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Michael Aivaliotis

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Posts posted by Michael Aivaliotis

  1. QUOTE (crelf @ Aug 29 2008, 08:08 AM)

    This is the case for the LAVA tags as well. The reason that the fonts haven't changed (yet) is because there are not enough duplicate tags yet. It's still new.

    Also, I'd like to mention another use for the tags. Usually a thread here on LAVA starts off on one topic, which is included in the topic title (usually, if the poster thinks about it) and then eventually goes off into another topic. This is fine but it's hard to find the subtopic of the thread in a search. If you tag the sub-post with relevant tags then google search will see those tags and they may come up on your next search. In other words, you tags become part of the page contents which google picks up. So I see tagging as a smarter human way of adding keywords to our web content so that the next Google search will work better. Also, as mentioned in the beginning. Most posters choose poor topic titles. Adding several tags to the top of the thread improves the thread relavence to the topics discussed.

    So, for now, don't think of it as away to improve the navigation but as a way to improve the searchability of our content.

    PS: Another use of the tags is to categorize. For example, I've started using the tag: "Memorable Post". I think we should all tag the entire thread with this tag when the topic seems to be attracting a lot of replies and several passionate responses. In other words, a "hot" topic. Having topics grouped like that allows LAVA to link to them as a group later.

  2. QUOTE (ASTDan @ Aug 24 2008, 04:46 PM)

    ... Also another issue is how do you manage a number of different reuse libraries i.e. versions etc.

    VIPM has solved this problem with the concept of project package configurations. Package configurations are like snapshots in time for the current project you are working on. They contain the package libraries that are used in your project for that LV version. When you need to work on that project you simply "apply" the package configuration and VIPM configures your environment with the exact set of package libraries you need to get your work done. So as long as you have a package configuration created, you can experiment with any library you want. You can always go back to the known working package configuration.

    So, using the wrong library version for your project and risking broken code is a thing of the past.

  3. The LAVA tagging system was installed a while back however it's been a little buggy. I've just installed a bugfix release to the tagging system here on LAVA which should fix most issues. The main one was you were not able to tag posts you did not create. Now tagging should work for all users on all content. If you notice any issues please respond on this thread.

  4. QUOTE (LV_FPGA_SE @ Aug 22 2008, 08:06 AM)

    ...and needed transparency inside the loops, both of which could not be done in LV.

    Isn't there an ini key that will give you transparent structures?

  5. QUOTE (ASTDan @ Aug 22 2008, 08:29 AM)

    Is there anyway to force the tip strip on in LabVIEW when you want to?

    I have been looking on NI's website, the tip strip seems to be a function of Windows. Is there an Active X or .net way to have more control over the tip strip? I think it is called the ToolTip. However when trying to google this I get tips on tools for windows. :headbang:


    You mean you want to show the tip strip without the user having to hover the mouse over a control? If so then it's not really a tip strip is it? Sounds like just a floating text you can programmaticly position. Can you elaborate on what kind of control you want?

  6. QUOTE (TobyD @ Aug 21 2008, 01:50 PM)

    No, the solution TobyD presents is how you should pass data from LabVIEW to Teststand. It is the official NI party line sorta speak. Isn't that great? (that was sarcasm).

    One thing to note is that this solution is typically used to pass data from a LabVIEW operator interface into TestStand, not for VI calls in a TestStand step, however there is nothing preventing you from doing this. Now the other question still left is how do you pass data from Teststand to LabVIEW. Well instead of a Set Property, you do a Get Property.

    There is one more method not mentioned. You can use TestStand ActiveX Callbacks. This allows your LabVIEW operator interface to respond to a TestStand event and receive a payload of data via Custom UIMessages. Again, a best practice. See here.

  7. QUOTE (neB @ Aug 20 2008, 05:36 AM)

    I agree. Reporting this to NI is a futile exercise. Not reproducible at all.

    QUOTE (neB @ Aug 20 2008, 05:36 AM)

    I would swear (if pressed) that code changes are not propagating to all of the VI's that are not open. I say this because I work with a tree.VI open and after amking changes (but before running) I save everything (from tree.vi save all) then close the tree.vi. Backup then re-open and test the code. WHen closing the tree.vi, I see VI's that want to be saved. As a result I ahve resorted to an old habit of opening and closing the tree a couple of times to make sure all of the changes get propogated.

    Ben, there's a thread for this issue here.

  8. To Aristos and the other NI folks arguing that the 3 button dialog VI is fine. All I have to say is, you just don't get it. This type of coding is not acceptable in my books regardless of how much pixie dust you sprinkle over it.

    QUOTE (eaolson @ Aug 21 2008, 01:38 PM)

    So this version first hides the window from view, then closes it, and there is no flickering issue.

    That's a valid point.

  9. Chris Relf is no longer helping administer the LAVAcr. I'm looking for any volunteers to help administer the LAVAcr. This requires checking for new submissions once a day. Reviewing submissions and if necessary delegating submission reviews to other LAVAcr team members. In general, helping apply the LAVAcr guidelines listed here (read the top 5 pinned items in that forum) and making sure the whole process runs in a timely manner. Note: existing LAVAcr assessors are also eligable for this position.

    We currently have two submissions in the list that need to be reviewed and the backlog is growing. Please send me a PM if you are interested.

    The current salary for this position is: $0. But the ability to put it on your resume as a bullet point: Priceless.

  10. QUOTE (crelf @ Aug 19 2008, 11:03 AM)

    I agree again. Once they're hired, you can unleash your local office gossip hound on them, but during an interview, it's a no no. Of course there are exceptions, but I don't think anyone here falls under that category... or do they?

    QUOTE (Ton @ Aug 19 2008, 11:11 AM)

    This are items that are relevant to a job. For instance I got the question today if I could enter a support team for our company. This includes traveling to other countries for two weeks, heavy night work. Someone that is married and has children is not very suitable for such a job.

    It are question regarding your fitness for such jobs.

    I disagree. I was married with kids when I had to do exactly that. So what?

  11. QUOTE (Ton @ Aug 19 2008, 10:40 AM)

    I never use strict type defs, unless I put them on a GUI I am going to show to my user.

    I have always the feeling why use a strict type def? Could you enlighten me?


    The purpose of a strict type def, as you probably know, is to maintain the look and feel of the control across all VIs where it's used. I'm talking subvis here. So if you open two VI's that have the same control side by side, you can quickly tell that both controls refer to the same datatype because they look identical. You can even add some details such as a specific color border on the cluster and such. If you allow the developer to alter this control in any way, then this indicates to someone else that it's not the same datatype. LabVIEW is very visual and the more visual cues you give out in your program, the better.

    On user interfaces, this has the same affect but for different reasons. You want to make sure the control is consistent throughout. For example, if you create a Cancel button with a special glyph on it then you want to make sure all your UIs use this cancel button so they all look the same. User interfaces must be consistent. It also helps to collect all your strict type defs in a dedicated Controls folder and label them appropriately. For example "Cancel Button.ctl", "Data Export Cluster.ctl" and such.

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