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Posts posted by crelf

  1. I need a 1Gbit ethernet hub. Not a switch or a router, but a hub.

    I'm with Ben - I'm pretty sure such a beast doesn't exist. Switches were kinda phased out before gig switches became commonplace, so there was never a need for them. I think you need to tell *them* that they don't *need* a hub, and a switch is what they really want (a switch, not a router).

  2. As you all know, the transition from LAVA 1.0 to 2.0 hasn't been an easy one (in part, it's still not complete), and there's been a lot of requests to the moderators that old posts that lost author attributions. There's no easy way to do this, and the moderators currently have their hands full doing some other tasks behind the scene. So, unless you really really really need a post reattributed, it's probably not going to happen (and if it does, it'll be a long time before we can get to it).

  3. In case you missed the Aussies getting a clinic over the weekend (I'm talking to you Crelf!), here is the recap:

    Loved the vid :)

    Yeah, unfortunately we didn't have a soft goalie on the opposing team :) Also, we don't really play "football" - we're more of a real-sport country.

  4. After a decade of programming LabVIEW, I have to admit I still get bitten by stupid mistakes.

    It's not a stupid mistake - I think it's a bug that teh Array to spreadsheet primitive adds a line at the end.

  5. It does change twice - goes to true when the button is down and then back to false when the button is released.

    Anyway, I think it's better form to use "Mouse Up" <- this is the more accepted practise (allows the user to change their minds after the mouse down by dragging thier pointer off the button). There are exceptions to the rule though: use "Mouse Down" for links and anything that's related to stopping something so it happens as soon as possible.

  6. I tried to once a few years ago, but was told that it's locked. That said, I wasn't trying to add anything to the LabVIEW preferences, I wanted to use the API in my own application (why re-invent the wheel?), but I ended up making my own with a LVOOP plug-in architecture. Maybe you'll have better luck since you're working with the LabVIEW preferences? Talk to Jeff Meisel at NI - he's the guy who's leading the charge for third-party add-on development.

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