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Michael Aivaliotis

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Posts posted by Michael Aivaliotis

  1. QUOTE (Darren @ Dec 6 2008, 09:12 AM)

    I was suggesting that we do automatic relinks only in cases of changed connector pane, with no renamed terminals (and the VI still residing in the same place on disk). Are y'all not comfortable with an automatic relink in this scenario? I think a change like this would primarily benefit people in Michael's scenario, or people who distribute VI-based APIs and need to add connector pane terminals between releases of the API without having to perform mutation or having their users perform manual relinks.

    I'm perfectly fine with this. Where do I sign? In general I abhor dialogs. There are many reasons why, but primarily, they end up being like that pesky fly that keeps buzzing around your head that you keep on desperately swatting with your hand. You can never kill it, but just make it go away temporarily. Then it comes back and you swat it away again. All you want to do is get your work done but that pesky fly keeps buzzing around your head. That's what dialogs are.


    Here I go hijacking this thread, but is it me or is the resolve conflicts dialog totally useless. I mean, I can never figure out what the hell it's trying to tell me and in most cases it seems like I only have one choice and it's already highlighted for me.

  2. 99 percent of the use cases is when you need to add terminals on a VI that has all the terminals full. In other words you need to change the pattern to add more space. You don't usually rename terminals or rearrange them. Not that I haven't done that. So in these cases LV relinks properly.

    I can see that if a relink occurred where terminals were swapped but not broken then this would be bad. However even with a manual relink, the end user rarely notices it because the wires shift around but the colors stay the same.

    I guess NI's taking the safe route and letting the user blame themselves instead of LabVIEW for the problems that may come down the pipe when the app doesn't work.

    In my opinion I would just prefer to let LabVIEW do the relink "like magic" and have %99 satisfied users delighted. Even if it means that %1 will swear at NI for breaking their app.

  3. I'd like to continue this thread as I think the diagram cleanup tool has a lot of potential and I'm hoping NI will improve it in the future. It's already saving me a lot of development time. One thing I haven't been able to figure out is how to compress horizontal spacing and remove a lot of white space. In the example below, I don't think it's necessary to expand the above structures.


    Should be like this:


    It seems like the tool tries to balance things out. If I delete the code below the structures then they become small when cleaned up again. It seems to expand the case structures to the width of the code below them.

  4. QUOTE (David Boyd @ Nov 15 2008, 09:23 PM)

    Tried the member map recently and couldn't get it to work. Page loads OK and the map frame draws, but no contents (neither map not pins). This was using IE7 on my work laptop, both behind the corporate firewall and from home. I've also tried from my home PC, using IE7 and FireFox 3.03, all same results. Is this a known issue?


    Thanks for the report David. This is a new issue. I will look into it.

  5. We can change the tag to Homework, which is an even more excellent idea!

    But please let's not use tagging as a form of passive aggressiveness. It just ends up fucking up the whole system.

    Also, anyone with a LAVA account can edit or delete a tag. Just like anyone can edit\delete or write a LabVIEW Wiki article. Don't expect a notification when your tag is edited. It's become part of the collective at that point. Freely editing tags makes the system work.

  6. QUOTE (Aristos Queue @ Oct 27 2008, 10:30 PM)

    And, just to be explicit, the behavior of that private method *will* be different in a future version of LV than it is today. There's a reason it was private for the moment. You have been warned.

    Ya, but it works right now... besides, that's why it's in the rusty nails forum. :thumbup:

  7. I've attached an image so those without LV8.6 can comment.

    Looking at the built-in help docs for the copy function we read this:


    For example, if you copy the directory c:\app to d:\app2, the function creates a new directory d:\app2 with the same contents as c:\app. The second time you copy the directory, the function creates a new subdirectory d:\app2\app and places the contents of app there. The third time you copy the directory, the function returns a Duplicate Path error.
  8. QUOTE (km4hr @ Oct 21 2008, 02:32 PM)

    That's OK. You can make up for it by going to the NI forums and posting a link there to something on LAVA.

    QUOTE (km4hr @ Oct 21 2008, 07:57 AM)

    Can LabVIEW be run without the menu and toolbar at the top of the page?

    Do you have to display the LabVIEW splash page on startup?

    Is there a way to start an application without the "Run" arrow in the toolbar?

    Actually, these are very good newbie questions and ones I asked as well when I got started in LabVIEW. We should make a LabVIEW Wiki article on this. Someone should update the FAQ page to be more "new user"- friendly so we can just point people there when these topics come up.

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