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Posts posted by LogMAN

  1. Welcome to LavaG.

    This is a queue: What Is a Queue in LabVIEW? - NI

    You probably tried to delete the control inside the queue indicator. This does not work because a queue must always have a subtype. As the error message suggests, simply drag a new type on the queue indicator and it will replace the existing one.

    Alternatively, use the 'Obtain Queue' function on your block diagram to create a new indicator based on the configured input type.

    • Like 1
  2. 19 hours ago, Peter Grant said:

    This takes 1535ms to run, returns 1441 elements. This is worse than reading the 86400 elements and letting LabVIEW manage the down sampling. 

    It probably selects all elements before it applies the filter. You can get more insights with the EXPLAIN query: EXPLAIN (sqlite.org)

    Without the database its difficult to verify the behavior myself.

    19 hours ago, Peter Grant said:

    Am I totally off base with the schema and using JSON to store the (unknown) amount of channels?

    It may be more efficient to query channels from a table than from JSON, especially when the channel names are indexed. That way, SQLite can optimize queries more efficiently.

    Find attached an example for a database to store each data point individually.

    Here is a query that will give you all data points for all time stamps:

    SELECT TimeSeries.Time, Channel.Name, ChannelData.Value FROM TimeSeries
    INNER JOIN TimeSeriesChannelData ON TimeSeries.Id == TimeSeriesChannelData.TimeSeriesId
    INNER JOIN ChannelData ON TimeSeriesChannelData.ChannelDataId == ChannelData.Id
    INNER JOIN Channel ON ChannelData.ChannelId == Channel.Id


    You can also transpose the table to get channels as columns. Unfortunately, SQLite does not have a built-in function for this so the names are hard-coded (not viable if channel names are dynamic):

    	MAX(CASE WHEN Channel.Name = 'Channel 0' THEN ChannelData.Value END) AS 'Channel 0',
    	MAX(CASE WHEN Channel.Name = 'Channel 1' THEN ChannelData.Value END) AS 'Channel 1',
    	MAX(CASE WHEN Channel.Name = 'Channel 2' THEN ChannelData.Value END) AS 'Channel 2'
    	FROM TimeSeries
    INNER JOIN TimeSeriesChannelData ON TimeSeries.Id == TimeSeriesChannelData.TimeSeriesId
    INNER JOIN ChannelData ON TimeSeriesChannelData.ChannelDataId == ChannelData.Id
    INNER JOIN Channel ON ChannelData.ChannelId == Channel.Id
    GROUP BY TimeSeries.Time


    20 hours ago, Peter Grant said:

    Should I be looking at a different way of down sampling?

    If query performance is important, you could perform the down sampling in the producer instead of the consumer (down sample as new data arrives). In this case you trade storage size with query performance. Whichever is more important to you.

    20 hours ago, Peter Grant said:

    How are large datasets like stock prices stored and distributed to display on the internet? Some must have very long time series data spanning over decades!

    Probably in a database 🤣

    Seriously, though, these kinds of data are stored an processed in large computing facilities that have enough computing power to serve data in a fraction of what a normal computer can do. They probably also use different database systems than SQLite, some of which may be better suited to these kinds of queries. I have seen applications for large time series data on MongoDB, for example.

    20 hours ago, Peter Grant said:

    How do you store and quickly extract datasets for display?

    As computing power is limited, it is all about "appearing as if it was very fast". As mentioned before, you can pre-process your data so that the data is readily available. This, of course, requires additional storage space and only works if you know how the data is used. In your case, you could pre-process the data to provide it in chunks of 2000 data points for display on the graph. Store it next to the raw data and have it readily available.

    There may be ways to optimize your implementation but there is no magic bullet that will make your computer magically compute large datasets in split-seconds on-demand (unless you have the necessary computing power, in which case the magic bullet is called "money").


    • Thanks 1
  3. 12 hours ago, Dan Bookwalter N8DCJ said:

    can it be run on a PC with just the LabVIEW runtime engine


    12 hours ago, Dan Bookwalter N8DCJ said:

    some of these PC's may have LabVIEW 2019 Full installed on them. Will it run in that case ?

    Yes. It will still use the runtime engine, which is part of the installation.

    Here is a KB article with more information on how to bundle different report classes with your executable: Create a Stand-Alone Application Including Report Generation VIs - NI

  4. I've been using OPC UA SDK for .NET - TRAEGER Docs which requires a developers license (one time or perpetual if you want updates) and is based on .NET

    They do have a GitHub repo with an OPC UA client example for LabVIEW --> opcuanet-samples/lv/Basic/Client at master · Traeger-GmbH/opcuanet-samples (github.com)

    For my project I implemented the server in .NET and utilize event callbacks and objects to pass data from/to the node manager. This works very well if you are familiar with the common pitfalls of calling external code in LV...

    Also looked at OPCFoundation/UA-.NETStandard: OPC Unified Architecture .NET Standard (github.com) which is free if you are a member of the OPC Foundation and OPCFoundation/UA-ModelCompiler: ModelCompiler converts XML files into C# and ANSI C (github.com) which is a code generator that turns XML Node Sets into C# / C code. Haven't worked much with it as my current solution works like a charm 🤷‍♂️

    On 4/29/2024 at 11:56 AM, Gepponline said:

    I'm using LV2017 with no python functionalities so I developed a python service and used a simple text file to exchange data with labview, but now I'm looking for asomething faster than a consinuous file reading. Any ideas?

    Have you considered upgrading?

    There is also OpenG LabPython Library Toolkit for LabVIEW - Download - VIPM by JKI. IIRC it required a license and I'm not sure if it works with Python 3 and newer versions of LabVIEW.

  5. I agree, without any code it is difficult to explain how your particular VI works.

    That said, when using DAQmx you can just define the sample rate of your task and request the desired number of samples in order to achieve the desired loop time.

    Here is an example that reads a voltage from a channel at a rate of 1000 Hz, 500 samples at a time.

    The read function is blocking, so the loop runs at exactly 500 ms intervals.



    Timing Example.vi

  6. There is no way to change the scope for elements inside a cluster. You can only hide them on the front panel.

    Your solution to unbundle the private cluster and bundle the public cluster is the best way to hide internal complexity.

    If you just want to omit certain parameters without explicitly unbundling/bundling, you could also serialize to and from JSON. Of course, this comes at a performance cost.

    Note, however, that this only works if the element names are exactly the same.

    Here is an example using JSONtext



    Convert Clusters using JSONtext.vi

    • Like 1
  7. 31 minutes ago, hooovahh said:

    I'm also not sure why this works only in the enabled structure.  I wouldn't expect the structure to be a non-reentrant type function.  And it doesn't, when I put a wait in there as a test.

    Probes on the top-level diagram of the parallel For Loop simply show no debug info unless debugging is enabled. Any subdiagram will do the trick.


  8. No. The image shows how to assign multiple event sources to a single event case in the Event Structure.

    You would have to create a custom user event and handle it in another event case to be able to do what you describe. It is just not a good solution for your particular usecase.

  9. 14 hours ago, epiz said:

    Is it possible to have two buttons in the same event structure(I don't think its possible but want to confirm).

    Yes. One event can be triggered by as many buttons as you want.


    14 hours ago, epiz said:

    Lets say one of the events is to read data from a device and it displays on the vi. Is it possible to just create another event that can simply just pull that said data and write it to a file?

    Technically yes but this is bad design because it would have to go through the UI thread, which is super slow.

    There are more robust ways to do that. Please take a look at the "Continuous Measurement and Logging" project template that ships with LabVIEW.

  10. Not sure if this is relevant but there appears to be an issue with the file paths when loading the script node. The debugging window is displayed when placing the node on the block diagram (notice the unreadable characters in the file extension):


    It often results in a crash but when it doesn't you get another debugging window when executing the VI:


    It also reports the same error code as the one mentioned above:


    This is running on Windows 11 using LabVIEW 2013 (32-bit) and Python 2.7 (registered in PATH) with the latest version of LabPython from VIPM. msvcrt.dll is available in SysWOW64 and System32 (part of Windows).

    Not sure what causes the issue but at the very least it doesn't appear to be isolated to Windows Server 2019 🤷‍♂️

  11. 1 hour ago, acb said:

    We've explored the gray code idea, but it presents a few challenges; for example, what if the generated grayed out diagram is bigger than the diagram space it has? Do we push everything out to make room for the predicted code? Do we just clip it at the edge of the structure, move nodes, etc? We haven't dug into that yet. Ideas welcomed.

    Perhaps diagram zoom could be utilized or the change could be displayed in an overlay (or both combined)?

    For example, there could be an icon to indicate that Nigel has a suggestion:


    When hovering the icon, it could display the suggested diagram in an overlay from which I can choose to apply them:


    Suggestions could also be displayed on subdiagram level, depending on the scope of the suggestion. For example, 


    Once applied, the diagram grows to fit the new content.

  12. 55 minutes ago, acb said:

    my first post!

    Welcome to the forums 🎉

    55 minutes ago, acb said:

    What types of day-to-day tasks would you want Nigel to help you with?

    I haven't really thought about it as this was the first time I learned about Nigel (never thought anything like that is even remotely possible in LV). Still, I'm familiar with GitHub Copilot and Visual Studio's IntelliCode, which have great IDE integration.

    What I'm looking for is not so much an AI that writes my code (because I know how to do that), but one that accelerates my development process by suggesting changes in the context of my code. For example, to predict what I'm going to do and provide hints in the form of grayed-out suggestions I can simply accept by pressing a key (tab-driven-development 😉).

    Things like:

    • When I place an "open connection" function, it suggests the corresponding "close connection" function.
    • When I place several methods of a class or VISA or DAQmx, it suggests how to order them in a sensible manner (open, read, write, close).
    • When I connect the terminals of a VI, it suggests to connect error wires as well.
    • When I place error terminals it suggests adding an error case structure.

    Of course, there are more specialized tasks where a smart AI would also be really useful:

    • Creation of driver libraries, just like your example from importing a PDF to generating code.
    • Configuration of CLFNs
    • Beautify/Cleanup my block diagram
    • Suggest changes when upgrading to a newer version of LabVIEW
    • Suggest icons for my VIs 😍
    • Derive VI descriptions from code :shifty:
    • Apply changes to a set of VIs (i.e., renaming them)
    • Point out mistakes in my code (missing cases, unhandled errors, etc.)
    55 minutes ago, acb said:

    And yes, I intend Nigel to help you with your hardware and codebases that aren't the latest & greatest.

    That's awesome. I hope we can play with it soon :)

  13. 1:02:00 "... but NIgel can control your physical hardware!"

    *terminator theme intensifies*

    Jokes aside, the copilot looks interesting but it needs much better integration to be useful for any of my day-to-day tasks. It needs much faster response time and it will have to show how well it can work with legacy and non-standard code bases that aren't developed with NI's portfolio and vision in mind.

    Did they mention if and when this can be tried out?

  14. I'm not familiar with network streams but the online help provides an example for your particular scenario (scroll to the very bottom): Specifying Network Stream Endpoint URLs - NI

    Based on your code this works for me: Working Example.zip

    Edit: To provide some more explanation:

    Only one application can create endpoints in the default (empty) context "//localhost/".

    Incidentally, this is also the default context when you create a writer endpoint by name. For example, writer endpoint "my_writer" is equivalent to "//localhost/my_writer".

    In your particular example,

    •  Application B creates a writer endpoint "ApplicationA_in_writer", which is equivalent to "//localhost/ApplicationA_in_writer".
    • Application C creates a writer endpoint "ApplicationB_in_writer", which is equivalent to "//localhost/ApplicationB_in_writer".

    And since only one application can use the default context, the error happens.

    To create endpoints in separate contexts, you must specify the context in the endpoint name. For example, "//localhost:ApplicationB/ApplicationA_in_writer" and "//localhost:ApplicationC/ApplicationB_in_writer".


    • Thanks 1
  15. +1 for Unbundle. It it simple, requires less code and you understand immediately that these elements belong to the current class. They are also easier to maintain in case you ever feel the need to change the name or type of an element and work well with In-Place Element Structures in Unbundle-Bundle-Scenarios.

    • Thanks 1
  16. 13 hours ago, Mahbod Morshedi said:

    I have heard that converting everything to a class is the best approach

    Not like this


    13 hours ago, Mahbod Morshedi said:

    , but I am unable to find any suitable resources or examples for it. Most of the available information pertains to simple and uncomplicated data types.

    Because that is the goal; break down your complex and complicated data types into simple and uncomplicated ones.

    For configuration data you could maintain the path to the storage location and load the data as needed.

    • Like 1
  17. 9 hours ago, mwebster said:

    Not sure why ROLLBACK TO X didn't close the transaction, but that was the root cause.

    This is explained in the SQLITE help pages: https://www.sqlite.org/lang_savepoint.html#savepoints


    The ROLLBACK TO command reverts the state of the database back to what it was just after the corresponding SAVEPOINT. Note that unlike that plain ROLLBACK command (without the TO keyword) the ROLLBACK TO command does not cancel the transaction. Instead of cancelling the transaction, the ROLLBACK TO command restarts the transaction again at the beginning. All intervening SAVEPOINTs are canceled, however.


    • Thanks 1
  18. This appears to be a known issue in LabVIEW 2021 SP1.

    LabVIEW 2021 SP1 causes an increase in the memory usage of some applications unnecessarily over time. 


    You can disable the performance optimization which caused the memory leak by adding "MemoryManger.UseMasterPointerPool = FALSE" to the LabVIEW INI file. LabVIEW 2021 SP1 f1 patch fixes the issue by disabling the performance optimization by default.


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