So that you don't get confused the next time you use "Array to Cluster" and attempt to probe its output, the issue you were having earlier was just due to the way LabVIEW names the output of "Array to Cluster".
LabVIEW takes the name of the input wire and appends [0], [1], [2], etc to it to name each item in the cluster. It also gives the cluster itself that name. Therefore, in your first probe window:
Array (1-D Array of Strings) -------Array to Cluster--------> Array (Cluster of: Array[0] (String), Array[1] (String), Array[2] (String), Array[3] (String) ...)
And in your second probe window:
"" (1-D Array of Strings) ----------Array to Cluster-----------> "" (Cluster of: ""[0] (String), ""[1] (String), ""[2] (String), ""[3] (String)) where "" is a placeholder for an empty string (the default name of a constant).