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Michael Aivaliotis

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Posts posted by Michael Aivaliotis

  1. QUOTE (gmart @ Mar 18 2009, 03:13 PM)
    A clarification. A project ,by itself, does not load VIs into memory when it is loaded. It is able to determine what dependencies are needed/used without loading VIs into memory. The project does load project items such as libraries or classes which may load VIs.
    This is important to note. Thank you gmart for reminding everyone. If some of you see the "loading VIs" dialog popup when you are opening a project, this is because you either use LV classes or lvlibs. Only VIs called by the classes or contained in the lvlibs are loaded into memory, other VIs are not. Watch out for this.

  2. QUOTE (Aristos Queue @ Mar 18 2009, 03:07 PM)
    Is that more or less dirty? Can it be made acceptable somehow?
    It depends. Can the VI that is being aborted tell if it is? If so then it can exit gracefully. Otherwise, it's a no-no in my books. I would only abort a VI if it's a runaway process, a very very simple VI or I've exhausted all other forms of communication. Like a divorce is to marriage.

  3. I also use a similar stop functional global concept to trap aborts from parallel processes. Mine also has a reset input so you can clear the abort after you've acted upon it.

    I'd like to address the use of cases to "case-out" code after an abort. Depending on the granularity of your state machine, you may be able to get away with handling the abort up front and avoiding the need to place the abort checking too deeply in your code. here's how I handle it using the JKI state machine.


    I try to avoid putting looping code inside subVIs where I have to later abort them. Instead I use the natural looping of the state machine to repeat test tasks.

  4. I always try to post screenshots. That was the LAVA policy way back at the beginning. Now it seems people are not bothering. Now that the tools have caught up, I think screenshots should always be included.

    I think we should all make an effort to post screenshots. Nowadays I prefer video. It's so easy with Screencast.com and Jing (is screencast.com blocked Cat?).

  5. LabVIEW uses Ctrl+G and Ctrl+shift+G to jump to the next or previous item in the Search results list dialog.

    I want a similar key combination to navigate to the next error in the Error list.

    Currently my process is:

    • Click broken run arrow (or ctrl+L)
    • Scroll the Items with errors list to the top item in the list.
    • Highlight the first VI in the Items with errors list
    • Doubleclick the first item in the Block Diagram Errors list.
    • Fix the error in my code
    • press ctrl+L to bring the list frontmost
    • Doubleclick the next item in the Block Diagram Errors list.
    • Fix the error in my code
    • press ctrl+L to bring the list frontmost
    • Repeat process until errors are fixed in the first VI in the list
    • Continue doubleclicking in the errors and warning list until I'm done.

    I would like to see a shortcut key that would iterate through the errors in the errors list.

    Edit: I'd like to add that LabVIEW needs to be smart so that it wouldn't jump to the next error if it doesn't exist anymore due to a previous fix. However, I don't see this as a big problem since the Error list dialog already performs that checking in real-time anyway.

  6. I can attach an 8.6 VI with that property but it won't help you much since you can't generate the sub-properties from it. You need to do all your work in 7.1. I think there is a wind of change which may see scripting come out of the shadows. Hopefully sooner than later. If you feel strongly about it post your support here.

  7. QUOTE (Kubo @ Feb 20 2009, 02:12 PM)

    Thank you.

    I put a picture of my front panel to better discribe what my program's functionality was supposed to be... I personally work better with drawing stuff out then actually discribing it. However others may obviously disagree.

    I agree, that's why you should post an image of your block diagram, not your front panel. There are two parts to a VI. A block diagram and a front panel. We can't see the block diagram.
  8. If you're new at LabVIEW, things can be a little overwhelming. It sounds like your application is working so I wouldn't change anything right now. Look at my attached image for a suggestion to do what you want. Some of the string primitives in LabVIEW require a bit of extra code to get them to do what you want. For example, in the image attached, I had to add a >=0 function to find out if my string actually matched.

    PS. I added a linefeed character to your string building. That might make your Terminal output a little more readable.

  9. I've added a feature to the LabVIEW Wiki. Now you can embed flash videos from external sites like youtube, screencast.com, blip.tv etc, etc. All you need to do is switch to the plain text editor and paste the embed code from the site of your choice. Make sure to strip out any <object> code. All you need is the text between the <embed></embed> tags.

    I haven't tried it with all video sites. If you need one that doesn't seem to work please let me know in the main support forum and I'll fix it.

    I figured the most useful embed would be screencast.com. You can create a screencast to enhance the existing content of a wiki page.

    I'm still looking at how to embed video that's uploaded to the wiki directly and not sourced externally. I'll keep you posted.

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