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Michael Aivaliotis

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Everything posted by Michael Aivaliotis

  1. Haven't been on LAVA in a while and noticed this thread. Has this been submitted to the code repository?
  2. Just a reminder to every CLA to submit a 5 minute presentation idea to: michael.aivaliotis@jki.net for the 7x7 lightning round. You could win a free pass to NIWeek 2014 !!!!
  3. I think right-click is far superior to quick-drop IMO. But, yes, JKI has dropped support for it. So no use barking up that tree. It's better if NI had a built-in API to support right-click actions. If you think about it, quick-drop (and the JKI right-click) is a hack on top of an IDE that's not designed to support extensions or user-defined automation.
  4. I suggest buying a Mac mini. They start at $600. That would be adequate for what you're doing. If you like right-clicking then buy a decent Logitech mouse with two buttons. I'm not a fan of the Apple mice.
  5. Psy Ghostbusters style: http://youtu.be/82LCKBdjywQ
  6. Agreed. Once a class is loaded into memory, it cannot be unloaded. LabVIEW class factory pattern
  7. I have a project (lvproj) that claims an attribute changed every time I open it. But when I save it, the dirty dot still comes back on reopen. Any hints on how to fix this? LabVIEW 2012 SP1.
  8. No that does not explain the spambots. Spam on forums and websites has been around since the beginning of the internet. I have no idea why all of a sudden they decided to target LAVA. I guess that means we hit the big time right? - Also, Crelf and I don't hang out on LAVA that much (please don't read into that, we love LAVA). So we don't have eyeballs on spam anymore. Not offering Premium membership is a choice I've made currently and I'm evaluating the options moving forward. Just think of this period as an awesome time in LAVA's history. Hey, everyone, all this great content and wonderful discussion you can't find anywhere else... and it's free! Well, not free for me, but I'm totally fine with that for the moment. Enjoy LAVA. It's not going anywhere.
  9. Please use the report post to moderator link. otherwise we have no idea there's an issue. Believe it or not, moderators don't read every post.
  10. Please keep all OpenG discussions on these forums and not in offline email discussions.
  11. Check out the VI Shots interview I did with John here: Extending LabVIEW to the Web with LabSockets
  12. Wow, someone revived this thread. Hey, we only had to wait 10 years for a built-in solution... Sheesh.
  13. Darn, you beat me to it.
  14. A follow-up to this issue. I've released a new version of VIPM that resolves the crashing issue reported in this thread. It can be downloaded on the VIPM Labs page.
  15. This is not just an OpenG problem. This is a general issue with anyone creating and packaging reuse libraries. I think putting OpenG items in libraries is the best approach and is also the one recommended on the palette guidelines doc here: https://decibel.ni.com/content/docs/DOC-29567
  16. Actually, not enough cooks. We all are.
  17. If you were lucky enough to come to my NIWeek 2013 events presentation, you would have seen this slide which I put up as an icebreaker. No, this not photoshopped.
  18. Seems like a deficiency in Quick Drop
  19. Congrats!! - Next stop, CLA.
  20. What do you want the text to say?
  21. I suggest you all start using the new Event Inspector Window. On the left-most column you'll see a sequence#. This is a globally unique number that each event has and is used to order the events. This is a new (behind the scenes) feature of LabVIEW 2013 that guarantees that events now will always be handled in the order they are fired.
  22. Is there some way to force the use of class data accessors to access class data for class members? My use case is I simply don't want the use of unbundle node to be used. I like to massage the data (sometimes) before it's accessed and want to make sure developers and users of the data only access it through the accessors (VIs or Property nodes). Perhaps there's another way to enforce this? Note: This need is for members within a class, you can't do unbundle outside the class already. This also raises another philosophical discussion on the decision between VIreadwrite vs propertyreadwrite. What are the best practices for this and what are the factors in deciding one over the other?
  23. LabVIEW 2013 has crashed twice on me so far. Sorry...
  24. For references and more information, see worrydream.com/dbx Presented at Dropbox's DBX conference on July 9, 2013. Bret Victor -- worrydream.com http://vimeo.com/71278954
  25. Here's a mental game. In the promo video, just replace the word noflo with LabVIEW. http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/noflo/noflo-development-environment
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