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LAVA 1.0 Content

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Posts posted by LAVA 1.0 Content

  1. There are a number of activities taking place during the evenings.. I am curious to the dress code for the "Annual NIWeek Conference Party". Here are some of the activities that I'm aware of (for evenings):Salt Lick / LAVA OpenG BBQ

    NI Community Block PartySalt Lick / LAVA OpenG BBQAnnual NIWeek Conference PartySalt Lick / LAVA OpenG BBQ

    The Ginger Man Pub (date?)Salt Lick / LAVA OpenG BBQ

    Are there any other?

    did I mention the Salt Lick / LAVA OpenG BBQ ?

  2. QUOTE(tcplomp @ Aug 1 2007, 07:03 AM)

    ...I don't know how long a serial cable can be...

    From MANY years ago, I recall that the max length of an RS-232 cable was 25 feet for unshielded and 50 feet for shielded WITH soldered pins inside the hood. The transmission rate was 9600 bps.

    I would suggest going to RS-485 if your remote devices support it. You'll need an RS-485 adapter in the PC or have to use a USB to RS-485 adapter.

    Another choice might be using a device like those from Lantronix. You connect the RS-232 / RS-485 devices to the device server, then the device server to a LAN. You use TCP/IP to connect to the server, then use escaped strings to select the rs-485 device.


    The Lantronix devices are also available in wireless, definitely a plus when working at home :)

  3. You obviously spoke to the wrong person, the instructions specifically said to contact yourself and ask for nothing...

    I liked the benefits section:

    -A large area of land (known to the locals as 'Texas') filled with servants willing to do your bidding free of charge for no logical reason whatsoever.

    I assume this includes the greater Austin area ;)

  4. QUOTE(Jim Kring @ Jul 25 2007, 03:29 PM)

    JKI would like to donate one VI Package Manager 1.1 Professional Edition license with one-year support and upgrades.

    I would like to personally donate one signed copy of LabVIEW for Everyone.


    You should bring a few "extra" copies of your book. I'm sure some people may want to buy a signed copy during NI Week. (Myself included).

    I read through this thread and didn't see the cost for the BBQ.. (Don't have a PayPall account, yet)..

  5. QUOTE(orko @ Jul 26 2007, 03:18 PM)

    " differently...does it?

    If you try to retrieve a PDF file (or other binarary file) without the [text] suffix, the Datasocket Read function throws an undefined error (-2146797887).

    It's a wild guess on my part, but maybe the text/html tags have something to do identifying extended character sets for non-english versions of LabVIEW.

    It would be nice if the Datasocket read returned the content-type as a string; then you could use a case to determine how to process (present) the data. If the content-type was "image/jpeg" you could convert it to a pixmap like crelf did here[/post], you could write the content (string) to a file and then pass it to my IE Dialog box located here, or use [color=#006400]system exec[/color] to open the file.

  6. QUOTE(orko @ Jul 26 2007, 11:52 AM)

    , etc) somewhere I can stare at?  I also am curious what is handling these specifiers... is it your default browser, or some core TCP/IP functions of the OS?

    If I understand your question, it's your browser that is handling this; they are referred to as Mime types[/post]

    What does the internet have to do with Marcel Marceau? I have no idea :P

    (OK I was a mime; and can still do the walk and box and rope shtick.)

  7. In addition to any other technologies NI is planning on using Twitter (www.twitter.com/niweek) to update conference attendees on the latest changes in conference schedules, cool demos, etc. You can check these udpates at the link above or sign up with Twitter (free) and have them routed to your other favorite tech gadget including text messages on your cell phone.

    Using Twitter you can also create and communicate with your own network of contacts at the conference and let them know about anything cool that you see, your thoughts on the sessions and keynotes, or where you'll be for happy hour. Think of it like a cross between text massaging on your phone and blogging.

  8. A shift register sounds like what you want to use.

    I'm guessing you have a while loop around the case structure. You place a shift register on the while loop, then wire an integer constant (typically -1 or 0) to initialize the register. Wire the shift register through the case statement, and increment (or decrement) the value of the shift register as needed. Be sure to connect every case, or the value of the shift register may not be what you expect...

    Your feelings were correct, using hidden controls and property nodes for internal data is generally considered "bad form".

    http://forums.lavag.org/index.php?act=attach&type=post&id=6450 (LabVIEW 7.1)

  9. QUOTE(zoogies @ Jul 20 2007, 01:06 PM)

    Just wondering if I can do this:

    If I want to perform a series of operations on the camera, I can do an IMAQdx open camera at the beginning, then feed the output dup IMAQdx session into several subVIs (which take the output IMAQdx session as an input IMAQdx session for some other provided IMAQdx VI like snap), each of which output the dup session again until it finally reaches IMAQdx close camera?

    It should be possible, right? I just wanted to check before committing to doing it.

    The question is not "is it possible?" but "is it going to do what I expect it to do?" ; answer won't necessarily be the same !

    I think you should use a state machine architecture and do the "open session" before the while loop, wire the IMAQ session into a shift register and have a state for each operation you need to perform.

    Fill free to ask if you need example to help you code this.

    Hope this helps

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