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LAVA 1.0 Content

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Posts posted by LAVA 1.0 Content

  1. You mentioned building a class.... which to me inferrs that you are using 8.2 or above... yet you say you're on 7.1.1

    I'm assuming that you have mixed up your terms. That being said, had my system not rebooted before my earlier reply got sent, I would have said the same thing that Mike said regarding XControls.

    The one drawback to this approach is that you can not simply extend the properties of an existing control... say a slide

    You would need to replicate all of the properties of the single control you are intersted in within the XControl in order to expose them from the property nodes. Otherwise you will only have a ver generic set of properties available which although would include yours.

    I suggest that you investigate the Property Saver toolkit mentioned by Yen in another thread. I beilve that this is the link to it. This toolkit will allow you to extract all properties of a specific control for saving and other purposes {exposing in an x control}

  2. It's always good to meet with other people that enjoy coding with LV...

    Meetings could be as formal or informal depending on purpose.. We're thinking of covering advanced topics with an open forum, where everyone participates, thus exchange of ideas. As for informal meetings, we could have "get togethers" at places like "The Works". They have private dining areas for small groups (~10). I'm sure we all have "beer dinking LV stories" ;)

    As Heiko mentionned, "we also plan on keeping these meetings from becoming NI sales pitches".

    << No sales / marketing! >>

  3. One thing that hasn't been asked. Can you program anything at all. When it comes down to it, LV is just another programming language, and if you can come up w/ some pseudo code or code in some other languauge it will also make this much easier.

  4. QUOTE(ronanmcc @ Aug 26 2007, 12:18 PM)

    I know its a tall order...... But I'm Desperate!!! :wacko: .... If anyone knows of the Vi's that come with the hytek unit, I reckon they might be able to tell me at least which of them to use, and how to incorporate them!.... btw, good metaphor!

    Ok, Mr. Desparate. 99% of the folk here will scoff at your idea because they have all but forgotten how it feels to reap the benefits of ones own procrastination.

    Also you'll get lots of blowback about how you just can't learn LV in 10 days. I agree w/ them but I would rather get you by now w/ some over the top guidance on my behalf to get you to pass a project which I'm assuming that you're not the only one on.

    Anyways, if no one helped you, you would become one of those ppl who go on for verses about how LV is too hard to do anything.

    SO, that being said, ~,~The Captain accepts your challenge.

    So to start, put together a front panel display of what you want your end product to look like. No code.

    This picture along with a description of what you want to do may get us down the right track.

    Keep in mind, that the better you put together this front panel, the easier it will be to understand what your objectives and priorites are.

    Let the games begin!

  5. So the wife is out w/ her sister watching a movie and I'm left @ home w/ the baby and a short-stack of honeydoos. Whilst my head is in the tub and breathing in a disproportionate amount of scrubbing bubbles to oxygen somthing occured to me through the 5-th dimension.

    For as many times that we have heard from Aristos Queue that there are no constructors or deconstructors regarding LVoop....I disagree.

    Also..regarding the fact that when referring to an objects parents we must say 'she' or 'her' because a child that only has 1 parent must have at least a mother as stated by Aristos Queue on multiple occasions.. I also disagree

    I say that the man himself Aristos Queue, a.k.a. Stephen Mercer, is god of all objects and the Grand Object Constructor and deconstructor all in one!

    Thus proving that god exists and is a man!


  6. QUOTE(Justin Goeres @ Aug 25 2007, 04:59 PM)

    Now I know what Kara will be telling me to stop singing for the next few days.

    Also, I saw this the other day and it reminded me of when I used to use Global Variables everywhere.

    Actually that's a singleton Coke Box. Only 1 cat can get into the data at a time.

  7. Well not for long term monitoring, but as far as short term goes, I've found a custom probe I made 'Logged String' to be very useful.

    Logs last 48 elements real time and gives plot of delay between updates, so you can see if you have any states taking really long or whatever you can think of.

    Enjoy and use in good health


    UPDATE: Just saw PJM's post above mine :oops:

    eh, I like mine more anyways

  8. QUOTE(Daklu @ Aug 21 2007, 11:58 PM)

    Yikes! That sounds ugly. Thanks for the tip--guess I'd better break out the help files.

    It shouldn't be that ugly, once you determine what commands and information need to be sent back and forth between LV and the JAVA app you will have a finite set of rules to handle. Simply watch the port for a command and length of data then wait for the correct number of bytes to come through and digest them in the proper state.

    How big is the list of possible interactions between the Java app and LV?

  9. I had another idea that went up on Twitter so I'm not sure who all saw it on the blog

    But how bout a shirt that says

    Front: Would you like to see My x-node

    Back: AutoGrowEnabled=TRUE


    OH My

    Someone stop me HAHAHAHAHAH

  10. Tomi recently posted a comment about

    preferring a left handed keyboard. I've read and contributed to several posts about handedness, ergonomics and such. I keep wondering what the breakdown of right handers vs. southpaws is in the LabVIEW community. Maybe an unscientific poll will make me feel better...

    Lefties unite!

    Start coding in LabVIEW right to left!

    Start a petition now to move shift register and case inputs to the right!

    Rebel now! Set your posts to right-justified!

  11. QUOTE(eaolson @ Aug 17 2007, 09:45 AM)

    Ah, I see. That's very clever. It does mean that every time you redraw the picture the entire string has to be rendered. In the case of many graphical primitives, that might be slow. Flattening and unflattening the picture forces it to become an array of pixels. I imagine there is a CPU/memory tradeoff there.

    Hmm. I just noticed Draw Rect has an unnecessary type coersion that doesn't seem to be in any of the other picture functions.

    The nice thing is, you can send a string directly into a picture control terminal and it figures out what to do right away(as long as its formatted right), and for the picture control to string you use the cast function which didn't seem to add any overhead.

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