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Posts posted by LAVA 1.0 Content

  1. QUOTE (Yen @ May 30 2008, 12:34 PM)

    I have.. :o .

    Using the the "get ctrl value" method works (*only* if the FGV's front panel is opened) but it make me think that the VIserver settings (port, VI access list, etc.) are correct, so the reference to the FGV is fine.

    The "call by ref" method give no error at all, but I think that I am getting a reference to "another instance" of the FGV because if I add a "write" case using the "call by ref" method, project B write to the FGV and reads what it wrote, the same for project A.

    How to do to have only one instance of the FGV and each project refering to it?

    See attach code

    corrections to do before running :

    - in B project, in the VI B_reader_loop.vi change the "shared FGV's parent dir path")

    - on both project adapt the port number to your setting (mine is 3385)

    http://lavag.org/old_files/post-7452-1212145549.zip'>Download File:post-7452-1212145549.zip

    EDIT :

    Ok Neb,Yen,

    I am just seing your posts now, I will try that.

    In the end opening a reference to the project (which is a labview "context" if I understand well) sounds the correct way to do. Referring to LabVIEW turns out to open another instance of the pointed VI in the separate LabVIEW "context" that is the second project.

    It's cool to learn, thank you guys !

    Yen, I set 3385, because my labview 8.5 is set with 3385 ;)

    * : I am not sure that "context" is the appropriate technical word for what I mean... I am not a proper software engineer (I use to be thermal engineer ;))

  2. QUOTE (Antoine @ May 30 2008, 06:08 AM)

    Hi Yen,

    Thanks for the link :) .

    I implemented the "call by reference" like in the example you pointed, but it just doesn't work and returns no error.. is the there any particular settings to set on the shared FGV to make it work ?

    Side remark : When the 2 apps are on the same PC it seems to me more difficult than doing it with between a host PC and a RT target. I say this because I did it 2 years ago quite easily with LV 7.1 and I was expecting it to be straightforward..

    Is there a significant change on this between LV 7.1 and LV 8 or is it just that I missed a detail of some kind ?

    I have not done this LV 8.+ but I thought about it when the proj was introduced.

    I believe Opening a ref to the proj that has the VI and then find a ref to the FGV running in that proj. Watch for name mangling if in a library.

    And yes use call by reference.


  3. QUOTE (Yen @ May 30 2008, 11:27 AM)

    Hi Yen,

    Thanks for the link :).

    I implemented the "call by reference" like in the example you pointed, but it just doesn't work and returns no error.. is the there any particular settings to set on the shared FGV to make it work ?

    Side remark : When the 2 apps are on the same PC it seems to me more difficult than doing it with between a host PC and a RT target. I say this because I did it 2 years ago quite easily with LV 7.1 and I was expecting it to be straightforward..

    Is there a significant change on this between LV 7.1 and LV 8 or is it just that I missed a detail of some kind ?

  4. Hi all,

    As mentioned in this thread, since LV 8.2 it is not possible to share a queue between 2 LV instance.

    I have to LabVIEW projects (A.lvproj and B.lvproj) running on the same machine and I'de like to make them communicate by "sharing" a FGV.

    Basically :

    - the shared FGV VI is in project A

    - at start, the FGV is set to be accessible using VIserver

    - on certain event a value is put into the shared FGV

    - project B opens an application reference using IP and port number (the same set by project A)

    - project B opens a VI reference on the shared FGV to read a control value

    I must be missing the point because it only works if the FGV's front panel is opened... see my code below


    Can anybody help me on this ?

  5. QUOTE (PaulG. @ May 29 2008, 01:24 PM)

    Thanks anyways, guys, :thumbup: but none of these solutions appear to work. Looks like it is LV-specific. I have yet to duplicate a right-click from ANY keyboard combination in the LV environment in any case. I'm using GoToMeeting. I few years ago I used GoToMyPC for similar work and don't remember the right-click not working. Have you ever tried to change a tunnel to a shift register without the right-click? :(

    I've used WebExMeetMeNow to code in LV with no issues.

    Wild guess:

    Could this be an auto-tool selectin issue?

    Done guessing.


  6. QUOTE (Yen @ May 28 2008, 02:15 PM)


    As for different wires crossing each other, that was my initial guess, but it doesn't fly - when wires cross in newer versions they always have a boundary.

    Well I have to admit you taught me something I never noticed!

    So it looks like an older version of LV is the best guess yet.


  7. QUOTE (Michael_Aivaliotis @ May 28 2008, 04:09 AM)

    No Photoshop required. Written, Drawn in pure G.


    Just put the whole VI diagram on the back of the T-shirt.


    How did you get what looks like loops in the wires?


    QUOTE (TobyD @ May 28 2008, 11:44 AM)

    Did you enjoy etch-a-sketch as a kid?

    Etch-a-sketch frustrated me as a kid because I could not render a circle. I really think that Trigonometry is a pre-req for etch-a-sketch use. :rolleyes: Then all the kid has to master is producing a sine wave with one hand and a cosine with the other.


  8. QUOTE (Michael_Aivaliotis @ Dec 2 2006, 05:24 AM)

    Hey guys and gals. This thread is the beginning of a potentially long thread. Here, whenever the need arises, I will select a LAVA member who I feel has been a significant contributor and or helper.

    I think it's fitting to start this thread by spotlighting a member who has helped me quite a bit over the last few months: crelf. Chris has helped a lot in supporting the code repository by reviewing code submissions. He has also posted an astounding number of posts. I think he will surpass me as the number one poster pretty soon. Keep up the good work!!


    CRELF is first again!

    If you check out the most recent NI Instrumentation Newsletter (Q2 2008) you will find that CRELF has written up a nice article on Fuzzy Wires.

    Does this make him the first LAVA member to get an artilce published in the Newsletter?

    I believe he is the first LabVIEW Champion to do so.

    Congratulations Chris!

    Nice article.


    Where does he find the time?

  9. QUOTE (JDave @ May 27 2008, 12:43 PM)

    I think you misunderstood me a little. I think most religions accept that there are things we do not know, and things we don't or can't comprehend, which are 'mysteries'.

    I was referring to when religion does explain something, or there are scriptures that state something, and it is convoluted or contradictory. To state that we can't comprehend it seems to be an easy way to explain away seeming contradictions or confusing language. Perhaps we can't understand the concept completely, but to immediately retreat to a position of "We CAN'T understand it" seems hasty and overly simplistic.

    P.S. Science is one of those areas where you are discouraged from breaking the law, but if you actually succeed in doing it you may end up with a Nobel Prize.

    I believe it was Goedel (sp?) that showed that a system could not be proved from within itself. Being an element within the system "universe" we should not be suprised to find that we can not prove this system.

    I think it was in a book "Five Scientist and Their Gods" that I read that one of them thought the universe was a giant quantum computer that was executing God's program.

    Just my 2 cents,


  10. QUOTE (Justin Goeres @ May 27 2008, 11:20 AM)

    So then you can confirm that the Spooky Graveyard and Secret Old Mine are real?

    They did not exist (to the best of my knowledge) when I lived there, but I am not going to take it personally that something called "Old" only came into existence after I left. Concidering mines are mostly dirt that would make me "older than dirt".


  11. Say I wanted to deploy Tomi's example as an exe that would allow other shapes to be added latter (example:customer wants an octogon added)...

    from what I understand I would have to re-compile the library that houses the class.

    Are there any other things I'd have to adjust to allow for the addtion of other shapes (aside from the menu that allows which shape to drop)?


    "sneaking up on OO one concept at a time"

  12. QUOTE (Phillip Brooks @ May 27 2008, 06:13 AM)

    And imagine my suprise when I actually understood that map!

    As an "Air-Force Brat" (34 years ago) I lived on Tyndall air force base and attended JR high school in Panama City were we had the oppertunity to pass the paper mill (NOT a treat) going both ways.


  13. Recently I had similar problem. My application W/ NI-VISA had conflict with Agilent application w/ VISA. I had to uninstall Agilent application and re-install NI-VISA to make my application works. I didn't try to make both lived together. Then I would also be interested to hear those which succeeded with Agilent VISA and NI-VISA.

  14. Thank you AQ!

    Your posts are required reading for me. THe following may sound like a back-handed compliment but please take it with my most sincere thanks.

    You are the BEST thing (LV mentor) since sliced bread (Greg McKaskle) !

    And (while I am at it) Thank you for all of the work you put into (clarify if wrong)

    1) Polymorphic queues (their performance blew me away)

    2) Config files (Forced me use OO before I learned how to spell "OO")

    3) Resize objects dialog (save sme time and wrist-wear on every project)

    4) LVOOP ( the beauty of which is just starting to bloom in my minds eye :book: )


  15. QUOTE (Michael_Aivaliotis @ May 21 2008, 01:55 PM)

    Ok, so NI is always trying to be hip and cool (but of course we all know only LAVA members can claim that)....

    Looking closely I have to say that is rather sad.

    1) They have not even spelled LabVIEW correctly.

    2) I have heard of Certified LabVIEW Architects but what is a Labview Certified Architect (hoping I do not have to take another test)?


    PS: Most of the time I have absolutely no idea how a word should be spelled but LabVIEW (and my last name) are are examples where I care.

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