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Posts posted by crelf

  1. We've all been there Neil. To be honest with you, I don't think you're looking for integrated SCC in LabVIEW (that's a method of reuse that's slightly better than what you're probably already doing, but with all the effort required to implement it and the huge and fundamental limitations of that approach, you're just going to find yourself in the same, perhaps deeper, hole soon.)

    Thankfully the answer is simple: use VIPM.

  2. As usual, zazzle is offering a couple of promotional coupons - I'll post the second one as soon as I get it.

    ...and here it is: 10zazzlesave <- this will give you 10% off your order, irrespective of how much you spend. Now I'm not saying that you need to order a t-shirt, but if you don't get one in the next few days then it'll probably not reach you in time for NI-Week. That said, you can wear it year-round :)

  3. I just got mine (in the mail) and I think it looks smashing in green.

    I got mine yesterday and your're right - it looks awesome! Even better than last year's maroon (although I'm a New South Welshman, so anything's better than maroon...)

  4. You can define really complex ROIs, including free shapes. More info Image Aqcuitision and Processing with LabVIEW attached (sorry, no idea why the images are negatives :( ).

    That said, Antoine put it, you might not actually want to make a complex ROI if all you want to do is find the rough colour of the symbol. I'd make a binary mask based on a B/W intensity threshold then look at the average colour.


  5. Rather than re-hash all the sessions others have already mentioned, here's a couple of sessions I'll be at:

    Session: TS4420-CE

    Session Title: Long-term Investment in Test: Building Common Core Test Platforms (I'm presenting this one)

    Session Schedule: Wednesday 8/4/10 at 16:45 in room 11A

    Session Description: As we build our way back from challenging economic times, many companies are shying away from short term thinking one-off test systems and are instead investing in long term test platforms. Learn about National Instruments Software and Hardware used by industry leaders to stay ahead of the curve. Session will cover introduction to platform-based architectures, and how to implement them using NI Software development environments including TestStand & LabVIEW, as well as hardware technologies including distributed/shared resouces.

    Session Comments: I'm presenting this one :)

    Session: TS3033-MA

    Session Title: NI Requirements Gateway – A Power User’s Session

    Session Schedule: Wednesday 8/4/10 at 15:30 in room 17B

    Session Description: A lot of people are using NI Requirements Gateway, especially in the Medical and Defense/Aerospace areas. Learn how to use Requirements Gateway more efficiently to manage your projects. Topics include customizing NIRG to use your own SRS documents, creating reports, and coverage statements in your documentation / code

    Comments: Presented by Mike Rakolta - a must if you want to see how to get traceability into your projects to shorten project cycles and lower engineering risk. Even if you don't think that NIRG fits into your corporate processes, come see how you can use it personally to keep track of your work (as well as cover your butt :) )

    • What places are good to site-see around Austin?
    How long are you going to be in town? The Texas State Museum (just north of the captial building) is well worth a visit.

    • Any great places to eat?

    Yes - heaps of 'em! That said, you'll probably just want to hook up with a few LAVA members - we all know the good places. You'll know us as we always sit front-and-center at the keynotes (yes, we're geeks).

    • NI says there is a tour of their campus on Thursday morning - is that well worth a look (but it clashes with AQ's presentation tho :( )

    I'd go to Stephen's presentation. NI Corporate is neat, but unless you really really want to see where Jeff K sits, then I'd skip it.

  6. Define "green".


    As usual, zazzle is offering a couple of promotional coupons - here's the first one:

    $10.00 off order of $50.00 or more at Zazzle.com - code = NXSXKDGNLDLQKZXRREAR. This code expires on 8/6/2010.

    I'll post the second one as soon as I get it.

  7. There's something vaguely disturbing about that t-shirt image on the right...

    I know, right? Looks like the dude's shrugging something off while wearing a linebacker's pads...

    And how does on get one of these special "LAVA Member" lanyards? worshippy.gifworshippy.gifworshippy.gifworshippy.gif

    $25 Cold hard cash. Actually, just come to the BBQ - we'll be handing hte out there.

    'cause we all know the real reason engineers go to NI-Week: lanyard ribbons!

    Let's show that we are independent!

    Sorry vugie - it's too late for this year, but please ping me about 2 months out form NI-Week next year and we'll see what we can do.

  8. LAVA Member: Did crelf forget about the LAVA T-Shirt this year?

    crelf: Of course not! I've just been busy is all :)

    By popular demand, here it is: the new and improved greener 2010 NI-Week LAVA T-Shirt!

    LAVA Member: But isn't that just the same as last year's?

    crelf: Yes, and no. Last year's was a deep maroon, but this year LAVA is going green! We loved last year's logo and design competition winner so much, we decided to keep it for this year too.

    LAVA Member, Ok, ok, I want to be part of the cool crowd - where can I get one?

    crelf: I'm glad you asked -> click here to check them out <-

    (seriously - this year's theme is green - even the "LAVA Member" lanyard ribbons are green :) )

    post-181-043764700 1277773042_thumb.gif

    • Like 1
  9. There's a "delete" field under each of the statuses (stati? stata?) on the right side of the main LAVA page. Before I start censoring, is it there because I'm on the Admin list? Or can I use that field to delete status updates I don't want to see anymore for just my account?

    It's because you're a moderator - if you delete it, it's gone for everyone.

  10. Awesome! I have been wanting to go to the LAVA-B-Q for years and now I am finally getting to go to NI week. I am in.

    Fab-o! I'tll be great to see you there!

    Word of warning: the number is capped this year, so make sure you get your ticket early. I'm pretty sure we won't be selling any tickeets at the door...

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