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Michael Aivaliotis

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Everything posted by Michael Aivaliotis

  1. QUOTE(DaveKielpinski @ Oct 13 2007, 08:45 AM) Sorry Dave. Here's how to add more items. We won't get into why this happens. Suffice to say that the registration refnum is typed to the data and because the uninitialized shift register is well, uninitialized, it retains the datatype. You need to type the wire by feeding in the registration refnum data from the outside of the while loop. We can't wire anything from outside the loop because this Facade vi runs only one iteration and the shift register retains the value from the previous run. To make a long story short here's what to do in 3 steps:
  2. BTW, you don't HAVE to change your display name... just thought some people might want a space between their first and last name.
  3. I’ve always wondered who all these people are that visit the LAVA Forums but never post. There’s about 7000 registered members but only a handful post irregularly. I know many of you subscribe via RSS and never visit the site. Now’s your time to shine, lurkers! Just pop a comment here, no reason to be shy. Let us know who you are, where you’re from, what you do, whatever. It will help you get to know some of the other lurkers. . For those of you still scratching your heads as to what a lurker is, a lurker is a person that decides to stay shy in either a chat room, a forum or a blog, by not contributing their comments and electing to just watch the babble ensue in front of them. Now that made no sense, but I’m sure you got it. And yes, if you are one of those regulars you can comment too.
  4. Just want to let you know that as a courtesy to normal members. I am allowing you to change your display name once. The opportunity do do this expires on Sunday night. Some display names are ugly because of a previous login limitation prohibiting spaces or underscores. I have lifted this limitation so now you can beautify your display name and use spaces or underscores or whatever. Note: this is a one-time deal. Make sure you are sure of the new name because you won't be able to change it starting Monday. You can change your name in your control panel. on the left side select Change Display name.
  5. It seems that based on AQ's earlier post, there is no solution other than to create 9 VI's.
  6. Here you go. Download File:post-2-1192125991.vi (8.5) Edit: Sorry, just realized you need the status of the file not the control. Hmm.
  7. I can only get this across with some real code. Find attached a working Xcontrol that does this in 8.2.1. Download File:post-2-1192098049.zip (8.2.1) Edit: In my rush i forgot to add the destroy code, but i think you can take it from there.
  8. QUOTE(tcplomp @ Oct 11 2007, 01:46 AM) yes, this should work if you use a null ctrl refnum constant.
  9. QUOTE(DaveKielpinski @ Oct 11 2007, 01:32 AM) Yes, I didn't show that case. You need to add it. QUOTE(DaveKielpinski @ Oct 11 2007, 01:32 AM) Also, don't I have to unregister the event somewhere in the code? I forgot - You could put that in the Execution State Changed Event. Run mode false case.
  10. Can you post an image of what you want it to look like? 3D meaning system control?
  11. I just added a stats page for the Code Repository (Downloads) area. Code Repository Statistics The link to this is accessible from the footer of the Code Repository homepage. It's called: Downloads system statistics
  12. http://www.chumby.com/
  13. QUOTE(swchica18 @ Oct 10 2007, 07:52 PM) Yes, you can. Did you try entering a filepath in the box labeled "file path". ..oh, and then run the VI using the arrow button thingie in the top left corner.
  14. Try using the "sort array" function in the array palette.
  15. QUOTE(tcplomp @ Oct 10 2007, 10:58 AM) No Joy.
  16. QUOTE(Christina Rogers @ Oct 9 2007, 08:38 AM) Yes that's great Christina, but... NI always sticks to some (still unknown to me) strange internal policy of not going "all the way". Why? Case in point: http://lavag.org/old_files/monthly_10_2007/post-2-1192075100.png' target="_blank"> Why can't I apply the right-click setting (that you just mentioned) to more than one item at a time? Aaarggg!!
  17. QUOTE(LV Punk @ Oct 10 2007, 04:29 AM) Well, here ya go: http://podcasts.odiogo.com/labview-advanced-virtual-architects-lava-forums/podcasts-html.php' target="_blank">LAVA RSS feed Podcasted. Enjoy. :thumbup:
  18. Thanks, here is the result... much better.
  19. I don't know what the "NI recommended way" is because they don't have any documentation on this, but here is how I'm doing it and it works:
  20. How about detachable event structure nodes? Download File:post-2-1192008950.vi (V8.5)
  21. Does anyone know how to replace the ugly 3d cursor tree with the system tree? I already tried doing a simple replace in the control editor but I always crash LabVIEW 8.5 every time.
  22. Could this be related? I see it in my dependancy list: But no such items exists in the project file.
  23. QUOTE(tcplomp @ Oct 9 2007, 10:33 PM) Yes, remove it but how?
  24. I think this will be an interesting thread. Let's try something else: Attached VI is in 8.5 and need TS 4.0 Download File:post-2-1191982523.vi
  25. QUOTE(MikaelH @ Oct 9 2007, 05:31 PM) Ya well, that's total http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bull_shit' target="_blank">BS. It's pretty sad that TestStand was made by the same company that makes LabVIEW. You can't tell.
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