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Jim Kring

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Everything posted by Jim Kring

  1. Any takers? I guess that everyone is just as stumped as I am.
  2. Actually, you can do a whole lot more than just look, while in the Repo-browser window. You can move (drag and drop) folders/files to other locations in the tree, rename folders/files, delete folders/files, and a whole lot more. Moving and renaming repository folders in this way is significantly easier (fewer steps) than trying to do it in your sandbox (Windows File Explorer) via the SVN right-click options. [update] one more thing you should be aware of, is that (in the Repo-browser window) you sometimes have to refresh folders (press <F5> with folder selected or right-click on it and select "Refresh") to view their contents.
  3. OpenG Builder has the capability to read a software version number from a configuration file and write this to a front panel control (cluster of version, date). OpenG Builder is the ogrsc_builder package which you can download using VI Package Manager. It can be launched from the menu at Tools>>OpenG Builder...
  4. If LabVIEW was going to crash, then it would crash the first time the code was run (probably). Also, this code is (obviously) used as an editing tool (text attribute of StringConstant, remember) and I have no problem rewriting an editing tool when it does start crashing LabVIEW (many of mine do) or when the Text attribute of the StringConstant is implemented by NI. I'm not too worried about it -- LabVIEW crashes much more often for lesser offenses. However, I agree with you, in principle. :2cents:
  5. Hi Justin, I haven't tried this, but I noticed that WebEx and AOL have joined up to create a WebEx AIM IM client that supports some meeting-like features: http://www.webex.com/solutions/secure-instant-messaging.html Supposedly they have a free client that supports 1-on-1 meetings. (commercial version probably supports multiple people per meeting) -Jim
  6. There is a very important day coming up on Feb 13th -- the Valentines Day Patent is expiring
  7. Jim Kring


    When did LAVA get a vision lab? I missed that announcement
  8. Jim Kring


    I wonder if we'll ever get one of those in the Exploratorium, here in San Francisco. I could spend a few days playing with that -- but, I can only imagine how long you'd have to wait in line.
  9. Yes there is a solution. No, it's not easy. Generally, this is done in Windows via DDE. Unfortunately, LabVIEW's doesn't have VIs for doing this. You might want to look at this OpenG article for more info: OpenG: File Handling Guidelines
  10. I am looking for a cross-platform way to programmatically cause a context menu to appear for a front panel control. Any solution? Thank you,
  11. Download File:post-17-1170534763.mpg Please, be patient while video (2.28 MB) loads: <EMBED TYPE="application/x-mpeg" SRC="index.php?act=attach&type=post&id=4834" WIDTH=240 HEIGHT=180 />
  12. You forgot to typecast your reference. Sometimes it is easier to wait for a problem (ask for forgiveness) than wait for a solution (ask for permission) ;-) One instance where this technique works really well is type casting "strict" VI References to non-strict VI references. Opening them strictly is useful for reserving them for Call By Reference, however casting them to non-strict is useful for storing them with other VI References (in an array) and still being able to access VI properties and methods with the non-strict reference.
  13. Tomi, This is a really great idea! I truly hope that we can make this idea work. I love the idea of having not having to carry around the GOOP Core VIs -- XNodes are the answer. Actually, they could also be the answer to the same problem for more traditional GOOP frameworks! When you say "this is not a valid type inside the XNode" do you mean that the code inside the facade (XNode instance) or the code inside the ability VIs? If it is the latter, then you should be able to get the Application context (reference) from the Diagram reference that is passed into it. If it is the former, then I'm not sure how to solve the problem. Maybe an NI developer can point to a solution, assuming that they can be convinced that XNodes exist Also, is there any way to inspect the code behind the facade of an XNode instance? It certainly would make debugging a whole lot easier. Thanks, -Jim [uPDATE] I figured out the answer to my own question. The ini key XNodeWizardMode=True enables an XNodeWizardMenu>>GeneratedCode right-click menu option that opens the XNode facades block diagram.
  14. Dave, I'm not sure what the problem was, when you checked earlier, but the OpenG Forums are on-line now. -Jim
  15. Great work, Dany! I hope you can make it to NI Week to collect your prize Ned, this works but is plagued with the same issues as the Unflatten from String primitive (known to crash LabVIEW). So, you don't win the beer, but you do win a body shot at Coyote Ugly ;-)
  16. I forgot to mention requirement #4: Can't crash LabVIEW. Maybe it's just me, but I've had so much bad luck with the Unflatten From String function (using invalid string/flattened data) that I shutter at the thought of this solution. Your answer wins you a body shot at Coyote Ugly. And yes, there will be photos taken that will end up on the NI Week Blog, for sure.
  17. Ben, Thanks for the kind words and you're very welcome. But, I must confess that I the real reason I was lurking in the forums at ni.com, yesterday, was because LAVA was down and I was going through some serious withdrawals Happy to contribute, -Jim
  18. Here are the rules: 1) Create an XNode (not an External Node) that implements the following code, in order to get the default value of anything: 2) License your VI under the BSD license. First one to complete this challenge will get a pitcher of their favorite beer at Gingerman, this year at NI Week (and possibly have thier VI included in the OpenG Toolkit). Cheers, -Jim
  19. Ton, Create a VI with and instance of the XControl on its Front Panel and then edit the palette such that this VI is set as a "Merge VI". See here: Merging VIs in a Palette Set Thanks,
  20. Jeff: Thanks for the extra info. I hadn't tried leaving the file input unwired. Seeing as how an empty path is actually the root folder of the file system (/), this could have been a dangerous test
  21. Tomi, Yes, I would create a package file. I was thinking of also adding the Occurrences palette as a subpalette to this library's palette (for easy access). I'll get the basic project structure in place for this package (with the necessary build scripts) and then I'll let you jump in and help with the final touches -- unit testing, etc (if you're interested). Cheers, -Jim PS - who's Jimi?
  22. Thanks. Yes, the reference to SciWare was a goof up (license notice copy-paste error). But Kurt's a great guy, so there's no harm in giving SciWare a shout-out Also, I was thinking that it might be a good idea to add these VIs to the OpenG toolkit. It seems that several people found the idea of dynamically created occurrences to be of interest.
  23. Tomi, By the way, there is a way to create an destroy occurrences by calling into LabVIEW directly. See my posting, here, on the community nugget thread that you mentioned. Thanks,
  24. [CAR 41HDO7D5] In LabVIEW 8.2, it appears that the Delete file primitive has a nasty little bug, in that it ignores the confirm input, which is supposed to present an OK/Cancel confirmation dialog box to the end user, before deleting the file (or folder)! Cross-posted to ni forums, here.
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