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Michael Aivaliotis

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Everything posted by Michael Aivaliotis

  1. QUOTE (PaulG. @ May 13 2008, 11:12 AM) Wait a minute. Hold on there. So if a VI makes a VISA call to a GPIB instrument and that VISA call has a string input constant with a properly assembled format taken from an operating manual for that instrument, it's not a driver? You better tell that to 90% of the instrument vendors out there. "LabVIEW SDK", now I'm really laughing out loud!!! HAHA. QUOTE (Gary Rubin @ May 13 2008, 11:56 AM) I agree with that. If a VI is calling a device-specific DLL, I wouldn't call that VI a driver; the DLL would be the driver. I'd probably call a VI a driver if it was performing the hardware interface using only native Labview and OS functions (i.e. memory peeks/pokes). Gary Spoken like a real C programmer. QUOTE (Daklu @ May 13 2008, 04:14 PM) As to the original question, "When is a VI a 'driver,'" I'd say a single vi is almost never a well-written driver. (I suppose there may be some trivial cases where a single vi could serve as a driver.) A good driver is generally a collection of vis. If your hardware has a single vi as a driver it likely needs to be broken up or rewritten. I would agree that in complex hardware this may be true but I disagree that a single VI can never be called a driver. QUOTE (Aristos Queue @ May 13 2008, 07:08 PM) What if the DLL is a LV-built DLL? Do the VIs in the DLL count as a driver? Touché QUOTE (rolfk @ May 14 2008, 01:07 AM) I don't think you can draw the line that strictly. Very strictly speaking the device driver is nowadays the piece of software that translates user application level requests into hardware specific cammands and address accesses. And that piece has to reside inside the kernel as kernel mode device driver since that is the only way to directly access hardware in nowadays protected mode OSes. However talking to that kernel device driver directly is tedious at best so they usually come with a DLL that provides an easier to use API and can be considered part of the driver as well. But with that I do not see any reason to exclude the LabVIEW VIs that access that API as being part of the driver either. After all they translate the not so easy to use DLL calls into something that can be used much more easily in LabVIEW. And once you are there why not qualify any collection of VIs that translates access to some form of hardware in something more LabVIEW friendly as a driver too? I wouldn't go as far as calling VIs to access the normal OS API as drivers though, but that is an entirely arbitrary and subjective classification on my part. Rolf Kalbermatter I agree with rolfk but I think we all need to make a distinction here. There is a different definition for the word driver depending on what software language you are using to program the application layer. To us, a driver can be LabVIEW friendly and contain VI's we just plop down (regardless of what's inside the VI's), or can be LabVIEW agnostic in the case of a pure C DLL call which we have to interface to by writing wrappers. In both cases, it's a driver but the level of LabVIEW integration varies. I think the best LabVIEW driver is not really called a driver at all, but is a specific Instrument Class using LVOOP.
  2. Does anyone know how to programmatically launch the compare VI's tool and compare two VI's that I specify? LV8.x
  3. One thing that ticks me off to no end is when you discuss a new application with a customer and they bring up the fact that NI has "drivers" on their website so this should automatically translate to: "The app can be finished in a day or two right?" People, a hand full of turd balls does not translate to a full blown user interface with real time graphing, reporting and data analysis application. Unless of course you're a mystical fairy who shoots pixie dust out of your a** when you fly.
  4. QUOTE (Jim Kring @ May 12 2008, 04:17 PM) Ya, what makes it more confusing is that I'm not using any libraries in my project. However I assume that I'm calling libraries in vi.lib somewhere without knowing it.
  5. QUOTE (Jim Kring @ May 12 2008, 03:54 PM) As far as I can tell I'm building an Application. Edit: I figured it out. I had the "remove unused members of project libraries" unchecked. It kinda makes sense, but it's hard to relate that to a list of mnu files. http://lavag.org/old_files/monthly_05_2008/post-2-1210633712.png' target="_blank">
  6. Can someone tell me why all these mnu files are in my build output support folder and how do I get rid of them?
  7. If you were to pay for online video training then I would definitely check out LabVIEWMastery.com. The site is run by our very own LAVA member Ben Zimmer and is highly recommended by me. You can't go wrong with it. You also get a trial period where you can check out some of the content before you buy.
  8. The LabVIEW Wiki is BACK UP NOW. Thanks for your patience.
  9. The LabVIEW Wiki is down for maintenance.
  10. Check out the Google Ad below your post.
  11. QUOTE (jasonw @ May 7 2008, 02:23 PM) Probably because your employer is blocking Youtube: that lets you bypass the corporate overlords UltimateUnblock.Just type in the URL of any Youtube video in the field and voila!
  12. QUOTE (crelf @ May 7 2008, 04:56 AM) Now I know how crelf gets the highest post count... automated response bot.
  13. Well, even if there is not one clear choice. Just submit images and suggestions and I can be responsible for creating the final image. I think if we can get the image and concept down that would be great. So submit images anyway even though they are not of great quality.
  14. Here's an idea. The Hottie and the Nottie and Teeth double feature. Can anyone think of other bad combinations that are so bad they're good? let's hear it.
  15. QUOTE (Phillip Brooks @ Apr 25 2008, 05:57 AM) Moved to #29 now. C'mon, can't we at least beat MATLAB?
  16. If anyone wants a list the top 100 members with the URLs to their avatars PM me. You still have to download the avatars but I'm sure you're smart enough to figure that part out.
  17. QUOTE (Götz Becker @ May 5 2008, 12:55 PM) Yes, that's probably going to be the likely route.
  18. why does a 1D array always become a 2D on for loop borders? Why can't we concatenate a 1D array at the border. It seems that tunnel has the potential to do a lot more than it can right now in regards to array manipulation.
  19. I like this idea. Along the same lines (or maybe this is hijacking), why does a 1D array always become a 2D on for loop borders? Why can't we concatenate a 1D array at the border. It seems that tunnel has the potential to do a lot more than it can right now in regards to array manipulation.
  20. Nope, not a virtual tree... a real tree.
  21. Of course there is a balance in everything. But it's a fact that todays generation are more active producers than passive consumers. I've been having discussions with my 11 year old daughter lately on what the story is going to be for her next youtube video. Regardless of the outcome, the fact that she feels that she has a story to tell and that it seems totally natural for her to take control of this is great.
  22. For the first time we are having a LAVA T-Shirt design contest. The winning design will be used on the LAVA store for people to purchase them for NIWeek 2008. The only few requirements are that this year's T-shirt will be black so that any graphics you use must look good over a black background. For example, no black letters, etc. You can make it themed so that it ties into NIWeek 2008 if you want but this is not a requirement. It's super easy to submit your entry. Just attach an image to this thread you are currently reading. That's it. LAVA will take care of the rest. You can submit as many designs as you wish. The contest ends the night of Sat. May 17th. So hurry, you only have 2 weeks!
  23. This video is awesome. I am now a fan of Clay Shirky. After watching this video, I've decide to ban the following phrases from LAVA: "Where do you find the time" and "Someone has too much time on their hands". If this doesn't motivate you to turn off the boob tube and write a LabVIEW Wiki article, submit code to the Code Repository, help out with OpenG or be public about your passion for LabVIEW, I don't know what will. If you can't watch this video at work then take the time to watch it at home. (note: it's about 16mins. long)
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