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Michael Aivaliotis

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Everything posted by Michael Aivaliotis

  1. The best advice I can give you is contact a local Alliance Member company in your area for assistance in getting you started with a basic framework which you can take on from there.
  2. QUOTE(Yen @ Nov 1 2007, 09:03 AM) Unfortunatly you can only assign one character encoding per forum installation. So I'm afraid it's not possible. The other option is to change the translation to use a non-encoded format. I don't have that translation. In other words, it may be possible with some effort to get a solution but I don't have time.
  3. QUOTE(neB @ Nov 1 2007, 05:57 AM) Yes, I disabled snapshots preview.
  4. QUOTE(Tomi Maila @ Oct 30 2007, 05:07 PM) Hmm, I think Tomi is right. The snapshot tool slows down the site. Perhaps it's not so great after all.
  5. I haven't been following all the posts so forgive me if this has been mentioned already. One use-case I have is when using the "create sub-VI" function. I don't know about y'all but this feature sucks b***s. Issues: LabVIEW gives you a con-pane that matches exactly the number of inputs and outputs you have. For example, if you have 2 inputs and 2 outputs it gives you a con-pane with 4 terminals. I would like to see a standard con-pane and it use only some of the inputs and outputs. If you have an error in and an error out I would like it to position the error in and error out in the right place AND name the error in to "Error IN" NOT something stupid like error out. So perhaps this cleanup tool in progress can run automatically after a "create sub-VI" action or something? Like a "disconnect all and reconnect correctly" function.
  6. QUOTE(crelf @ Oct 30 2007, 03:21 PM) It's fast for me. It might depend on the time of day. No idea. I haven't noticed this. Any others?
  7. I don't have a solution of course. But you've just proven a point. With VISA you actually have support.
  8. I don't think it matters when the app exits anyway, but it makes the code more readable. Avoids other programmers questioning your intent.
  9. QUOTE(yen @ Oct 10 2007, 10:45 AM) That is not a real ini key. It's a joke. I have no idea where this ini came from but I am not using this.
  10. Try changing the Color quality of your windows display properties from 32bit to 16bit. Also, LVOOP is a hog. Are you using LVOOP? Also, you state that it's an upgrade from 8.2. Have you saved all your VI's??? Silly question but some people don't save (upcovert) all the VI's. A lot of unsaved changes in memory cause this too.
  11. Hmm, high-speed streaming to database. Never been down that path, however I haven't been using the database toolkit either. I just use optimized SQL statements for the task at hand. I call the ADO functions to execute a query. I think there is some overhead in the database toolkit but can't check what the the VI you are calling does at the moment. I thought I had the toolkit installed but it appears to be gone now from my palette.
  12. QUOTE(tcplomp @ Oct 22 2007, 10:17 AM) I keep forgetting that. It's added.
  13. I just added a new forum, see: Code Repository Code In-Development. This forum can be used by anyone who wants to present some code and evolve a discussion and review where the final product will be a submission to the Code Repository (CR). There is currently no requirement to start a discussion in this forum in order to have code approved for the CR. Also, just because code is discussed in this forum does not necessarily mean that it will end up in the CR. The current CR requirements have not changed, See: Code repository support forum. Some other use-cases: You can start discussions in this forum and present completed Code Repository code when you need to get feedback from the community (or the CR review committee) before you submit it to the Code Repository. You have some cool code but don't have time to evolve it into a proper submission. Others in the community can take it over (giving proper credit) and evolve it into a CR submission. You have an idea and really need some help from the community to get it implemented. You have finished code and need the community to do some Beta testing before an official CR release. This can also be for existing CR code that has a new upcomming version release. The list can go on... To get the forum started I moved some existing threads there. I know there are several others I missed. Send me a PM to let me know which others you want moved.
  14. QUOTE(TG @ Oct 20 2007, 04:22 PM) This is why I spent a weekend a while back compiling this http://wiki.lavag.org/tips' and tricks" title='LabVIEW Wiki article on tips and tricks' alt='Wiki article on tips and tricks' style="border-bottom: 1px dotted #3366BB; color: #3366BB; cursor:pointer; text-decoration:none;" class="wiki">tips and tricks page. This is the whole point of the Wiki.
  15. I've added Hebrew to the language list. The next step is to create a dedicated language sub-forum. The biggest step is actually to get the word out to everyone who speaks Hebrew so they can find this forum. That's where the work is. If you feel strongly about it and help then that would be the next step...
  16. QUOTE(Norm Kirchner @ Oct 19 2007, 05:51 AM) You guys have to stop thinking that way. You want something, build it yourself. You could probably crank out something in a few weeks that would take NI several years to release. Do whatever you have to do to make your life easier.
  17. QUOTE(Norm Kirchner @ Oct 19 2007, 05:51 AM) You guys have to stop thinking that way. You want something, build it yourself. You could probably crank out something in a few weeks that would take NI several years to release. Do whatever you have to do to make your life easier.
  18. This offer is now ended. Only Premium Members can change their name moving forward.
  19. http://www.labviewjobs.com/ http://www.justtestjobs.com/
  20. So I split out these topics into another thread so I don't hijack the original discussion. QUOTE(tcplomp @ Oct 18 2007, 09:21 PM) Basically, my thoughts are that you will probably have much larger bandwidth capability by placing the code on sourceforge. Also, getting SVN running on the LAVA server will probably take several weekends and is not something i am going to enjoy. I suggest just a forum called: "CR in-developement" which will have threads for various code projects. The first post of each thread can have a link to the SVN repository info on sourceforge. The nice thing about LAVA is that we are reaching a nice critical mass. Discussions are alive and exciting here. We've created a pretty decent community and I think we can get a lot done. It took five years to reach this level of involvement and I don't want to break the flow by telling everyone that they now must go use the weak Sourceforge forum tools for discussions. You can have the code on the sourceforge SVN for development but keep the discussions here on LAVA. only the released versions should go in the Code Repository after development has reached a stage for release.
  21. I have an idea. Should we move this thread and other potential CR candidates to a special "CR in-development" area to better facilitate this? I think there is enough momentum here to justify this. After a bunch of thrashing, we can produce some decent CR code. Thoughts?
  22. I have an idea. Should we move this thread and other potential CR candidates to a special "CR in-development" area to better facilitate this? I think there is enough momentum here to justify this. After a bunch of thrashing, we can produce some decent CR code. Thoughts?
  23. You mean these? Download File:post-2-1192736521.zip Qualified Name Array To Single String.vi takes a VI's qualified name, given as an array of strings, and converts it to a single colon-delimited string. This VI may be useful for working with VIs owned by any library type, and it is used as a subVI of the other two VIs in this .zip file. Is This Control Of This LabVIEW Class.vi takes a control refnum and a LabVIEW class refnum and tells whether the control is an instance of the given LabVIEW class. It returns true for regular class controls/indicators and for XControls of the class. Is This Control Of LabVIEW Object Class.vi is the same as the previous, except it does not take a class refnum for input. LabVIEW Object is the built-in class that is the ancestor of all other LabVIEW classes, and this VI specifically checks to see if the given control is an instance of this class.
  24. QUOTE(Yen @ Oct 18 2007, 11:50 AM) If you see a search result that is threaded then please forward the link to me in a PM. This isn't suppose to happen.
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