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Jim Kring

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Everything posted by Jim Kring

  1. You can purchase LabVIEW from National Instruments (http://ni.com/labview/) and they will send you a serial number.
  2. Actually, the datasocket VIs support the HTTP and FTP protocols (on Windows) allowing one to download http:// and ftp:// URLs. I haven't tried it, but it might be the case that the datasocket VIs will use the proxy server settings configured in Internet Explorer. I'm assuming that datasocket just uses WinAPI (WinInet) calls to achieve HTTP and FTP support. Good luck,
  3. I just saw this story pop up on /. (slashdot) http://www.crn.com/sections/breakingnews/b...cleId=193600331
  4. Jim Kring


    Sometimes I type "lABview" when my Caps Lock is on
  5. If you're looking for a warm climate and a company that values passion and talent (especially WRT LabVIEW), check out JKI. Cheers,
  6. Jose, Were you able to download the OpenG Internet Connectivity Tools? If you had trouble downloading them, make sure to click on the "5 attachements" link, to make the file downloads visible (see below). You say that you followed the steps without success, but how far did you get? Please let us know how far you got and where you got stuck. Thanks,
  7. Jean-Pierre, This technique does not seem to handle temperature conversion, due to the fact that there is an offset, in addition to a scaling coefficient (e.g., 0 degF != 0 degC != 0 K). Is there a simple solution that will account for this? I can't see anything obvious that will work around this issue. Also, for some reason this code generates an error for degF and degC, but seems to work OK for Fdeg and Cdeg -- strange. Thanks,
  8. Wow! It even comes in a Student Edition.
  9. Kalidas: The svn installer for Windows should detect that Apache is installed and automatically modify your httpd.conf file and install the .so (module) files in the correct location. Are you sure that your .so files were compiled for Windows? Make sure that you have Windows binaries and not Linux or Mac OS X. Other than that, I'm not sure what the problem might be.
  10. We (OpenG and also within JKI) use the suffix (mangling) during the library build/package process (the suffix is applied at build time, prior to deployment). For project VIs we generally apply a prefix for each class/subsystem/library.
  11. See this post. I would try the Xmodem VISA.zip file that was uploaded by Snamprogetti.
  12. Jimi, I did download and run your code. I haven't had time to try to implement anything with it or really get under the hood, but I hope to, soon :-) Thanks,
  13. Take a look at these: OpenG LabVIEW Data Tools Examples Cluster to SQL INSERT Statement Get Object Attributes as XML OpenG Flatten to XML
  14. I have a project that has been using embedded (in a web browser) remote panels for accessing an application, over the network. In LabVIEW 7.0, there was a very nice feature, where dialogs and subVIs that were opened, would open on the client's computer, as well. Then in 7.1, this behavior went away -- the dialog and subVIs would open only on the server, and not on the client. Then in 8.0, this behavior reappeared. And then in 8.2, it went away again. Does anyone know anything about this or how I might be able to activate this behavior (perhaps with an app.ini setting on the server)? Thanks,
  15. Starting in LabVIEW 8.0, the File>>Save As... menu option was disabled on running VIs. However, you could still open a VI Server reference to a running VI and invoke the Application.Save method to effectively perform a Save As operation. Now, in 8.2, it is no longer possible to invoke the Application.Save method on VIs that are running in any application instance, including NI.LV.Dialog, which is used for VI launched by the menu (Tools menu, for example). Attempting to do this in LabVIEW 8.2 produces an error (Error 1507. Possible Reason(s): LabVIEW: Cannot change the name or path of a VI in its current state. Method Name: SaveInstrument). I have to wonder whether there was some good reason for this (besides protecting us from ourselves). This new limitation actually prevents some cool things that we were doing with OpenG Builder -- specifically, its ability to build parts of itself at first launch.
  16. Yes, thanks NI! This makes a huge difference in our lives :-)
  17. Create the Help About menu dynamically. I just tested this and it works :-) Download File:post-17-1157064027.vi
  18. Stick your about dialog VI here: <yourapp>\resource\plugins\lv_about.vi
  19. Gotta eat your own dog food The feature gaps become obvious, quickly. Actually, it is during the Drag Over that the Drop Between visualization (horizontal line between items) is visible. I can implement a programmatic behavior that does a Drop Between, I just can't implement (in a trivial way) the horizontal line between the items as the user drags over the items. I guess I could try to float some other control (maybe a thin boolean that is fashioned to look like a horizontal line) in order to achieve this affect. Single inheritance... it works great until it doesn't Cool. Keep us in the loop. Thanks,
  20. Until SCC settings are on a per project (rather than a per development environment) basis, I won't be using the integrated SCC. :2cents:
  21. Jeff, Thanks for the response. This confirms my fears. What I wonder, is how NI implements the Dropping Between Items in the Project Explorer window. Is this not implemented in G, using a Tree Control. It appears to me that the tree is monitoring the Drag event but also supports the Dropping Between Items. As a follow-up, it would be nice if the Drag event included (filterable) data stating whether is was a Drop Between or Drop On event, or there was some way to programmatically reproduce this built-in behavior. Thanks,
  22. David, Great VI! One comment: I think that the GObj.OwningVI property generates (opens) a new VI reference and should therefore be closed, after one's done using it. Cheers, -Jim
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