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Norm Kirchner

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Everything posted by Norm Kirchner

  1. Dachenday, As a very appropriate thank you and smart thing to do, (if it's within the terms of the agreement between you and the company) would be to share your code here or on NI.com so that any other people like yourself that need this information don't have to go through the same pain you did. my $0.02 ~,~
  2. If you have USB serial converter pop up, it sounds likely that you have a COM port show up on your system as well. Download a program like Serial Monitor to see what traffic might be going through your PC or how the port is setup for the device. http://www.hhdsoftware.com/ Not sure if it's still free but I have an old version I could post if need be. Once you get the settings you might be able to sniff enough shit off of it to figure out what it ate last night. Good luck, ~,~
  3. If you have USB serial converter pop up, it sounds likely that you have a COM port show up on your system as well. Download a program like Serial Monitor to see what traffic might be going through your PC or how the port is setup for the device. http://www.hhdsoftware.com/ Not sure if it's still free but I have an old version I could post if need be. Once you get the settings you might be able to sniff enough shit off of it to figure out what it ate last night. Good luck, ~,~
  4. PreReply note, don't presume that the people reading will have the driver or the knowledge of how the driver operates. That being said, are you sure that you can run 2 at the same time with that driver? Sure you might be able to code it up, but sometimes people don't think about the obvious, like doing the same thing in parallel. And to your point of it looking like your controlling both, when I look at the code, I see you controlling each independently. the only thing tying both together is the SetPositionOffset method. And if I presume anything about that method and the behavior that your describing, then it's not the method you need to be calling. Perhaps if you want to call both at once you need to use the GetPosition method on the second one. <a href="http://content.screencast.com/users/NJKirchner/folders/Jing/media/ddc19c30-b098-4476-9f00-17066785f95f/2011-07-29_1531.png"><img'>http://content.screencast.com/users/NJKirchner/folders/Jing/media/ddc19c30-b098-4476-9f00-17066785f95f/2011-07-29_1531.png"><img class="embeddedObject" src="http://content.screencast.com/users/NJKirchner/folders/Jing/media/ddc19c30-b098-4476-9f00-17066785f95f/2011-07-29_1531.png" width="660" height="502" border="0" /></a> Good luck ~,~ The Captain
  5. Although different...just tossing this out there http://screencast.com/t/PseOPTRZ LEGACY - STD Keyboard.zip Good luck ~,~ The Captain
  6. If memory serves correct, the only control type you can drop into, from windows, into a running front panel, is a path control. I have heard stories and done a quick POC that will allow you to use an invisible path control brought up in front of the thing you want to drop into, catch the drop into the path, then modify the thing that you wanted to have effected by the drop. So it's a little hook and crook, but I know it's been done in a variety of very well done front panels. I think the guys @ JKI do that w/ VIPM ~,~ The Captain
  7. You may want to look at the 'Lock' function that is available within the Grouping menu. I doubt it'll solve everything, but that in conjunction w/ a custom typedef may be a good avenue
  8. I'm taking recommendations for clean and dirty LV limericks. Somewhere there is a video from last year and that list. I doubt i'll be able to outdo that list so I'm counting on you guys to, if not give full limericks, then at least give me a few boiler plate ideas. PM me so we all don't see them ahead of time. <object width="640" height="390"><param name="movie" value=" name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="640" height="390"></embed></object>
  9. It's not all about the professionalism of things (although that is part of it in certain cases). Sometimes, most times, they are accessing some of these hidden properties or methods or even calling into custom made dll that were created for a very very unique case but could be ab-used. Don't get me wrong, I would love to open it all up, I've even been known to blurt out things that might or might not sound like passwords in the middle of the NI-week BBQ, but I also know the AE's that would need to help someone like GB119 who isn't as understanding and blames LV for things crashing when it's really something they've caused. Personally I'd rather have the AE's limited bandwidth dedicated to learning RF
  10. Although I'm fairly certain this is homework, sometimes the best way to learn is to see. So learn away Increment Example.vi It's not all you were asking for, but will give you an idea of how you need to be thinking ~,~ Norm Kirchner
  11. I'm afraid you're at the mercy of the company and their response. Assuming you still want to work with the loadcell wirelessly, then unless the company made an API to work with their transceiver (which sounds doubtful at this point) you're out of luck. It sounds like your only hope would be if the company designed the transceiver to look like a COM port to the PC. What do you see show up in device manager when you plug it in? ~,~ Norm Kirchner The Captain
  12. Well, I would recommend checking out ni.com/jobs for starters There was a good reason scripting wasn't released for a long while (and some not so good). But the basic premise is that if we let loose all the hidden stuff, the likelyhood of you shooting yourself in the foot would increase drastically and even if that wasn't the case we would have to support you through trying to figure it out or unfiguring out how to do something. I know this my not be NI's official response, but I've never been very official anyway. There are things, to get access to all the passwords and hidden stuff, you need to be in the tower. Until then, it's up to the community to figure out how to hack into hidden/non-released features as possible and in doing so, support themselves. IMO it's a good natural filter. So to answer your question better, there is no magic key, and your best bet is to keep a close eye on LAVA Best, ~,~ Norm Kirchner
  13. Peter, It's great to hear from you. LVx has finally hit puberty and is ready to come out, but now as REx (Remote Exports) I have a version of TLB created that gives a TLB w/ the REx core constructs built in as well. I'm fighting the build process on VIPM for a few other work related things. I'm putting a reminder on my calendar for 2 weeks out (vacation inbetween) to reply to this post w/ the version of REx and it's dependencies that I have along w/ some video. Thanks for seeing the value in all of this and hope to hear from you soon ~,~ Norman Kirchner
  14. Gentlemen, don't be fooled into thinking that process will be easy. Unfortunately there is no easy way to kick an XControl alive to receive an event without interacting w/ it's front panel interactively somehow. Technically the XCtl code goes practically idle until one of the 'Official' XCtl events gets fired. You can register user events into the panel till you're blue in the face, but the facade won't wake up untill there is some other kind of interaction w/ the panel. And even then the panel won't be registered for the events that were already fired because the Event Registration Refnum will have gone invalid. fwiw, I hope you prove me wrong, but that's just one of those rough edges to the XCtl ~,~
  15. Version


    This is the official release of my LV State Machine template; the TLB - Top-Level Baseline. It was presented at the State Machine vs. State Machine presentation at NI Week 2010. This is worth using because it implements most of the common functionality that you end up creating w/ most / all LV state machines anyway: Error handling Idle cases Interactive event driven execution Shutting down parallel loops gracefully String based queued states Handling the Panel Close? event Some techniques used are not immediately intuitive, but each design decision was made with the idea of scalability and ease of use in mind. Please post your 'Why did you do that?' questions and I'll gladly inform and instruct why the design choices were made (including why did I use colors)
  16. Count me in, and I guess I'm being DNatt's ticket gofer and +1 him too. Same place again eh? We starting a tradition or getting lazy? ~,~ Michigan??!!! Pfffft, Austin baby, Austin
  17. Lava Search sucks LVx provides a pipe into any LV program (LV EXE, Async Component, Subpanel VI, etc) for which a command can be sent and a response given. This isn't quite an MVC implementation because of the reasons you've highlighted The basic idea is that you make a program. Which has both FP and BD which runs whatever functionality you desire. This can stand alone. But then you make an API to extend the functionality of that program (FP and BD). So in a sense, the M & the V are the FP and BD, and the C is the 'whatever else' that calls that API So no components are really throw away, but at the same time, all parts are not fully modularized (can't take off the FP, but you can just not show it which gives the same feel) So headless in LV world is a mis-normer Any VI that is running has a Head.... it's just a matter of if you show it or not.
  18. Well.... the way I do it currently is through LVx, which has become a bit of a black mark on my name here on LAVA because I still have never compiled it into a full package w/ some damn documentation. What that Acutally means, is that I create an API for the panel. That API enables remote control of a 'Top Level' component. The idea works very very well, enabling both interactive manual control / headless automated control (for example through TestStand) / and a mixture of both for debug. But as with regards to the implementation, it has it's pro's and con's. The biggest con, being that I have not released the proper documentation or tools to debug and create new commands. If you're willing to climb up the learning curve w/ out them, then I'll pass along the most recent version if you setup a time in the evening that we can teleconf and I can walk you through .
  19. Uli, Thanks for giving the TLB a go. 1. I didn't have a good definition of data that I might like to be sent along with an exit request, so I put the most powerful / flexible data type as the definition of the event. IOW the LV Object The idea is that if you have async running processes, that the event ref would be shared amongst all, so although in the template, there is no use for the data, the other components added to the system may add value by using the data space of the exit event. 2. Simple oversight. I'm working on the next revision of the template (1 bug fix and some other additions). I'll be sure to add that in. Keep the feedback coming. And don't forget that this is good for both very simple & moderately involved UI
  20. Mike, Which version of windows are you running? I'll have to validate it on my install of 2010. Give me a few days, and be sure to reply w/ the windows version. Rex, I'm sorry I've neglected your post. Most of the commands I've thought of, and you could implement easily as well. Have you seen the option under the tools>>quick edit>>create new plugin... I personally don't mind still using keys for anything that my left hand can do by itself. Most of my commands for shortcuts were motivated by needing to remove my hand from my mouse. (Including freaking fast drop) I'll check back in soon w/ some updates (I hope) ~,~
  21. Within LabVIEW Speak I have 3 commands that have proven VERY useful over time similar to this Copy VI Path Copy VI Folder Path Explore to VI So although not another way of doing the same thing, you may want to consider adding them to your list of commands
  22. One of the best reasons to use them within a DVR is to take advantage of the new ability to create your own property node calls off of an object. Another terrific reason to use them is that if you choose this design choice, you can take advantage of some awesome design that has been developed to aid in the management and extensibility of them http://decibel.ni.co.../docs/DOC-12813 This tool gives you the ability to have Named DVR's and also adds extensibility to the first obtain and the last release. The naming of a DVR is a major reason some people would stay with SEQ (Single Element Q), but with the ESF, that is no longer a limitation for DVR's Add on top of that the ability to have 'first obtain' and 'Last Release' code seamlessly integrated into the flow w/ no additional wires needed...... you can't go wrong I look forward to seeing your thoughts on the ESF - Extensible Session Framework Norm Kirchner ~,~ The Captain was Here PS if you need a good idea of a 'Hello world' style example with it, make a basic timer.
  23. You've got a handsome family Omar! Merry Christmas to you and yours!!!!!
  24. LVOOP Property Nodes
  25. Calling all CLA! Head on over to the CLA Summit 2011 Page and give your comments please. {EDITORS NOTE}:: It's in a private group so you must join first here CLA Summit 2010 was a huge success and this years will be better yet. Comments like "It was worth the airfare" which came from a CLA from Italy should convince you to not only attend but also shape the content and format. So once again http://decibel.ni.com/content/projects/cla-summit-march-2011/blog/2010/11/17/time-to-plan-for-cla-summit#comments See you all soon Norm Kirchner Sr RF Systems Engineer National Instruments ~,~ CLA, CTA, CPI, Defrock'd LV Champion General RF Nuisance
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