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LAVA 1.0 Content

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Posts posted by LAVA 1.0 Content

  1. QUOTE (Tomi Maila @ Mar 27 2008, 04:49 PM)

    Are you telling me that I spend 2 day on a work around instead of taking few minute to install LV 8.5?

    Well, it was interesting to explore the abyssal depth of VI Server.

    QUOTE (Tomi Maila @ Mar 27 2008, 04:49 PM)

    About your problem, please check the lvproj and lvclass files with a text editor to see if they have problems with the file locations. I think I had similar issue previously where the file locations in the lvproj file were corrupted but didn't get fixed. I didn't report this as a bug so it may still be there. If that doesn't help, try pressing ctrl + run to force recompilation of everything in memory after which save all.

    For my problem, if I change the Strictly typed VI Reference for a non-Strickly Typed one, there is no more warning at the loading. That's tell me it's not due to a corrupt files, or at least it's a systematic corruption.

    Anyway, I will try to pass to LV 8.5.


  2. In my project, I want to override some method but I need those methods to be reentrant. Since that it's not possible in the normal way, I use the VI Server way. --I have a dynamic VI to create the reference to a child static method and I use this reference to execute my method in reetrant mode--.

    So, everything is working fine except that I have this warning every time I load my project:


    In my class private data, I use a Stricly typed VI reference linked to a method with the class private data in is input/output. In short, my class private data contain a VI Server reference that refers to itself (the class private data). That causes no problem for the execution, only for loading project.

    I didn't try to compile it yet.

    Any explanation on this warning?

    Download File:post-6703-1206649819.zip

  3. QUOTE (PaulG. @ Mar 27 2008, 09:36 AM)

    "I have a bad feeling about this". If I were on my own there is no way I would take on something like this while trying to learn a new language. Most likely LV can do what this project requires, but with your background and experience in other languages it might be a lot more efficient for you (and less frustrating to your customers) to just learn the robotics (not that hard) and write the code in something you know already. There is no way that anyone can predict just how long this project will take. I inherited a project that was supposed to be done in "90 days", but went 6-months overdue because the engineer (a C programmer) was learning LV while he was working on the project. This guy eventually got so frustrated he hired me - then left - and I inherited the project as a "lone gunman". I spent the next 6 months on-site with the customer breathing down my neck daily just getting the code to work, then another year going out there to fix the occasional bug that crept up almost weekly. "Newbie" code is buggy, not well written and horrendous trying to decipher. I got it done, but it almost resulted in my permanent burnout.

    I don't want to discourage you. LV is well worth knowing. But start small. "Baby steps". And think of your peers. :)

    Ditto Paul's comments!

    The easiest/cheapest way to start is to ask your local NI rep to visit to get you started. That will not always get you good code if the local rep is not an experienced developer.

    While talking to the NI rep, ask them for the name of a local developer or company with a good reputation in your area. Hire them to cunsult on the code structure and methods to handle your challenges. If the local LV person/group knows their stuff, they should be able to layout a structure that will work the first time (well almost).


  4. QUOTE (Paul_at_Lowell @ Mar 26 2008, 02:06 PM)


    Maybe I am missing something, but your example seems to me to do what you describe to be the desired behavior. If I delete an element of the data array, the number of rows in the legend decreases by one when I run the VI.... Isn't that what you want (good!) or do you need something else?




    Property >>> Legend >>> Plots shown

    What you are looking for?



    Property >>> Autosize Legend



  5. First of all i apologize if i have started a WRONG topic

    Or else please start reading further...

    Is it posible to crack the NI license manager? The reason is my 8.2 license does not works for 8.5 even if i am eligible with a free upgrade.

    Can someone throw some light on this? Or am i too demanding?

  6. QUOTE (crelf @ Mar 18 2008, 09:11 PM)


    Right - my customers want to test their products. I've never had a requirement of "does not look like it was written in LabVIEW" :D

    I have had three request of that type in the last 6 months. Two of the three are apps that will be resold as exe's. The third is not suppsed to even look like its software.


  7. I agree with all TobyD suggestion.

    What you should worry about, it is the lack of time:

    1- Go straith to the point,

    2- use a design pattern which you are familiar with,

    3- Document, document and document your control and VI,

    4- Bring a little snack.

    Good luck!

  8. QUOTE (Darren @ Mar 20 2008, 03:38 AM)

    Sorry, I should have been more clear. You know how if you right-click in the diagram to bring up a temporary palette, when you pick something on the palette, it puts the object on your cursor to drop? Well, if you ctrl-right click instead and do the same thing, instead of dropping the object, it opens the panel of the VI (if the object you picked off the palette is a subVI). All I was saying was that it's an alternative to right-clicking on something in the palettes and choosing "Open VI", as was suggested earlier.


    Hey ! Nice trick indeed :thumbup: ..

    How come I didn't see it in the weekly nuggets, did I miss it or did you miss to mention it ? :rolleyes:

  9. QUOTE (Gerardo @ Mar 17 2008, 05:23 PM)

    Hey Ben,

    I'm not quite following how Plexxium fits in. I'm not well versed in database talk, so I may need a primer.



    WHen you have abetter idea of what you are after, post back.

    Technically speaking

    LV-DSC used to be sold as ODBC compliant. So depending on the req's the answer may be in your back pocket.

    Re: "Oil and water"

    DB's are generally implemented such that all transactions are handled no matter what and "to hell with time".

    RT is implemtned such that all operations are deterministic no matter what and "to hell with logging".

    Take care,


  10. QUOTE (Gerardo @ Mar 17 2008, 12:02 PM)

    Talk about "oil and water" !

    I would be impressed if anyone has done that.


    PS: If I had to guess anyone has done that, it would be Rolf.

    QUOTE (neB @ Mar 17 2008, 12:34 PM)

    Talk about "oil and water" !

    I would be impressed if anyone has done that.


    PS: If I had to guess anyone has done that, it would be Rolf.

    After further thought...

    You'll need a machine to serve the ODBC DB so check-out Plexxium (TM Mack Information Systems). I wrote the initial version for them and they have since then converted to SQL so that app qualifies (it is also CFR-11 compliant). If you contact them ask for "Matt" and tell them that "Ben sent you."


  11. QUOTE (Tomi Maila @ Mar 17 2008, 10:14 AM)

    Anders, are you sure the boxes are made of paper this year? Maybe they are made of plastic to save the rain forests ;)

    I suspect we have to allow more time for the transition, after all they will have to close down and layoff the Ireland branch when this happens.


  12. QUOTE (Anders Björk @ Mar 17 2008, 09:05 AM)

    Ben that was a good comment, I had some measurement eq. on a train and we had propblems with some usb devices. Do you mean that the computer itself would not be effected but usb-device would be?

    I can't be certain.

    My experience is based on using USB hubs and multiple USB DAQ devices. Depending on the version of the drivers, which devices saw the power hit, which one came up first....

    I have seen the devie ID's change. In both cases, I had to write work-arounds (to figure out which device was which) based on the I?O they supported or by device serial number. In both cases the app had to be restarted (to invoke my ID work-arounds). Restarting apps in production enviornments is generally conciderd "un-cool".

    Just trying to help,


  13. QUOTE (jdebuhr @ Mar 12 2008, 05:45 PM)


    cool stuff.. I need to actually find time to play with my Mindstorms my wife got me for Christmas, my 5 yr old keep buggin me too

    That's great that they are bugging you!

    Speaking from experience, but don't push them. I tried teaching my son Quick Basic so he code up a ninja fighting game when he was too young.

    Let them pull.


  14. QUOTE (Ki Hean Kim @ Mar 14 2008, 10:07 AM)

    Hello everyone.

    I have been working on optical imaging for biomedical applications quite a while (more than 5 years). I made decision to start to use labview recently. I am currently tackling quite a difficult problem, trying to use labview for non-ni board. Since I started, I will go as far as I can go. I wish to get some help from this community.

    It's very nice to join here and I will talk to you some time.


    Welcome to LAVA!

    Yes 3rd party hardware is quite the challenge since they seldom know about LV. BUt once you fihgt your way through the first one you find yourself elevated to a higher level and the next one is easier since you have to become confident with both sides of the fence.

    Have fun!


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