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Everything posted by yonatan.tidhar

  1. QUOTE (orko @ Nov 25 2008, 08:40 PM) oops... here is the link agin: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/ms235317(VS.80).aspx
  2. After struggle with this for a while :headbang: its seemed that you need to deploy your dll on the target machine you can find how do do this here its worked for me :thumbup:
  3. QUOTE (Altomare @ Jun 19 2008, 02:11 PM) If you just need add status bar to your UI you should take look at this example: http://file:///C:/Program%20Files/National%20Instruments/LabVIEW%208.5/examples/general/controls/splitter.llb/Status%20Bar%20using%20Splitter%20Bars.vi' rel='nofollow' target="_blank">C:\Program Files\National Instruments\LabVIEW 8.5\examples\general\controls\splitter.llb\Status Bar using Splitter Bars.vi It`s good start for this kind of thing.
  4. can This be use while wiring my block diagrams?
  5. I tried to use string control in Hex display mode. (8.20/WinXP) I want to highlight specific bytes in my string Using buld\colors. The Hex display displayes the data in pairs of bytes and Space. if i try to highlight only one byte at the pair the space after the pair is disapper and the total line length is sorter by one caracter space. this is annoying because I plane to use this control to display my data and this behavior make it look messy. :headbang:
  6. my laptop (Intel Pentium M 1.6M with 599 MHz, 768M RAM winXP has finished mass compile of new installation of LabVIEW 8.0 (16932 VIs) at 29:17 Min :beer: :worship:
  7. yes for me it was very exhausting process to get the FP layout as I wont the way that the front panel look on PC and on the PDA is very deferent i had to do many tries and tests until i get something that was close to what i want. the option to design nice GUI on the PDA are very limited at ver 7.1 you cant use properties and your control look so-so. ver 8.0 is match more better. so my 2C is try do design your front panel (just put the controls at place and size), build the exe using the emulator, see the results and go back to fix what ever need to be fix and test again... :headbang: . just after that go to implement the logic of your GUI
  8. I can see this too (7.1) and try few things - the only thing that help was to disconnect the constant from the typedef :question: so its look like the problem is in the typedef.
  9. please let us know more details about your hardware configuration and what are you try to do :clock:
  10. did you read any byte at all? if you try to read more bytes than you write you will get timeout error what example are you using? try to use "C:\Program Files\National Instruments\LabVIEW 7.1\examples\instr\smplserl.llb\Basic Serial Write and Read.vi" example and see if you get any results i think you cant use the same serial port together at MAX and LabVIEW
  11. yes in LabVIEW 7.1 and earlier use save with options :thumbup:
  12. take a look at openG "Write Panel to INI.vi", "Write Panel to INI.vi"
  13. This is my non-recursive solution its return ref to all the the text ref at the FP you can modify it. :beer: Download File:post-2756-1138734963.llb
  14. No! Vi have one Front Panel and one block diagram! How your program user interface look is somthing else. You can use many methode to manipulate your GUI. take look at:Visiale and Position propertys, use of dialog subVis, tab control and sub panels.
  15. about: see Stephen Marker post at info-LabVIEW:
  16. If i get you right what you need is state machine withe "load data from file" state. this state should be called at program start up (initialize) and then call it again when from your "value change event". look at the Standard State Machine template from the New.. menu.
  17. This should be easy if you already have the configuration vi for your express vi, you should take the main while loop of the configuration vi and convert it to sub.vi. this sub vi can be called from your user interface at run time. this way you ended with one code for configure your filter at edit time and at run time. :thumbup:
  18. I sow it at NI week :thumbup: Its belong to the "new" trend of wireless DAQ. the ide is to have modular unit withe CPU board, Wireless Comunication module, and daq boards
  19. as jim wrote its not option in runtime what about having child window that move on the screen ? I attached example of achieving it using show/hide properties. :beer: Download File:post-2756-1138019915.vi
  20. Federico Hi what is the efect you try to get? can you post an example its importent to know the fllow: "If you have controls overlapped with other objects, their display rate is significantly slower. The reason for this is that if a control is partially obscured, more work must be done to redraw that area of the screen. Unless you have the Smooth Updates preference on, you might see more flicker when controls are overlapped." http://zone.ni.com/devzone/conceptd.nsf/we...6256A37005541D3
  21. Did your dll is nun blocking? if not labview is wait until your call is done because of that by default it runs in the UI thread if your dll is thread safe calling it in reentrant mode can help
  22. in the past i sow example of this but i cant find it I whould consider using radio button for this. :headbang:
  23. I used it to jange the look and fill of my FP in case i want to have difrent bit map on my fp or any ather decorations
  24. why not go to the original? http://store.apple.com/1-800-MY-APPLE/WebO...y=AppleDisplays :worship:
  25. what abaut this example from ni site? http://sine.ni.com/apps/we/niepd_web_displ...034080020E74861 Download File:post-2756-1137065441.vi
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