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Michael Aivaliotis

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Everything posted by Michael Aivaliotis

  1. Not sure what causes this but I've experienced this several times lately. I run a toplevel VI several times and somewhere I get an error on the error cluster. So I decide to start debugging by opening up the subVI's. When I open one of the subVI's I notice that it has a broken run arrow and now I also notice that my toplevel VI has a broken run arrow. How is it possible for LabVIEW to run broken code? The only thing I can think of is that the broken code has not propogated to the current running application instance until I open it up. Not sure why however since I only have one instance. I have the project environment open too.
  2. I guess that makes 2 in the special "required outputs" club.
  3. QUOTE(hugh @ Nov 14 2007, 01:01 PM) You can try contacting NI but I think they will just give you a fluffy answer. Please prove me wrong. I would recommend doing whatever it takes to secure your app: Name mangle your VI names blank out the icons Remove all comments or descriptions strip the diagrams http://forums.lavag.org/VI-s-vs-SubVI-s-t3897.html' target="_blank">in-line critical code Use unnamed queues etc. Also, price your product so that it's cheap enough to purchae instead of hacking. For example, instead of selling it for $10,000 make it $100 and sell more.
  4. For the messy LabVIEW programmer in your life. One way to send a message. Flying Spaghetti Monster tree ornament
  5. They build machines that they can't control, And bury the waste in a great big hole
  6. QUOTE(Aristos Queue @ Nov 12 2007, 05:28 PM) Or, how about you get a cut from every copy of LabVIEW sold because it contains some code you wrote. So If I write some text in a word processor, I'm a writer with certain rights, but If I write some text in a programming dev. environment, I have no rights. Hmmm. explain to me the difference...
  7. QUOTE(EJW @ Nov 12 2007, 05:34 AM) I agree. However this feature is available to state machine and NON-state machine architectures. It's a feature of the event structure. QUOTE(vito @ Nov 12 2007, 08:04 PM) IThree other architectures have been mentioned in this topic:1) State Diagram2) ...3) Event Structure With State Machine Inside An "Idle" Event Case Can someone explain the difference between State Diagram and State machine? Category:Design_patterns
  8. QUOTE(Norm Kirchner @ Nov 12 2007, 07:59 AM) Amen to that! Now we all need to flood the http://digital.ni.com/applications/psc.nsf/default?OpenForm' target="_blank">NI wish list page.Quick, before Aristos find out!Edit\correction Well, now that I experimented more with PJM's solution, it seems that we already have this feature. Cool!
  9. The contract is between film and TV producers and the Writers Guild of America. The writers already have a contract via the union walking in. The current contract does not cover online or portable media issues. The writers already get a cut from broadcast and film releases. The main issue is that the concept of "broadcast" is changing... What about youtube? I wonder if the idea of a LabVIEW programmers union has some traction...
  10. I added a PDF version to the original post. PDF version.
  11. Chris, your new avatar is totally f***ing me up. Do you want me to fix that for you dude?
  12. http://www.nytimes.com/2007/11/11/opinion/...amp;oref=slogin
  13. The people that brought you LAVA, the LabVIEW Wiki and the Code Repository have been working on helping you find targeted LabVIEW information on the web. We are announcing: LabVIEWSearch.com. This is a search engine that focuses on returning results only from a narrow collection of web resources that are LabVIEW related. It's amazing how much LabVIEW information is missed or buried in the noise of the web. LabVIEWSearch.com let's you cut through the noise and get the information you really want. The initial search is global to the entire LabVIEW ecosystem. After you get your results, you can narrow down your search further to specific sources or topics via custom links. Now you don't need to hop from one website to another. All the sites you know and love are searchable from one convenient location. Currently the search engine is in Beta. Please send questions, suggestions or problems to: info@labviewsearch.com You can also just reply to this topic.
  14. It was back in November of 2002 when I decided to start the LAVA website and forums. Brown? What was I thinking. . I took LAVA, which started as the first independent advanced LabVIEW user group and then started hosting meetings myself. It was pretty awesome to meet with LabVIEW users outside of the traditional sales oriented framework of the NI funded meetings. Well, the website and forums took off and is now the largest independent LabVIEW user community on the internet. Some stats: Average new monthly forum topics and replies. In 2003: 20 In 2007: 1800 Total forum topic views since 2003: 6Million I don't have logged traffic stats since 2003. I just seriously started monitoring the LAVA traffic last year. Currently LAVA has 7,000 daily page views and growing. LAVA is here to stay. It's a place where LabVIEW users from all over the world congregate and NI can't control it. I like that part the best . We have a great community of advanced LabVIEW talent. I'd like to thank every single one of the members who have stuck through thick and thin with all the various experiments the site has gone through. I'd also like to thank those that have decide to make LAVA their exclusive home. That's cool! Let's also not forget the contributions of a few hip National Instruments employees who are very active in the discussions. Currently, The focus on my end is the LabVIEW Wiki and the Code repository. I strongly believe in these venues and think that with your help we can make these (especially the wiki) the best LabVIEW resource out there. If the WoW wiki can have 48,000 articles then I think we can do better than 220. All pages on the Wiki are user editable by you and you can create any page you want as long as there is a connection to LabVIEW in some way. Did you know that you already have a personal page on the wiki? New community enhancements are on the way. What does the future hold? The future looks bright :thumbup: . What do you want to see in LAVA's future? Respond with your wish list.
  15. Ok, The merging of posts is normal. It's to prevent multiple consecutive posts by the same author in a short period of time. Actually, it can be used to your advantage if you need to quote multiple posts in the same thread. Just reply to each post and your replies will be concatenated... neat. There is a time limit for merging 60minutes. I'm not changing this. Now the issue of removing line feeds and spaces, now that's a real issue, it should not happen of course. Any clue to how to make it repeatable? I'll report it when we can narrow it down.
  16. QUOTE(BrokenArrow @ Nov 9 2007, 07:33 AM) Lessons learned. Don't wait until the last second to build the EXE!!!
  17. QUOTE(wevanarsdale @ Nov 9 2007, 12:01 PM) I strongly agree with this comment. It really depends on what the code is for. For all customer projects I use a full (event structure inside case inside loop) state machine. The main reason is that ALL code I write changes in such drastic ways due to customer requirements that in the end it makes sense to start on the right foot. Customers come up to me after a project is full under way and ask to add several features. When I respond with: "Sure, just give me an hour and it's done" They are pleasantly surprised. I program with the expectation of that all the time. Expecting otherwise is foolish. Having said all that, there are places where a more simple approach is ok. Only you can be the judge of that. To comment on User Events. I too am a fond user of them when it comes to interprocess messaging. They have many benefits but I don't think they should be use everywhere (Justin!). Admin Note: neB Enough with the blank lines already. There are no points for the most use of screen space.
  18. This thread is to announce new pages on the LabVIEW Wiki that have substantial content (ignoring the stubs for now). Chris Relf suggested this and i think it's a good idea. As new pages are added, I will post an announcement here. I suggest others do the same. Added recently:
  19. QUOTE(neB @ Nov 6 2007, 01:13 PM) Ben, what are you talking about? This "feature" has been there since I can remember. Now it's a bug?I agree however that this may not be the desired behaviour. What I would like is to be able to right-click and give me options, like in Word: Paste special->raw unformatted text.QUOTE(Aristos Queue @ Nov 6 2007, 12:06 PM) This is why I've been pushing features such as custom probes, custom icon editors, etc. Then implementation *is* your problem. Mwuhahahaha! The moment we common users can plug into the dev. environment and add our own right-click menus that call our own actions and there is a usable API where we can actually do this stuff then we can talk. Until then, it's all you baby.
  20. QUOTE(Justin Goeres @ Nov 6 2007, 09:59 AM) Since when did you start working for NI? Implementation is not our problem. Another thing. Why, when I have my cursor in a text box can I not use ctrl+A to select all the text? Give me a break.
  21. QUOTE(Justin Goeres @ Nov 2 2007, 08:35 AM) That "other reference site" could be the http://wiki.lavag.org' target="_blank">LabVIEW Wiki.
  22. Yet another question about how to call a sub-vi and open the front panel.
  23. QUOTE(mballa @ Oct 31 2007, 07:02 AM) Well, it doesn't need to detect that but even if I ran the tool right after manually then that would be good too.
  24. QUOTE(Justin Goeres @ Nov 2 2007, 07:39 AM) Zamboni = Zombie ?
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