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Fab last won the day on December 18 2017

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    Austin, TX

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    LabVIEW 2010
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  1. Hi @Jim Kring, My customer is back asking what he should be including in their about page since http://openg.org doesn't work anymore? He wants to make sure he is respecting what the license says and giving a link to people to openg.org. Thanks, Fab
  2. @Jim Kring What should my customer include in their about page since http://openg.org doesn't work anymore? Thanks, Fab
  3. Semi related issue with OpenG URLs One of my customers has added to his application's About page that the app uses OpenG code. He was including the old url http://openg.org, what URL should he include now? Thanks, Fab
  4. I agree that the XControl questions should go. XControls will not make it into NXG anyway. When I teach Advanced Architectures in LabVIEW, I mention what XControls are but I skip that section because I don't think they should be used for new development. I do recertify by points but I am already very active in the community.
  5. RT @FIRSTinTexas: "...You get the best of what you celebrate..." - Dean Kamen https://t.co/0wh3nIgf4T

  6. RT @SmithsonianMag: Ten historic female scientists you should know. https://t.co/IXay7RXGiB

  7. I will let @Christian_L add to this. I was suggesting to put it in the section looking for code because the Reference Designs already solve lots of problems that people who are starting from scratch might not know about. Instead of reinventing the wheel. The reference designs cover everything from simple libraries, design patterns all the way to complete application architectures. When I teach Advanced Architectures in LabVIEW I point people to this page and I often hear: "why didn't I know about this earlier before I went and reinvented the wheel". If you prefer to include it under Beyond Basics Training, that is fine with me, as long as it is included somewhere on the landing page. Thanks, Fab
  8. Excellent work Hooovahh! I hope it is not too much trouble to keep it up to date. I would like to add to the "I'm Looking to Find Example Code and Toolkits" section the NI Reference Designs Portal at http://ni.com/referencedesigns It is a collection of reference designs that Christian Loew and his team keep updating. It started with only Systems Engineering reference designs, but now it includes several other. Thanks for adding the links to the videos we have for source code control, you could also link to our blog SCC category, so as we add new blog posts and videos, the link will be up to date. We have videos for SVN, Hg, and Git: http://delacor.com/category/scc/ Thanks, Fab
  9. RT @ProfFeynman: We are never definitely right, we can only be sure we are wrong. https://t.co/SJo5qpcO9F

  10. @labview @GDevConference A minor pet peeve of mine, I prefer to call us "LabVIEW programmers" instead of "LabVIEW u… https://t.co/UNc0IIigXk

  11. @ErynnBrook I am confused now, am I going to get my woman card removed because I do have a box of cables too? Is th… https://t.co/rlJmUc5cFO

  12. @Orbimation 100000000 likes! :)

  13. RT @GeorgeTakei: If you think authoritarianism cannot happen here in America, I lived through a time when it already did: to 120,000 Japane…

  14. @joerghampel @TheSpazmaticsTX It is a franchise, maybe you could create SpazmaticsEurope :)

  15. @stefan_lemmens Those tickets went fast! Those colleagues of you deserve a nice gift ;) See you at #GDevCon !

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