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LAVA 1.0 Content

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  1. QUOTE (MartinGreil @ May 2 2008, 11:30 AM) Help me understand this post, please. How does that image differ from using the "Conditional Terminal" that is now availabe in the For Loop under LV 8.5 plus. Never mind! You are looking to control in the data gets added to the arry being built in the tunnel. "Duh" Ben
  2. QUOTE (crelf @ Apr 29 2008, 06:33 PM) I took a quick look at that thread (did not read all) but I'd like to comment on the benchmark code images posted by orko. The indicator updates from the first benchmark operation can happen in parrallel with the second benchmark code. I move all of the results calculations and display to a seq fram after all benmarking is done to make sure the second snippet's time is not obscured by the perf math and indicator updates. If times are close between to snippets I'll also double check by reversing the order, just to be sure. Ben
  3. QUOTE (Cat @ Apr 29 2008, 02:06 PM) OK, that makes sense. My ex-wife purchased "The Silicon Valley Guy Handbook", handed it to me and said "You look like this guy" hoping to humiliate me into dressing and acting less geeky. Little did she realized the guy on the cover was leaning on a CDC 9766 (disk drive) that just happened to be one of my specailties at the time. Needless to say it did not work (humiliating me not the disk drive) and we parted ways. I eventually met my current wife (while working on a CDC 9762) who was a member of the "Bit Brains' when in college and used to get a kick out of guys reactions when they attempted to use the pick-up line; Guy: "Do you like video games?" Reply: "Yes! Do you write them too?" Ben
  4. QUOTE (crelf @ Apr 28 2008, 01:22 PM) Thanks crelf fot reminding me of this ! I give it a try and I also, as advised here, clear my labview.ini before. [EDIT] After 1h it is still running, keep finger crossed
  5. QUOTE (orko @ Apr 27 2008, 02:06 PM) Geekachu - Sound made whena geek sneezes. Reminds me of a chicken my wife has on the kitchen table. Squeeze it wing and it starts dancing and (Johnny Cash) starts singing "Ring of Fire". We thought it was a little lame so we strapped a steak knife to the other wing to give it that threatening look. Ben
  6. QUOTE (orko @ Apr 27 2008, 01:09 PM) In my case I'd say it was a second order relationship who's second derivative is positive. There also seems to be another factor that enters the eq where my wifes naviagting quality is a function of how familiar she is with a trip. The more familiar, the poorer the directions. "You should have made the left I always make but did not tell you about." My wife handles the navagating in unknown teritory very well. Sho uses the old-school approach of road maps and hard-copy propganda. On our return trip from Austin a couple of years ago I felt I was on a tour bus with her reading off the historical sites along the route. She claims passing the worlds largest teddy bear store on the way back was just a coincidence. I think too highly of her to beleive it. Ben
  7. QUOTE (Aristos Queue @ Apr 10 2008, 08:47 PM) I did that, and during the mass compile LabVIEW crashed... What shall I do now ?
  8. QUOTE (crelf @ Apr 25 2008, 08:48 AM) Ok that poorly woded quip before running off to work did hit that mark. I'll try again. "What prize would be at the the end of a geocache adventure that would motivate LAVA to stop talking and run off to start geocaching?" Ben
  9. QUOTE (Cat @ Apr 24 2008, 02:53 PM) As I read this thread the question arose "What prize would be at the the end of a LAVA geocache adventure?" A LV Scripting License? Ben
  10. QUOTE (PaulG. @ Apr 23 2008, 03:12 PM) I don't have time to develop this idea myself but I'll toss it out there anyway. I think the code would appear much simpler while also demonstrating LV's natural strength if sub-VI's with good icons were used for each phrase of the song with names like; XX_Bottles_of_Beer_on_the_Wall - icon of wall of beers (which in-turn calls ...) Bottles_of_Beer - icon of a bottle of beer Take_One_Down - icon of beer being taken down Pass_It_Around - icon of beers being passed The loop would "look" like the song and in execution highlighting it could act ou the song. And to give it that extra "LAVA-twist" add scripting to change the icon of "Pass_It_Around" to animate the passing. Now I challenge someone to do THAT in "C". :thumbup: Ben
  11. QUOTE (Micael @ Apr 24 2008, 07:54 AM) If you do a search Objects >>> Structures >>> Shared vaiables you will get list of ALL of the shared variables. I have not heard of any way to search for a specific shared variable. A number of the LabVIEW Champions have fed-back that this situation should be addressed. Ben
  12. QUOTE (Jim Kring @ Apr 23 2008, 12:58 PM) I agree... In fact, I only wanted to boost my count to bring me closer to the 5-bit count club.
  13. QUOTE (jbrohan @ Apr 23 2008, 01:29 PM) Yep.. I saw the same thing on a computer I just installed, I switched to firefox 2 and have no more problem. Another way to solve this issue would be to install the up to date flash player I guess.
  14. QUOTE (osiris81 @ Apr 22 2008, 09:43 AM) The zooms are a "sticky-wicket"! I am afraid that short of embedding an Excel spreadsheet in an ActiveX container, you are probably going to have to enhance the examples you have seen. Now if you were to go ahaed and write this solution up and then post it back here, there will probably be someone else in the future that will get a more desirable reply when they ask the same question. Ben
  15. QUOTE (richlega @ Apr 21 2008, 06:18 PM) * First buy verry good speekers (Swiss Made) http://www.piega.ch/ (I have a pair of them quite expensive, first class finish and brilliant sound) => Good Speekers- this makes aprox. 85% of the sound * Buy a good System (another 10%) * Use good cables (another 5%) (Pear cabels are always good, if you have to much money you can also use Bi-Wiring) So by using just verry good speakers you reach 85%... The rest is just luxury...
  16. QUOTE (Phillip Brooks @ Apr 21 2008, 02:23 PM) I've tried the Intelligent Chip on my guitar.. It's fantastic. No need for tuning it anymore
  17. QUOTE (wan81 @ Apr 21 2008, 07:46 AM) Hello, I don't think you can create a binary image like you can create a 8/16 bit image. If you create an 8 bit image an perform an IMAQ threshold, the result image IS binary (if you cast it to an array with the IMAQ image to array you get a 2D array of 1s and 0s) but the data type still is an 8 bit image. On the image display on the front panel, to see the binary image, you have to right click the image display, select "Palette" and "binary" http://lavag.org/old_files/monthly_04_2008/post-7452-1208763587.png' target="_blank"> hope this helps
  18. QUOTE (Michael_Aivaliotis @ Apr 18 2008, 11:47 PM) Sure you can this fits better in the lounge.
  19. QUOTE (overshot16 @ Apr 18 2008, 03:02 PM) Lets see if I can be more clear. If this is a new app that has never been deployed to a cFP THEN you will need the RT add-on. The FTP method is only available if you already have an image that was compiled for the cFP hardware. Ben
  20. QUOTE (overshot16 @ Apr 18 2008, 02:52 PM) Post collision with Ton! Just for the record, I agree with everything he says. Pratically speak yes. In theory no. The RT add-on compiles the code for the target machine. Once compiled and downloaded it is possible to get the image off using FTP. That image could in turn be transfer to another cFP unit, agin using FTP. BUT... If you don't have an image, yu have nothing to transfer and that is why I said "Pratically speak yes." you can not. Ben
  21. QUOTE (overshot16 @ Apr 18 2008, 02:40 PM) The splash screen that display when LV is loading should have an icon of a stop watch if the RT add-on has been loaded. I beleive there was seperate install disk for the RT add-on. You are corect that the option will not show up if the add-on is not there. Ben
  22. QUOTE (overshot16 @ Apr 18 2008, 02:24 PM) If you have the Real-Time add-on loaded then from a blank VI you should be able do a Operate >>>Switch Execution Target To target the cFP. Ben
  23. QUOTE (pallen @ Apr 18 2008, 06:22 PM) lol just like me ! micro$oft is good at copying nice features from others and adding "easter eggs", that's their signature...
  24. QUOTE (pallen @ Apr 18 2008, 06:12 PM) Hi, I had the same problem with Firefox 2 when I was using this microsoft power toy : Virtual Desktop Manager (to be found here : http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/downloa...powertoys.mspx) It was rather tricky, after changing from a desktop to another, pressing the apostroph key with Firefox on top would open the "quick find", but if you hit "F11" twice the apostroph key works like normal. Switch to another desktop and back again to the one that holds Firefox, you have to re-hit "F11" twice to have the key working. I got fed up with the MS VDM because it created a couple of other "funny bugs" like that . I uninstalled and now everything goes well. PS : I'm still using Firefox 2 (latest sub-version) Hope this helps
  25. QUOTE (george seifert @ Apr 17 2008, 03:19 PM) The parmetric plot connects elements that are adjoining each other with your data it looks like it connecting oposite ends. Reverse every other row of X data and see how that plots for you. Ben
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