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Norm Kirchner

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Everything posted by Norm Kirchner

  1. QUOTE(i2dx @ Jan 11 2008, 04:09 AM) Wow! I have to say that's the first time that I've heard crap and p4 in the same sentence other than "most other stuff I've used is crap but then I started using P4." Really all you need is 1 workspace and the realization that you are working on local files. And when it comes to LV I would not want to work on anything remote or especially have to re-download all copies of files from a location to work on a program. ech. Daklu, What is the general topology of the number of clients and number of projects that you'll be using? 1:1, 1:many, etc?
  2. There is no way to add an empty directory in P4 Really, there is no structure like that in the depot, it assembles it as you add files. So in order to pre-define directories and structures you would have to have a dummy file in each of the lowest branches of the dir treee
  3. Well I'll just say I don't know anything about workspaces. As far as the other things, I have a wealth of info to share..... well maybe a clearance rack of info.... but regardless. The way P4 works is that you should maintain a copy of the entire depot {or at least the relevant portion} on your PC. The way P4 works is that you're local PC should have all needed files and the server has all versions of all files. When you check out a file, it merely informs the server that you have checked out the file and changes the permissions on your PC from read only to full; there are no file copies that happen during a check-out. During check-in it will copy your file to the server, save it there, flag it a the head revision, and your PC will also have the head revision. If you want a different version than the one you have on your PC, tell the server, your client will download it and the server will keep track of what version you have. So checking out does not get you a copy, it merely informs the server that you are checking out the file; which you can lock so others can not submit over you. If the file is not on your system yet, you would Sync, that file to head on your PC. So you can't check out a file that you don't have a version of yet. Sync-to-head then check out. the "keep checked out" option is so that while you are working on a file, you can make an intermediate version on the SCC depot and continue editing. It's like frequently saving any other type of file that you're not done with, except that it's version controlled. Perforce really doesn't mark files in any way except through the read-only flag. What kind of project are you checking out? LV Project? If you have the lvproj file checked out, you can save it as many times as you want w/out checking in. Hope this helps ~,~
  4. Using the RSS feeds makes lots of things go away, like me, viewing the posts. I've had google reader setup forever and I check it out about twice a month. I know it's "the thing to do" but it just hasn't found an efficient way into my flow. especially since I won't catch the rest of the threads.
  5. As I whittle my way through the "view new posts" I always have to return to top then click the view new posts link. Not terribly hard, but when you go through 30 new posts it would be nice to have the "view New Posts" @ the bottom so I can simply click it when I'm to the bottom of the post, or better yet have the next topic button know that you came from view new posts page and go to the next newest topic, not just the next in the specific forum.
  6. Short answers to your question are as follows. Yes it is possible by using the "New Object" scripting primitive and making the object a SubVI And the best way to wire things together w/out worrying about wire branches, is to first find the terminals of interest, delete the wires in between and then use the Wire Terminals method to re-wire up the works. A much more robust attack pattern.
  7. as far as easily posting code pictures and EVEN VIDEO!! Check out www.JingProject.com This will allow you to easily caputre screen shots, or portions of the screen and have them posted to the the web immediately for sharing or to your HD or many other services. I really love the video feature, because you can walk someone through how messed up it is, w/ voice comments too!
  8. Check out LVx in the forum here http://forums.lavag.org/LVx-Exported-LV-Fu...lity-t9437.html The demo shows how to easily send messages to an executing exe, but I use the same framework to message back and forth between top level VIs and sub-panels. It is very powerful because it can leverage the ability of LVOOP, but does not require that you are be a master of them.
  9. As far as figuring out what data to pass around, the answer is simple.... Everything. It may sound funny, but if you think of how it can be done, you simply make everything that is used as a local var into an element in a single shift register w/ all the elements. and as they are used within each frame(state) you pull them out and push them back into the main cluster. I would have to say this is definetly possible, and if you coded up a little demo stacked seq program, I, as I assume others, would be willing to race to see who can code it up first. Get something up here and let's get it going!!!
  10. I have a very similar problem w/ some equipment I'm using. FYI doing what I'm about to recommend didn't work for me, but I think it's a device issue. (well it kinda did) There should be a command like *CLS or ?ESE 0 or ?ESR0 but the jist is that you reset the status registers of the equipment that is supposed to fire the SRQ before setting the event. Also if you bring up the gpib command set there are some calls in there that do a clear all, but I've had issues trying to get the interfaces to play nice together. Really you can only be commanding from 1 place @ a time.
  11. QUOTE(LV Punk @ Dec 19 2007, 10:20 AM) Thanks! I was supposed to put the comment that it should be made polymorphic to allow for array inputs. Guess I don't need to now!
  12. And for all of us cheap bastards that won't shell out the bucks for a game we truly cant fully enjoy..... THE FLASH VERSION http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/404612#
  13. Yuppers. Same goes here. Both mine came from the pound. Speaking of pound. Our Giant chihuahua came in over 30 lbs and neglected and our stinky little wiener dog was missing most of it's teeth and was so fat also, she has a permanently bare spot on her chest where it used to drag on the ground. Also her tail is at a 90 deg bend about 3/4 inch from the end because it must have been caught in a doorway.
  14. QUOTE Within a specific sequence you can run as many things as you want in parallel, which covers the multiple tests on a single dut. and as far as the multiple dut goes, use the parallel model.... or the batch. but some modification to the process model would be needed to ensure the right flow and such, but I doubt many advanced TS users have an unmodified process model. So going back to the previous comment, some TS training sounds in order. You'll thank me in the long run, because for the next system you have you'll not have to re-invent your custom executive. Albeit not as fun as creating something totally new but very more robust flexible and easier for someone else to maintain if necessary.
  15. Guess I'm just not geek enough. {wife won't let me}. ..... does that make me more geek?..... no... probably not... more like something lower... good god... i'm someone that wants to be a geek..... that's down there
  16. For all you kitty lovers out there, and the rest of us who choose to love the unloved and unwanted creatures in the world {I have deep deep personal issues w/ rejection. Please like me.}
  17. QUOTE(jlokanis @ Dec 18 2007, 02:45 PM) Where are you getting your info about TestStand from? TestExecutive 1.0 spec sheets? We use a very customized DB schema and use TS to log to it, albeit through LV code and not the native TS DB stuff Multiple parallel tests on multiple DUTs.... have you heard of the batch process model or the parallel model? Not trying to be a smart-ass, but after using TS for 2 years now I have a lot of faith in how much it can do. (first hand experience too) TS is really an open environment and I would find it hard to think of something that you can't configure it to do. (except streamline memory usage easily) ~,~ PS You can execute code on remote PCs from TS too
  18. Once again, passing the data via a common top level LVOOP object through a call to a dynamic method in the dynamically loaded VI is very handy. Check it out. You'll be surprised http://forums.lavag.org/LVx-Exported-LV-Fu...lity-t9437.html If the dynamic VI is registered for a user event w/ a common top level object data type as the data type, then if the user event can be fired remotely from a host and pass the more specific child data to the dynamic vi. Then once the event is fired, the dynamic vi will get the correct object type which can be passed to whatever and even be dynamically dispatched depending on the type of object. ~,~
  19. Have you heard of TestStand? The money/time saved in replication of all these abilities already present in TestStand would possibly make up for the money/time needed to get a copy/get trained up.
  20. QUOTE(TobyD @ Dec 17 2007, 12:38 PM) You know!!!!... you reallly know!!!!..... OK. all your' threads have been officially flagged to be Hijacked by the Captain ~,~ HAR HAR HAR!!!
  21. Well I know it's not as flexible as Mark's or as integrated as an xNode But it's still handy, and worth noting Download File:post-208-1197744021.vi
  22. QUOTE(crelf @ Dec 15 2007, 09:58 AM) That's still a good deal considering that it's about 33 elsewhere on e-bay. I'll make a deal w/ you. $25.00 flat which includes shipping since I know you, and it's yours.
  23. QUOTE(Zhrani @ Dec 14 2007, 07:45 AM) It is not a simple task w/ a graph control, but w/ a chart control, it is very simple (stack or overlay) plots. It is an option of the chart and not the graph
  24. Not 'I' said the fly.
  25. THppppppt 1 post does not constitute spam.
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