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Michael Aivaliotis

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Posts posted by Michael Aivaliotis

  1. This is on purpose.

    I don't consider viewing a member's profile something that should be accessible to non-logged in users. This protects your information from casual visitors and Google search crawlers. If people are really interested, they should create an account.

    Also, that new content you saw was actually the support threads being created by items appearing in the Code Repository. New content is flagged by date, and since the old content was inserted preserving the original date, it doesn't show up as new.

  2. index.php?app=downloads&module=display&section=screenshot&id=25

    Name: JKI Progress Bar Dialog

    Submitter: [/url]

    Submitted: 02 Jul 2009

    Category: User Interface

    LabVIEW Version: 7.1

    License Type: BSD (Most common)

    Copyright © 2006, James Kring, Inc.

    All rights reserved.


    Michael Aivaliotis


    This code has been tested to run under LabVIEW 7.1.1. It will probably work on any newer versions but it has not been tested. Just unzip the code into any folder of your chosing and open the example called, JKI PBD Example.vi. This shows a typical use case where you want to pop-up a non-blocking dialog within a process loop and display a message and updated text from a parallel running task. In addition, you can pass a max value and updated progress value and the dialog will automatically present a percentage complete progress bar.


    - Contains an abort button on the dialog that can assist in aborting a running process.

    - You only need to pass the total number of tasks\items and the dialog automatically calculates percent complete.

    - Can specify a limited preset amount of progress images via the "animation" selector

    - Can update the status messages and progress in real-time after the dialog has been launched.

    - Setting an animation value of 0 disables animation and displays only text.

    - Handles being built into an application

    - The dialog is not modal when run in the development environment however it becomes modal when built into an executable.

    Version History:


    Initial release of the code.

    Click here to download this file

  3. index.php?app=downloads&module=display&section=screenshot&id=22

    Name: JKI Please Wait Dialog

    File Submitter: LAVA 1.0 Content

    File Submitted: 03 Jul 2009

    File Category: User Interface

    LabVIEW Version: 7.1

    Version: 1.0.2

    License Type: BSD (Most common)

    Potentially make this available on the VI Package Network?: Undecided

    Copyright © 2006, James Kring, Inc.

    All rights reserved.


    Michael Aivaliotis


    This code has been tested to run under LabVIEW 7.1.1. It will probably work on any newer versions but it has not been tested. Just unzip the code into any folder of your chosing and open the example called, JKI pwd Example.vi. This shows a typical use case where you want to pop-up a non-blocking dialog and display a message and updated text from a parallel running task.


    - Can specify a limited preset amount of progress images via the "animation" selector

    - Can update the status message in real-time after the dialog has been launched.

    - Setting an animation value of 0 disables animation and displays only text.

    - Handles being built into an application

    - The dialog is not modal when run in the development environment however it becomes modal when built into an executable.

    Version History:


    Renamed VI prefix from MNA to JKI.

    Added more documentation to diagram and VI descriptions.


    Fixed bug where dialog was not centering on screen.

    Changed dialog behaviour so it updates position on screen before the front panel is open.


    Initial release of the code.

    Click here to download this file

  4. As you know there is a new file upload feature on the forums: The Flash uploader. This allows multiple file uploads to a post at the same time and it also has upload progress bars (very cool). This can be enable in your Settings:


    :( However it seems like some of us are having problems with the flash uploader. They get the following error:


    I'd like to know the extent of the problem:

    - Please enable the flash uploader (if not already enabled)

    - Try to upload a small file (a few kb) to this thread using the flash uploader.

    - If you have success then that's fine, don't post the reply.

    - If you get an error, then post the reply and specify what browser(w\version) and OS you are using.

  5. NI's put together a new section on their site called the LabVIEW Idea Exchange:


    The NI Idea Exchange is a product feedback forum where NI R&D and users work together to submit ideas, collaborate on their development, and vote for the ones they like best. NI R&D will incorporate the best ideas in future product versions. Post an idea or add your opinion on an existing one today.


  6. QUOTE (joshxdr @ May 29 2009, 07:29 AM)

    Hi all, I am a mentor for a FIRST robotics team trying to set up source code control for our next season. Unfortunately the version of LabVIEW provided to FRC does not provide a license to "CMP compare two VIs.vi".

    I think you should lobby NI strongly to get them to add these pro features to the version of LV for FRC, including integrated source code control. If we are trying to teach the students proper software engineering then we should give them all the tools.

  7. It's nice to see this finally come to fruition for sure. :thumbup:

    Thank You NI.

    I'd also like to see scripting discussions continue here on LAVA and hopefully y'all won't abandon us for the dark side. We have some excellent gurus on LAVA that were able to do cool things even with scripting locked. I can only imagine the possibilities now that it's been unleashed.

    As far as complaining... of course we'll still complain. Let's not forget XNodes and project environment integration.

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