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Jim Kring

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Everything posted by Jim Kring

  1. QUOTE(Aristos Queue @ Mar 10 2007, 06:19 PM) I know a good technical writer with experience in http://forums.lavag.org/index.php?showtopic=4895' target="_blank">the 5th dimension...
  2. QUOTE(Val Brown @ Mar 10 2007, 10:12 AM) Maybe your question and assumption are related...
  3. QUOTE(Aitor Solar @ Mar 10 2007, 12:17 AM) http://forums.ni.com/ni/board?board.id=beta13''>http://forums.ni.com/ni/board?board.id=beta13' target="_blank">http://forums.ni.com/ni/board?board.id=beta13
  4. QUOTE(CRoebuck @ Mar 9 2007, 04:38 AM) Yes, it's one of my (our) favorites. At JKI, we love to end a good meeting with some visionary discussions aided by some quality brew But, we try to do it after all the wire-working is done
  5. QUOTE(Guia @ Mar 8 2007, 05:30 AM) That's an understatement
  6. QUOTE(didierj @ Mar 8 2007, 02:00 AM) "Tea" :question: , I thought you were THE "coffee"-man? See here -- another fun thread to read while the file server is down
  7. QUOTE(crelf @ Mar 7 2007, 07:42 PM) A string-typed Case Structure must have a default frame, so the only sensible thing to do is to make it a run-time error, since the compiler can't possibly catch this. So you win that argument... by default
  8. QUOTE(crelf @ Mar 7 2007, 06:24 PM) I'll beat Michael to the punch... At JKI, we have a general policy to avoid default values on output tunnels of structures. They are just bugs waiting to happen, much like the default frames of case structures.
  9. Didier, Thanks for all your many contributions to the community Please don't be a stranger. Cheers, -Jim
  10. QUOTE(Michael_Aivaliotis @ Mar 6 2007, 07:57 AM) I smell an another alias (Sherif). See this new member's introduction post. http://forums.lavag.org/index.php?act=attach&type=post&id=5133 Am, I just being paranoid? By the way, check out the signature -- "Help a man when he is in trouble and he will remember you when he is in trouble again" -- is he taunting us?
  11. QUOTE(crelf @ Mar 6 2007, 07:15 AM) Reporting to the admin works. And, a little public shaming for repeat offenders doesn't hurt, either.
  12. QUOTE(Damien-FR @ Mar 6 2007, 07:05 AM) The VIPM throbber is done with an animated image. Keep your eye on our How'd They do That? forum and you might see it explained in detail, some day soon. Thanks,
  13. QUOTE(Michael_Aivaliotis @ Mar 3 2007, 12:51 PM) Are alnaimi and alameer the same user? alameer just sent me this PM: http://forums.lavag.org/index.php?act=attach&type=post&id=5131 The signatures and usernames have an uncanny resemblance.
  14. QUOTE(orko @ Mar 5 2007, 07:07 PM) There have been rumblings of an 8.2.1 release. You might want to wait until this is released. :2cents:
  15. Yen, Here are my thoughts... Use Apache -- you get SSL for free and ports 80 and 443 will get past nearly all firewalls (if you have an externally visible IP address). Also, if your repository is served by a windows machine, you can use NT Domain Authentication (with the right Apache Mod). Set up a single repository for all your projects and use the following structure: /trunk/projects/ProjectName1/ /trunk/projects/ProjectName2/ /branches/projects/ProjectName1/BranchName1/ /branches/projects/ProjectName1/BranchName2/ /tags/projects/projectname1/TagName1/ /tags/projects/projectname1/TagName2/ This will allow you to easily checkout a sandbox of all your projects (/trunk/projects/), without getting any of the branches or tags. The only downside, is that you will need to configure your access file settings in triplicate (one for each project's trunk, one for each project's branches, and one for each project's tags), but the benefits far outweigh this minor annoyance. Thanks, -Jim
  16. QUOTE(Aristos Queue @ Mar 4 2007, 10:38 PM) I figured that you did, I just thought it would be a good opportunity to get up onto my soap box and impart some friendly advice that might benefit those lurking on LAVA. I've been there and I've done that... and occasionally, I still do...
  17. Hello LAVA'ers, There is a new version of the OpenG Package Builder tool (ogrsc_package_builder package) available. This tool allows you to create package files that can be installed using VI Package Manager. http://forums.lavag.org/index.php?act=attach&type=post&id=5118 This release resolves an issue caused by a LabVIEW 8.x bug with handling variant coercion (see here for bug details). See here for more info about this release. You can download and install this library (as well as all the OpenG libraries) using VI Package Manager. Thank you,
  18. QUOTE(Aristos Queue @ Mar 4 2007, 08:51 PM) I'm not trying to rub salt in the wounds, but rather, give some perspective in the context of the moment... Even for one-person projects, source code control is invaluable. For example, you can create an SVN repository on your local machine and checkout a sandbox for working on your personal projects. This will give you a safety net, even if you're not using the corporate repository. TortoiseSVN makes setting up a local repository very easy, by the way.
  19. JKI is excited to announce that we are now accepting applications for the VIPM 1.1 Beta Program, which will be starting very soon. Please see here for more information: VIPM 1.1 Beta Program Sign-up
  20. QUOTE(Irene_he @ Mar 3 2007, 09:57 PM) Irene, Yes, Michael and I chat all the time. However, making conversations visible on LAVA means that others get to participate and contribute. In this case, Ton discovered a beautiful gem and shared it with us. Maybe that wouldn't have happened if we hadn't taken our discussion public. I think it benefits everyone to have an open discourse. -Jim
  21. QUOTE(tcplomp @ Mar 3 2007, 11:26 AM) I think that Michael is going to need to buy us both beer Great work, Ton! Now we just need some nice VIs for setting these actions in the Windows Registry (so that we don't need to run .reg scripts)...
  22. QUOTE(tcplomp @ Mar 3 2007, 10:55 AM) See my 3rd update to my previous posting for a fully working solution :thumbup: Also, it's worth mentioning that this OS Open Document Application Event is exposed when you have the SuperSecretPrivateSpecialStuff=True setting in your LabVIEW.ini file.
  23. QUOTE(tcplomp @ Mar 3 2007, 03:46 AM) Ton, That's a great find! Does it work for files sent with DDE (after the App is already running)? I wonder if there is any way to suppress the error message. Thanks, [uPDATE] Yes, it works when the app is already running. Very cool! :thumbup:
  24. QUOTE(Ben @ Mar 1 2007, 05:32 AM) I agree. I've heard the rumblings of an 8.2.1 and that the release notes are astonishing.
  25. QUOTE(jimi @ Jan 22 2007, 07:38 AM) Hi Tomi, I spent some time today trying to come up with a by reference pattern that would work. Basically I've come up with something very similar to yours -- I'm pretty convinced that you need "dual hierarchies" (by value and by reference). Your example is a bit better than mine, so I won't bother posting mine, right now
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