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Michael Aivaliotis

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Posts posted by Michael Aivaliotis

  1. I remember I had issues with palettes appearing when I didn't want them to, unless I use an underscore to prevent the palettes from automatically loading my stuff in user.lib. I prefer to rely on menu files generated by VIPM. I'd suggest to use something like user.lib\_LAVA\packageName.

    I agree, it should have an underscore. Also, I think capitalizing LAVA is OK.

  2. I think the twitter usage at NIWeek this year will reach an all-time high. With more and more NI folks and LAVA members using twitter, it should be a fun time.

    Don't forget that LAVA has a twitter account: http://twitter.com/lavag

    The LAVA team will be using this to post last minute NIWeek goodness. So follow us!

    Also I suggest everyone update their LAVA profiles with their twitter account names so we can all keep in touch.

    Who else will be at NIWeek and using twitter? Reply to this thread.

  3. Actually, this is something that I have already given some thought to. Since there haven't been any package submissions to LAVA until now, I hadn't rushed to make a standard. I think the filename should have 'lava' in it. For example lava_lib_rcf_insert_typeconversion-1.0.9-1. What do you think?

    In addition to the package name, the other issue is installation location. VI Packages that are distributed as being part of LAVA, should be installed under a LAVA sub-palette. At least, that is the goal. Your package is an RCF plugin so this isn't an issue right now. However If you want to setup a template for doing that then that would be a great help to others.

    I like all the other fields:


    The only one I have an issue with is the homepage URL. This should point to the main download page of your file on LAVA, not the discussion thread.

  4. If you use the radio button from the system palette, you get just that. It is a simple Boolean that looks like a radio button. You can define the logic yourself and make them work however you want them to.

    Yes, you can do that but it's not a good idea to break user expectations of what a radio button represents. Checkboxes would be better in this case.

  5. Yes, that's what I was expecting, but I notice 2 things:

      I cannot collapse (which was a I function I really liked)
      It shows 'Comment' when it should say 'Reply'


    Oh well.

    I am having a problem with the portal page as well. When th page is first opened and I click on a discussion, it takes me to the forums page (not to the discussion) then if i click the browser back button and then click on the discussion it takes me to the correct place. Probably just my corpoarte machine but I am just letting you know.

    I can't reproduce, anyone else?

  6. The issue is complicated because the answer is what crelf said at the beginning. It's only new LAVA 1.0 threads that someone replies to for the first time. However, on Saturday IPS staff did an update on one of the files that triggered another bug which cause all of the posts to appear "new". So this has started the cycle again. Sorry. Just delete your RSS and start over again, or just mark them all read. This will get ironed out in the long term.

  7. ...Especially if you think about outputs: if you have an output outside of loops/structures/etc then the value passed to it may be different to that if you had it inside the only structure that really needed to access it. For example, if you create a subVI with the usually-appropriate error case around it, there's no reason (other than asthetics) to have all of your inputs outside of the case - they should be inside the "No Error" case (except for the error clusters of course biggrin.gif ). If you have other control outside, you're tempted to have all your indicators outside to, and then you have to handle what values go to them, even when the case that usually handles their value is never executed. That said, sometimes it makes sense to do that: like when you need control of values. In summary, the answer is "it depends" (I have a sense of de ja vu).

    When the VI executes as a subVI, LabVIEW has to put some value on the output indicators. regardless if the indicator is inside or outside the loop, the default values are used anyway right? So I think you have more control of the values if they are outside the loop, then you can place constants to define your outputs in the unused cases.

  8. Could someone enlighten me about the Portal page?

    I see some posts about the site, but I was expecting the latest and greatest discussions.


    How about now? I asked IPS to make a change. Before it was putting Pinned topics first, now it isn't. It should be more of what you're asking for.

    I think LAVA 2.0 requires one more click on "today's active topics" on the right side menu.

    Can you explain a little more? You want a link to today's active topics placed somewhere else? Where exactly? A screenshot would help.

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