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Posts posted by crelf

  1. I just noticed jgcode has hit 1000 posts. Whoo-hoo! Can't wait to see what you put in your customizable activity level...

    Ditto - after meeting him last week, this should be good :)

  2. I have had a need to make an array of NaNs several times and would think that this might be a useful addition to the math constants already there. It makes it easier to do checking to seem how many elements were actually assigned values at least once via the isNaN operator.

    Obviously others have shown how to make a NaN constant, but I agree that it should be in the constants palette. Please make the suggestion here.

  3. I found that LabVIEW is not so intelligent at data import compared to Matlab.(Just personal view! )

    LabVIEW can do everything that matlab can wrt to file loading - unfotunately LabVIEW will do what it asks you to, which is not necessarily what you *want* it to :)

    I got a set of data stored in txt file. The good thing is that it's pure numeric data, but the bad thing is that the delimiters between columns are not uniform, sometimes space, sometimes tab

    I'm glad LabVIEW doesn't read that file by default - it's an edge case, and if it read files like that by default I might think it'll try to read a file that I didn't want it to.

    Forum curteosy note: In future, please upload both an example of the file that you're having issues with, as well as example code that shows what you've tried - it's easier for us to make changes to what you've done than star from scratch on somthing that might not quite work for what you wanted.

  4. How far in advance does NI schedule NI Week? I figure if I book my reservations now there's less chance of me backing out.

    It's already scheduled - it'll be August 1st through 4th, and the LAVA/OpenG BBQ is scheduled for the 2nd <- lock it in!

  5. It's true that there are plenty of twitter accounts that announce little more than what people are having for lunch. That said, there are also a lot of facebook profiles, blogs, and emails that do the same thing, so I guess your question "should I get a twitter account" is similar to "should I get an email account" :) Like twitter, when email first became widespread, it too was mostly trivia and garbage (some might argue that it still is), but thankfully you don't have to get emails from everyone - jut like twitter: you only "follow" the accounts that you're interested in.

    So, you don't *need* to get a twitter account to experience NI-Week, but I think having one and following the right twitterers sure enhances it. The @lavag is open to all LAVA administrators, so I expect several of them to tweet cool sessions, lunch meet-ups, socialising options, etc. I know I'll vertainly be tweeting from the convention center and beyond :) Another account yo umight want to follow is @niweek

  6. Is it really just for those of you who consider yourselves "LabVIEW Leaders", or is it a chance for the rest of us to rub elbows with the bigwigs, kiss your rings, and maybe pick up a used napkin as a souvenior?

    Disclaimer: you'll find some of the LabVIEW Champions there (including me) - I can't speak for anyone else, but no ring kissing required.

  7. You have all the *installed* files on your PC, but that's not enough to include for a fresh installation. The installer needs to change reigstry settings, the target PC might have folders in different places and might need different files to what you have (you might already have other products installed that share files, but their versions could be different, etc), so there's a whole bunch of reasons why you wouldn't be able to just include the files in the installer. Sorry that it's not the answer you wanted, but your installer needs access to the NI installer files. I'd suggest that you try to make the copying to a server location part of someone else's job :) Out IT department does it for us, so whenever we get the developer suite (quarterly) it shows up on a network share in a known structure within 24 hours.

  8. Thanks for the info! I'm looking forward to it (and I don't mean just lunch :P )

    The conference is okay, I guess, but the LAVA chocolate cake they had at a lunch last year was deeeelicious! Unforuntately I piled it on my plate just before I presented, so I'm not sure if my presentation was either hyperactive sugar infused or carb coma induced. Either way, it was tasty :)

    To reconfirm view expressed above, the LabVIEW Leaders Lunch is indeed a set of tables toward the front of the lunch area that are reserved for a few people (including NI staff and some community leaders). I suggest you look for anyone sporting a "LAVA Member" ribbon on thier conference badge (we'll be handing those out at the BBQ) and shimmy up to them for some brain food.

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