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LAVA 1.0 Content

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Everything posted by LAVA 1.0 Content

  1. I use XML Flatten/Unflatten because it's fast and easy to implement. But we have to deal with the limitation of this method. For more sophisticated design, we use MSXML. Then, it could be more difficult depend on your XML knowledge.
  2. QUOTE(silmaril @ Jan 20 2008, 06:09 AM) That is how I see it as well with one exception. As I read the NI docs the re-cert req is 70 points vs 75 points to certify the first time. I am not sure if that is a contradiction in the docs because I never found that difference spelled out in a single location. I'd go find links for these docs on the NI site but after passing the new format I really don't want to look at that stuff again soon. . It just seems that the CLA stuff distracts me from learning more of the interesting aspects of LV. Anyone else feel that way? BTW Congrats to you Silmaril ! :thumbup: Ben
  3. I passed the CLA re-cert! and a couple of my rookies did the same. We now have 6 architects. Ben
  4. QUOTE(crelf @ Jan 17 2008, 06:53 PM) I can not disable this "boolean control" since its in the hand of the user/operator. Actually this bollean is having the mechanical action as "switch when pressed" and changing the value from "False" to "TRUE" will start running "Test scripts/suites" automatically one after the another (like loading the config files and stuff like that and all the controls in the front panel except this "boolean" are disabled) . Now Changing the Value from "True" to "False" must "ABORT" the "Test scripts/suites". and hence the "boolean" must always be enabled. Now the problem is one of the "state" in the "state machine" is responisble for the exectuion of "Test scripts/suites" automatically (its in a while loop(a while loop in a "state" of the "state machine")) and if i changes the value of the boolean from "true" to "False" then the "value" change event gets triggered which i do not want to happen. (since i am taking the control refnum of this boolean and checking the boolean state in one of the subvi) and this event i need to discard. Hope i have explained enough about the problem. Also currently i am doing some "QUEUE" operation that will remove unnecessay inserted state during this boolean event and the application is running quiet well without any problem. but somehow i am not happy with this part of the code.. So can anyone please suggest PS: The event case which handles this boolean event whose property "Lock Front Panel until the event case for this event completes" has been "UNCHECKED"
  5. QUOTE(TobyD @ Jan 16 2008, 12:08 PM) This is what i am doing right now. but I have a "INSERT QUEUE" function that will navigate the control to diferent part of the states in the state machine. On the "value change" from "True" to "False" i would not like to navigate to other states.(rather i would like to stay in the "IDLE" state which is the state where i handle all the value chnages and other events in the EVENT structure). Only when the boolean value is changed from "False" to "TRUE" i would like to navigate. So i need a mechanism to discard the event. It looks like registering this boolean dynamically and handle the events would be a good idea. let me try it out.........
  6. What's a boolean event? what i meant to say that you create an "value Change" event for an boolean...
  7. Hi there, I have one question.. Is it possible to discard an event (a boolean (button press) event)? I dont want the event to get triggered when i toggle the boolean from "True" to "False" I know that the "Panel close?" has this feature available on the event structure (see the image attached) , but how to make it visible for the boolean events (or any other events)?
  8. QUOTE(crelf @ Jan 15 2008, 03:12 PM) Hi Chris, "Crazy talk" is part of any good brainstorming session. I am just trying to contribute. Ben
  9. QUOTE(crelf @ Jan 15 2008, 02:33 PM) But with new users we can just tell them not to click "Yes" if they have any questions. What we say for this type of GUI, "Just don't touch the mouse."? Ben
  10. QUOTE(rpursley @ Jan 15 2008, 01:41 PM) Even if there were a delay, it would make me nervous. Imagine if the GUI was designed such that without moving the mouse, it kept onpening lower level screens until (without any effort on the users part) the ..... confirm order button is floated over for too long. It would be like the monthly book club "If you do not respond we will assume you want this book." Give me a click, left-eye-blink, left-foot-tap, whatever, that allows me to DO SOMETHING to indicate my selection. Ben
  11. QUOTE(Aristos Queue @ Jan 15 2008, 12:17 PM) First thoughts.... It makes me feel like my mouse buton is stuck. Forget about mouse-over to figure out what is under that thingy, you are going there if you like it or not. Ben
  12. QUOTE(Aristos Queue @ Jan 15 2008, 12:17 PM) It's a bit dizzy , with unsolicited answer to some question!
  13. QUOTE(Thang Nguyen @ Jan 14 2008, 07:12 PM) MAX has a utility to convert your SCF and histories. The read tag VI will get converted to shared variable reads. If y have "Read Tag" VI's in a loop that use tag names to read from, then you can use datasockets reads to do the same thing. Dynamic events can be registered for tags if required. Ben
  14. QUOTE(H_H_H @ Jan 14 2008, 01:02 PM) Try something like this for your conversion. Read LabVIEW help for %T definition. To get time in second: To get time in timestamp: Eric
  15. QUOTE(thomas2609 @ Jan 10 2008, 12:37 PM) Hello, Does this actually works for you ? I have WIN XP Pro and for me the only information that is correctly read is the timezone, all the other information that are read do not correspond to the actual windows date and time ; and the write function does not seem to have any effect Any idea ?
  16. Hi there, Could some one explain little more about "Request Deallocation " this function? (Apart from whats there in the NI Help ) Can i use this in all the subvi's thats been called by the "Main" vi ? Is there any limitation for the same?
  17. QUOTE(Norm Kirchner @ Jan 11 2008, 03:00 PM) We used to have the very first person to get their "A" for LV and TS. We called her "The Architect-Supreme". But what really prompted me to reply was mention of BOLOGNA! I love Bologna so much that I am not disappointed when my wife does not cook. It gives me another excuse to eat BOLOGNA. Ben
  18. QUOTE(crelf @ Jan 11 2008, 12:59 PM) Now stop that! :headbang: Ben
  19. QUOTE(Seeker @ Jan 11 2008, 02:10 PM) Again welcome! Is that Guy Gardner? Ben
  20. QUOTE(i2dx @ Jan 11 2008, 05:19 AM) Not that I reacall. A VERY BIG Congratulations for that feat! And since its now Friday.... I'll back a shot for both of you. Ben
  21. QUOTE(TobyD @ Jan 10 2008, 03:50 PM) A very big congratulations to you! I know how you feel. Wait until tomorow but you have my permision to toss back a couple of shots to celebrate. Ben
  22. QUOTE(Phil Duncan @ Jan 9 2008, 08:48 PM) Not sure if http://forums.ni.com/ni/board/message?board.id=170&view=by_date_ascending&message.id=150798#M150798' target="_blank">this meets your needs. It is a thread on the Dark-Side were "vivi" posted "TerraView". I used it to get the topo maps of the Monongahala RR I am modeling. Ben
  23. Hi, I use many of HHP 3800 in clean room and warehouse environement and we are satisfied. I use a keyboard wedge, so the drivers are useless. Eric
  24. QUOTE(alfa @ Jan 10 2008, 03:09 AM) But look at it as an oppertunity Alfa. You can operate in more dimensions so with time you may be able to counter the negative vibes with an equal but opposite field. BTW: I now concider The Fifth Dimension" "Alfa's Blog". This makes your blog the most read blog in the LabVIEW world! Thanks for vibrating in a space I can sense. Ben
  25. Thanks for the replies... Using the "memory eraser" would be good idea....
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