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Everything posted by Fab

  1. Tomorrow, Wednesday July 30th at 10:00 AM Pacific, http://t.co/cjZhtfzZkp don't miss it. Get #NIweek presentation tips #LabVIEW @vishots

  2. #Twitterversary Yes, 3 years ago I started using Twitter just in time for #NIWeek. I can't wait to use it in a week and share #LabVIEW news

  3. RT @NISysEng: At #niweek, come visit the #LabVIEW Tools Network Pavilion on the show floor and see the latest greatest tools. https://t.co/…

  4. they were, they were!! Delacor will add a little something to go with the NI myRIO the LabVIEW Tools Network team is giving away.
  5. If you missed @brianhpowell LAF presentation you can watch the recording at http://t.co/fdocb5niZQ #LabVIEW

  6. RT @vishots: New VI Shots post: 041 VISL Actor Oriented Development in LabVIEW - http://t.co/0WQeTWgwyN http://t.co/OPkfmsTkQJ

  7. Thanks @Sixclear for sponsoring join.me for #LabVIEW Architects Forum. Thanks to @dnatt for sponsoring the burgers:) https://t.co/eb00spjruU

  8. Jarobit, It was my pleasure to guide you through your preparation. Congratulations!!! Fab
  9. Another breakthrough close to my heart. Brain Chip Breakthrough Enables Paralyzed Man to Move Hand | Qmed http://t.co/NpwvWBtGlG

  10. Our beloved @brianhpowell will be presenting at #LabVIEW Architects Forum tomorrow, Tuesday. You can join remotely. https://t.co/eb00spjruU

  11. Delacor will have something to go with that myRIO: LAVA BBQ 2014 Registration and Call for Door Prizes - http://t.co/R6PzxfZid9

  12. If the LabVIEW Tools Network team is OK with this, Delacor would like to add an extra little something to go with the NI myRIO they are giving away. I would love to give more details, but you will have to wait until NI Week to find out what I am talking about Can't wait! Fab
  13. With tears in my eyes. I am glad this happened in my lifetime. An Exoskeleton First: FDA Clears ReWalk | Qmed http://t.co/isbvUaHdh5

  14. I will be there! Can't wait! Still working on the door prize from Delacor.
  15. Yes, I am doing some cool stuff... and just realized I forgot to remove that telling part Anyway, now it is here if you need it in the future. See you at NI Week! Fab
  16. I am sure that a lot of you already knew what the "add property" button does in the installer build specification, but I am so happy about this discovery and I couldn't find anything online that I decided to share my excitement with my friends in LAVA. The application I am building works with a third party software that requires my installer to add things to the %appdata% folder, in Windows 8 this translates to C:Users<username>AppDataRoaming The default destinations available in the installer build specification in LabVIEW includes the [Public App Data] but in Windows 8 that points to C:ProgramData The help says that clicking on the Add property button under the Destination View lets you add a new MSI property to the Destination View tree. You can find a list of MSI properties here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa370905.aspx#component_location_properties and in particular there is one called AppDataFolder http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa367565(v=vs.85).aspx Well, adding the new property AppDataFolder was enough to set the destination for my ThirdPartyApp and the installer now successfully installs files in %appdata% folder. I hope this helps others in search of this information. Regards, Fab
  17. Fab

    LAVA BBQ 2013

    I was expecting to see the update for LAVA BBQ 2014, any updates yet? by the way I got here by the traditional lavag.org/bbq link
  18. In case you guys were still wondering what happened to our Tesla Museum... here are some news on the matter: http://techcrunch.com/2014/05/14/electric-cruisebeast-creator-elon-musk-tells-the-oatmeal-hes-happy-to-help-fund-tesla-museum/?ncid=rss Enjoy, Fab
  19. Thanks for adding this, what you are saying regarding mutation history makes sense. I tend not to put default data in clusters in the private data, just as I don't put type def cluster constants that do not have default values in a block diagram (see VI Analyzer test for this one). Instead what I do is to add a method to my class that is called "Default.vi", and then generate the clusters there and return the default object that way. This way I don't have to worry about the mutation history and I don't have to worry about the organization of my private class changing. I can see now by your post why this practice inadvertently made things better for me. Thanks, Fab
  20. Thank you so much! I see what I did wrong, I was trying to set the symbols for the entire row at once and I was only getting the first 8 columns populated. Doh! I needed to set one cell at a time inside the for loop. Thanks again, Fab
  21. The problem is that I need it inside a table. Thanks for replying, it was nice to see you at NI Week. Fab
  22. This is an old thread, so I understand if nobody answers I need to be able to have check boxes in multiple columns, in my case 12 columns. I tried the MCL control that PJM found and I was able to get the symbols to show in 8 columns, more than that does not work. Any ideas how to get this done? I could always go back to the hack of old days of using the Symbol font and show the check box this way, but I want to see if there is better way. Thanks, Fab
  23. Thanks for the link, they don't have all the presentations up yet
  24. Last year they were posted at https://decibel.ni.com/content/groups/niweek-2012?view=documents I don't see a niweek-2013 community yet, I guess we will get a notification in the next couple of weeks
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