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Everything posted by pallen

  1. Super cool! I've been looking for some ideas for all NXT bricks we've got sitting around here. (...I'm pretty sure most of them still work) I thought about a Rube Goldburg-ish crazy coffee roaster, grinder, brewer. ( I love my java! ) But then the boss got a superdooper machine for the office. It doesn't roast.....but I'm not sure everyone would appreciate that. Considering I like a very dark roast, I think the smoke in the hall might become a problem. Maybe some kinda battle bots that are supposed to have pieces fly off etc? Lego pieces only....and no glue! See how tough you can build one.
  2. I've used Minjet's Mind Manager a few times. My boss really likes it. (...don't know whether to keep calling him "new" boss or not) I really like Visio myself. Doesn't need to be a newer version either. Just give me "Technical 5" and it has everything I need. For notes, I tend to keep one text file for every project that acts as a kind of "twitter" to myself. I just hit the F5 key before I type, and I get a time stamp that helps me keep track of things. Since this are my notes only, I don't worry about what I put in them. Being very candid in those notes has actually helped me when revisiting a project at a much later date.
  3. This reminds me of an interesting radio program I was listening to the other night. It seems that Canada has named a Pfizer exec to the board that funds health research. It's 'like having big bad wolf directing 3 little pigs' Some see a very obvious conflict of interest here. Others....apparently don't.
  4. Hmm...need to make a LabVIEW auto-tune program.
  5. I've participated in a couple of betas. Typically I'll only install the LV beta on my home PC. Although now that I have a shiny new laptop with a BIG hard drive, I've got it all chopped up into slices for different operating systems. This way even if I do install on my work machine, I'm not risking my current installations of LabVIEW.
  6. Thanks for the heads-up! I notice this is to fix a bug that pops up when using Windows Mandatory Profiles. I wonder if one isn't using WMPs, if it's still suggested to run the patch?
  7. Hi Rolf, I just tried downloading and unzipping. 7-Zip reports that the file is "not a supported archive". Usually 7-Zip is like a Swiss Army Knife and can handle just about anything. Also just tried the built in tool in XP. It reported that there were no files to extract.
  8. Hi Spaghetti, I like the name. On most computers I've used, a USB to Serial device will be issued it's own Port. So if you've already got a Serial Port on your PC, your USB to Serial device will be operating on a different one. So, the same code won't work for both. You'll need to change the port to match which one your device is plugged into.
  9. If I get really stuck on something, I rarely let it go once I get home. Sometimes I'll be just thinking about it as I'm doing other thing. But more often than not, I'll fire up my computer at home and start trying things. Since I'm not on the clock, I can try things the way I want to. Often, I'll come up with a solution before I even go to bed.
  10. Not sure if this is answering the "right" question. But there's a post on NI's board discussing something possibly similar. http://forums.ni.com/ni/board/message?board.id=200&message.id=6314#M6314 Someone else has posted code for cropping an image around a "hole". You could probably find something useful there. http://forums.ni.com/ni/board/message?board.id=200&message.id=18024#M18024
  11. Congrats! Now you can show up to NI WEEK a day early and get in on all the Super Secret Stuff!
  12. There's a tookit here: http://sourceforge.net/projects/sql-lv/ But haven't used it myself.
  13. My only real complaint with last year's BBQ was that they closed up shop a little too early. But I still have just a little bit of their BBQ rub left. That's some good stuff! Sadly I'm going to have to miss this year's BBQ as well as NI Week. I think our local NI office is sending a lot few employees down this year as well. Fortunately we've landed some good projects now and there's at least a chance that I'll be back again next year. Hopefully my absence and subsequent drop in alcohol sales won't put any of the good places out of business this year.
  14. Aw shucks. That was the avatar I had before. Something I clipped out of a Sinfest strip. ...guess I'll have to come up with another one.
  15. I guess I could be called a Lurker here. Haven't had a whole lot to post in awhile. But I've been here a good while and love reading my daily RSS.
  16. QUOTE (crelf @ Feb 8 2009, 03:17 PM) Interesting. I'm curious what the advantages are in adding tasks this way as opposed to using MAX.
  17. QUOTE (ejensen @ Feb 4 2009, 03:09 PM) Is it possible that your OS is setting those files as "Read Only" or something?
  18. Yup. Same thing here too. Tab Controls from VIs made in Windows display this way too. I'm just not sure if it's the OS or *my* OS.
  19. QUOTE (crelf @ Jan 25 2009, 08:53 PM) They don't go away.
  20. I've noticed these dark lines in my tab controls in Linux. There are a couple of colours that seem to hide the lines completely. But most don't. I'm curious if anyone else has noticed this. Is there any workaround?
  21. Used to be the typical resolution of most PCs at our shop was 1024x768 Now most PCs are 1280x1024 or higher. So we've I guess "standardized" at that resolution. (Although I'm still at 10x7 on my laptop because I haven't managed to kill it yet)
  22. Congrats Norm!
  23. Hi there, I did a quick search on NI's website and found one entry on the forums from an NI Applications Engineer. http://forums.ni.com/ni/board/message?boar...uireLogin=False Looks like it may be a little while before this level of cross platforming comes to LabVIEW.
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