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Michael Aivaliotis

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Posts posted by Michael Aivaliotis

  1. I'd like to point out that post count is just that, post count and nothing more. It indicates that you post a lot and you've been active. Nothing more. So you're asking to have a feature that will indicate to people that you are not posting much and that you're not active on the forums. Probably not going to happen.

  2. I think a new logo design is a good idea. I like the volcano with the wire coming out the top. I don't like the lettering (red blue wires) and the yellow comments style. It should take on some characteristics of LabVIEW but not really look like a diagram.

  3. I also attached recently generated swf, as these from previous posts are gone, but I'dont know how to embed it in the post... BBcode is not working.


    Also if someone who got the power could move this topic to uncertified code repository where is much better place for it?

    vugie. I think this is way awesome and I would like to get this in the LAVA CR ASAP. I suggest you submit it, it doesn't have to be ready. Please review the instructions here and here. Just submit it and select Uncertified as the category.

    I would also like figure out how to use the new LAVA media embed feature discussed here. Otherwise you would need to have HTML editing capabilities which is currently only available to Premium Members and other special LAVA groups like NI, JKI and V I Engineering.

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