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LAVA 1.0 Content

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Posts posted by LAVA 1.0 Content

  1. QUOTE (crelf @ May 10 2008, 09:12 AM)


    Can I replace with avatars?

    I don't have access to fancy graphics software but PowerPoint and Paint let me do this. (My old PC was crying durring these edits! ;) ) This includes the top eight contributors Sorry Rolf, I told him to draw ten.)

    http://lavag.org/old_files/monthly_05_2008/post-29-1210432690.png' target="_blank">post-29-1210432690.png?width=400

    There is also the option that I get my artist to re-do the image but doing characatures of the avatars (Tomi, your avatar will be a challenge).

    Maybe a collage of the rest of the avatars in the background?

    Could these images be combined with the Volcano image somehow?

    I'll gladly supply the original (huge) BMP's to anyone that has better tools for this job.

    I'm open to whatever the community thinks.

    Just trying to help.


  2. QUOTE (Duncan @ May 9 2008, 11:57 AM)

    Hi ben,

    Thanks for the help, i've been in contact with IOtech now and have been offered some help by J Rys (who i think is probably guy you mentioned).




    I expect you will get help from John and find him both knowledgeable and brutally honest about the LabVIEW code and the hardware capabilities. I seem to rember him describing the "driver" saying something to the effect of "Yeah that was more an exercise in parsing text than...".

    have fun,


  3. QUOTE (crelf @ May 8 2008, 04:08 PM)

    Where's your Shiner?

    I have similar days - once I got sand in my laptop from sitting on the beach all day...

    This thread reminds me of a poster from DEC that featured a guy sitting on a porch looking out over the ocean, his feet up on the railing next to the display of a VT-220 and keyborad in his lap. No need for a mouse they had not been invented.

    I tried it out for myself a couple of years back. The results were carpel tunnel due to the poor ergonomics. :headbang:

    Watch your wrist Stephen and enjoy it while you can. :thumbup:


  4. QUOTE (Duncan @ May 8 2008, 12:29 PM)

    Hi, I've been looking for some inforamtion on using Labview a IOtech Multiscan 1200 that we have already. This thread is the only place i've found anyone who have used Labview with the Multiscan. I am only a part-time Labview user- is it going to be very painful to get Labview to be compatible?

    I'm trying to get hold of the Labview drivers that IOtech say are available at the moment - i guess they must be to communicate with the RS232. Has anyone had any recent experience/success with these?


    Any help would be much appreciated

    NOTE: I replied to Duncan via PM with contact info for IOTech.


  5. Setting the hardware re:current and voltage aside...

    I did one of those using a an FPGA that syncronized two steppers such that a poratable welder could cut ovals. If memory serves me (too many projects, so little brain) we just used FTP to transfer the pattern to the FPGA ahead of time.

    So yes FPGA's will work.


  6. QUOTE (jbrohan @ May 6 2008, 10:02 AM)


    I've been having a difficult time with a bank of 8 fieldpoint modules controlling some ovens and valves. The modules would not respond to commands and Max would claim that the modules did not exist. Sometimes it would work fine and at the next power-on all is wrong again, even teh ready light did not come on in the modules.

    To correct this I used two power suppllies, one to the Network module, and another to the supplementary supply that is connected from one module to the next. So far this is a big improvement...it works properly.

    Can it be that the electrical noise is screwing things up.

    Or is it the power requirements (I have 3 FP-RLY-420's in among 8 modules.)

    Quote from the datasheet.

    "Power Requirements

    Because the FP-RLY-42x are high power consumption modules, they

    could limit the number of I/O modules that you can connect to a

    single network interface module. Controllers and network interface

    modules supply up to 9 W to power I/O modules. The FP-RLY-420

    requires up to 2.5 W"

    In my case I put all of the relay modules at the end of the string (away from the network module).

    i also suggest you check with NI about the RLY-420's. Something tells me there was a recall for some FP widget. It may have been the RLY-420's.


  7. QUOTE (tnt @ May 6 2008, 11:16 AM)

    In fact this is NOT always TRUE !!!

    Right :unsure:


    I think it is a hysteresis!! Isn't it?

    No, in fact it's a bit of code that remained after a specification change. It was not the only one, but it was the funniest.

  8. I'm refactoring an application made a few years ago by someone who is no longer in my company and here is a funny bit of code I wanted to share :



    Am I bigger than someone smaller than me AND smaller than someone bigger than me ? :rolleyes:

    How good is that !


    Ok.. lots of us - crazy coffee drinkers - happen to wire too fast sometimes, but still... it's better to laugh about that !

  9. Don't have time to devote to this project (I have episodes of Giligan's Island hat need watched) but I have ideas that may inspire better ones.


    "LAVA where the greatest minds of of LabVIEW colapse into a single functions."

    Image from Benny Lava video.


    "Who put the Gate in there?"


  10. QUOTE (ragglefrock @ May 3 2008, 10:36 AM)

    I believe one big difference with calling a VI by reference rather than as a subVI is that the strictly-typed VI reference doesn't contain information about inplaceness like a VI has when it calls a subVI. The main VI will have to alter the order of execution or perhaps make backups before calling a VI by reference, because it can't know what will happen to the data during the call.

    I can understand why you would believe that but I can't say that I am convinced that is true. Couldn't the type we specify when opening the VI contain enough info to allow LV to make that distinction? After all it does determine the calling convetion for the Vi being called.

    Rolf et al,

    Do you have any thoughts on this question?

    Just wondering out loud,


  11. Its Saturday morning and I had a chance to watch the video. Here are my random thoughts.

    1) According to the Wiki vs TV time stats, Alfa's estimate should be reduced to 99.95%.

    2) My son has been predicting the death of TV for the last 7 years due to the lack of interactivity. He looks at me and asks "Why do you want to watch a movie when you have no control over the plot and it always ends the same way?"

    3) Where do we fit into this game if contributing to the forums is our way of "wasting time"?

    4) Rest ( non-productive time) is part of our nature. Mindlessly watching TV is a form of rest and should not count against us as a species.

    5) Maryann was definately the cuter of the two.


  12. QUOTE (jfazekas @ May 1 2008, 01:58 PM)

    Dave, while you were plotting -Inf and +Inf on the second plot, what did you do with the first plot? Didn't this mess up the timescale for the first plot data?

    If you use Waveform data types, the "t0" of the waveform dicatate the value on the X-Axis.


  13. QUOTE (MartinGreil @ May 2 2008, 11:30 AM)

    Compare the upper loop with the lower loop.

    Take a close look at the loop exit.


    greetings from


    Help me understand this post, please.

    How does that image differ from using the "Conditional Terminal" that is now availabe in the For Loop under LV 8.5 plus.

    Never mind!

    You are looking to control in the data gets added to the arry being built in the tunnel. "Duh"


  14. QUOTE (crelf @ Apr 29 2008, 06:33 PM)

    There's some really excellent generic info about speed benchmarking code in a current OpenG discussion here :thumbup: Rather than having it die with that thread, I've created a LabVIEW Wiki page to try to capture some of it - please spend a few minutes adding your toughts to it over here.

    (cross-posted to OpenG)

    I took a quick look at that thread (did not read all) but I'd like to comment on the benchmark code images posted by orko.

    The indicator updates from the first benchmark operation can happen in parrallel with the second benchmark code. I move all of the results calculations and display to a seq fram after all benmarking is done to make sure the second snippet's time is not obscured by the perf math and indicator updates. If times are close between to snippets I'll also double check by reversing the order, just to be sure.


  15. QUOTE (Cat @ Apr 29 2008, 02:06 PM)


    Actually, I divorced him for not being geeky enough. :)

    OK, that makes sense.

    My ex-wife purchased "The Silicon Valley Guy Handbook", handed it to me and said "You look like this guy" hoping to humiliate me into dressing and acting less geeky. Little did she realized the guy on the cover was leaning on a CDC 9766 (disk drive) that just happened to be one of my specailties at the time. Needless to say it did not work (humiliating me not the disk drive) and we parted ways.

    I eventually met my current wife (while working on a CDC 9762) who was a member of the "Bit Brains' when in college and used to get a kick out of guys reactions when they attempted to use the pick-up line;

    Guy: "Do you like video games?"

    Reply: "Yes! Do you write them too?"


  16. QUOTE (orko @ Apr 27 2008, 02:06 PM)

    Geekachu - Sound made whena geek sneezes.

    Reminds me of a chicken my wife has on the kitchen table. Squeeze it wing and it starts dancing and (Johnny Cash) starts singing "Ring of Fire". We thought it was a little lame so we strapped a steak knife to the other wing to give it that threatening look.


  17. QUOTE (orko @ Apr 27 2008, 01:09 PM)

    My own personal experiences tell me that navigational skills somehow diminish logarithmically starting on the wedding day. ;)


    In my case I'd say it was a second order relationship who's second derivative is positive. There also seems to be another factor that enters the eq where my wifes naviagting quality is a function of how familiar she is with a trip. The more familiar, the poorer the directions. "You should have made the left I always make but did not tell you about."

    My wife handles the navagating in unknown teritory very well. Sho uses the old-school approach of road maps and hard-copy propganda. On our return trip from Austin a couple of years ago I felt I was on a tour bus with her reading off the historical sites along the route. She claims passing the worlds largest teddy bear store on the way back was just a coincidence. :oops: I think too highly of her to beleive it.


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