to solve this issue would be to install the up to date flash player I guess.

  8. QUOTE (osiris81 @ Apr 22 2008, 09:43 AM)

    Hello and thanks for the answers!

    This graph control is really not an easy solutions because I have to take care when the labels overlap and when the user zooms into the graph I have to recalculate everything.

    Has anyone already made all that work or do I really have to make it. :(

    Thanks anyway!


    The zooms are a "sticky-wicket"! I am afraid that short of embedding an Excel spreadsheet in an ActiveX container, you are probably going to have to enhance the examples you have seen.

    Now if you were to go ahaed and write this solution up and then post it back here, there will probably be someone else in the future that will get a more desirable reply when they ask the same question.


  9. QUOTE (richlega @ Apr 21 2008, 06:18 PM)

    This equipment is geared toward audiophiles...

    Brilliant Pebbles

    What do you think of this?

    What about their other products??

    * First buy verry good speekers (Swiss Made) http://www.piega.ch/

    (I have a pair of them quite expensive, first class finish and brilliant sound)

    => Good Speekers- this makes aprox. 85% of the sound

    * Buy a good System (another 10%)

    * Use good cables (another 5%)

    (Pear cabels are always good, if you have to much money you can also use Bi-Wiring)

    So by using just verry good speakers you reach 85%...

    The rest is just luxury...

  10. QUOTE (overshot16 @ Apr 18 2008, 03:02 PM)

    My attention to detail on my last post was poor and I apologize. It read:

    Is this method the only way to get my software onto my national instrument device? If so that means I can not put software on my device without True?

    It should have said:

    Is this method the only way to get my software onto my national instrument device? If so that means I can not put software on my device without it. True?

    and by software I mean my librarys, hex, and cnf files that control the hardware I have setup. Sorry again and can someone help me with the ftp option if possible?

    Lets see if I can be more clear.

    If this is a new app that has never been deployed to a cFP THEN you will need the RT add-on.

    The FTP method is only available if you already have an image that was compiled for the cFP hardware.


  11. QUOTE (overshot16 @ Apr 18 2008, 02:52 PM)

    Is this method the only way to get my software onto my national instrument device? If so that means I can not put software on my device without True?

    :oops: Post collision with Ton! Just for the record, I agree with everything he says.

    Pratically speak yes.

    In theory no. The RT add-on compiles the code for the target machine. Once compiled and downloaded it is possible to get the image off using FTP. That image could in turn be transfer to another cFP unit, agin using FTP.


    If you don't have an image, yu have nothing to transfer and that is why I said "Pratically speak yes." you can not.


  12. QUOTE (overshot16 @ Apr 18 2008, 02:40 PM)

    HOw can I tell if I have it loaded or not? This is a work laptop so I did not install the program but I have the install cd. Will the switch execution not exist until that add on is installed?

    The splash screen that display when LV is loading should have an icon of a stop watch if the RT add-on has been loaded.

    I beleive there was seperate install disk for the RT add-on.

    You are corect that the option will not show up if the add-on is not there.


  13. QUOTE (overshot16 @ Apr 18 2008, 02:24 PM)


    I am new to the site and excited to learn as much has I can from my fellow forum frequenters. I have just started using Labview and I have an issue. I don't know where to solve it so some direction would be great. I am using labview 7.1 and have some software that I am trying to load onto an National instruments field point module cfm-2120. The problem is that no ones instructions wants to be obvious about how to get it on there. In the past we have used field point modules that have targeted the application but this time we need to embed it for non pc use. I have looked at a ton of manuals and I keep hitting a roadblock. Everyone says go to operate>>switch execution target and change things their but I have looked everywhere in labview and it is no where to be found. Is there an upgrade I need or a different way? any direction, clarification, or simplification would be appreciated.

    If you have the Real-Time add-on loaded then from a blank VI you should be able do a

    Operate >>>Switch Execution Target

    To target the cFP.


  14. QUOTE (pallen @ Apr 18 2008, 06:22 PM)

    When I installed it though, my laptop took a pretty serious performance hit. There were little bugs like the one you mentioned. Plus, my whole system seemed less stable in general. Not good when you're trying to use that as a development machine. :throwpc:


    just like me ! micro$oft is good at copying nice features from others and adding "easter eggs", that's their signature...

  15. QUOTE (pallen @ Apr 18 2008, 06:12 PM)


    I had the same problem with Firefox 2 when I was using this microsoft power toy : Virtual Desktop Manager (to be found here : http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/downloa...powertoys.mspx)

    It was rather tricky, after changing from a desktop to another, pressing the apostroph key with Firefox on top would open the "quick find", but if you hit "F11" twice the apostroph key works like normal. Switch to another desktop and back again to the one that holds Firefox, you have to re-hit "F11" twice to have the key working.

    I got fed up with the MS VDM because it created a couple of other "funny bugs" like that . I uninstalled and now everything goes well.

    PS : I'm still using Firefox 2 (latest sub-version)

    Hope this helps

  16. QUOTE (george seifert @ Apr 17 2008, 03:19 PM)

    Funny I was just looking at that example just before I saw your post. Unfortunately I don't see how it'll help me tell you what's missing. If you download the VI I posted and run it once with the type set to "Parametric" and then again with the Type set to "Surface" hopefully you'll see what I mean. The surface plot looks more like what I was expecting. The problem with the surface plot though is that you only get to supply one set of XY data - if I understand it correctly that is.

    Maybe if I explain what my test does it'll help. I have a Keyence displacement sensor mounted above an XY slide. The device I'm measuring (basically a hockey puck shaped device) will be moved beneath the sensor. I'll increment in the X direction to scan across the device. Then move a small increment in the Y direction and then scan across it again in the X direction. And so on until I map the whole device. I just want to display a 3D picture of the Z displacements.


    The parmetric plot connects elements that are adjoining each other with your data it looks like it connecting oposite ends.

    Reverse every other row of X data and see how that plots for you.


  17. QUOTE (eaolson @ Apr 17 2008, 01:43 PM)

    I'm not disagreeing. I'm just saying it's not OK to claim "your data and your conclusions must be wrong because they conflict with my religious doctrine", as ID proponents do.

    We would pulling a Galileo on you if we did. If I ever do so please feel free to jump all over me.

    Re: JDave



  18. QUOTE (osiris81 @ Apr 17 2008, 03:24 PM)


    I have a multiplot waveform graph and the user would like to identify one plot on it (for example, 1500 plots, one totally different then the others and the user wants to know which one it is). In an excel chart you can simply move your mouse over a plot an get the plot name. There is no such possibility in Labview, but is there anything else to identify a plot?




    1500 plot on the same graph is quite a lot :blink:

    Anyway... I think I would play with plot color, using a property node on the grap, you can select the plot you want by its index and then set its color (or line width, or else).

    Hope this helps

  19. QUOTE (reem @ Apr 17 2008, 01:12 PM)

    Hi everyone,

    i'm working on a project with labview 8; i have to use cluster in it..

    the problem is that it appears as an empty box ,how can i program the cluster??

    (program cluster in such a way it accepts 2 or 3 variables)

    thank you,

    When you create a cluster it is indeed an "empty box", then just beside, create whatever controls you need (2 numerics, 1 boolean, 3 path, etc) and drag and drop these controls into the "empty box".

    Hope this helps

  20. QUOTE (orko @ Apr 15 2008, 03:24 PM)

    ...Unfortunate that I won't be seeing you on the forums from now on... since you'll be expelled and all (according to the movie).


    I'll watch my back for the machine's claw. :ninja:


  21. QUOTE (eaolson @ Apr 15 2008, 01:52 PM)

    Well, maybe I couldn't resist just a *little* comment. ;) Itty bitty. Wafer-thin.


    Maybe I'm a little over-sensitive because I'm a scientist by training and the stated goal of creationists is to overturn our very ability to do science.

    Newton is often considered "a scientist" or one of the "patron saints" of physics and math (depending on which camp the speaker is comfortable in), BUT

    he concidered himself a "natural science philosopher" and wrote as extensively on the topic now concidered "religion" as he did math and science.

    Similarly Einstien attributed qualities to the "prime mover" as exemplified by his classic reaction to quantum mechanics "God does not play dice."

    I concider myself a scientist as well (studied physics in college) and was drawn to that filed by an interest in the world around me and the wonders found therein. Although I never studied at the graduate level, I was never able to answer very fundamental questions like "who/what enforces the laws of physics?" if I did not allow a deity into my model of the world. I was excited when working in the physics labs at Pitt to find out that there were real tenur-tracked proffesors that also were comfortable being on the leading edge of science and still allowing for the existence of a deity. I used to meet weekly with Dr David Snoke (Condensed matter physics) where we shared ideas of how we percieved the world.

    I am not saying that everyone SHOULD beleive in a deity.

    I am saying that it is OK to be a scientist and beleive in a deity.

    Let me put forth one more idea for concideration (please)



    the deity does exist


    the deity bent his implementation of the laws of physics to acheive his/her/its end goal (aka creation)

    it would be a very bad idea to challenge him to a game of pool since he obviously has mastered the bank-shot.

    I am sorry if any of the above may have offeneded any other readers. I just think that God is "way-cool" and can't resist the temptation to talk about him.


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