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Justin Goeres

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Posts posted by Justin Goeres

  1. QUOTE (Jim Kring @ Mar 19 2008, 10:21 AM)

    Losing to Justin did hurt. But, when I saw a guy roll the score counter at 999,999 I felt very small :)

    A physics professor once told me, "All minima and maxima are local." I like to think of it that way :P.

    While it would be kind of nice to score seven hundred thousand more points in Galaga, I like to think I'm investing those points elsewhere, keeping my karmic portfolio well-diversified (although while the game is in progress, winning is :angry:Serious Business :angry:).

  2. QUOTE (Michael_Aivaliotis @ Mar 19 2008, 08:44 AM)

    Aside from the initial shock I'm not particularly bugged by it. Contrary to what my playing habits might indicate ;), I don't take it all that seriously.

    Years ago I was involved with a small MacMAME high score site, and one of the problems we ran into was that the scores for any particular game tended to become very static over time. After a while, the highest scores got so high that nobody was motivated to play anymore. I think that was starting to happen on some of the games in the LAVA Arcade.

    So even though most of my trophies went away, I think there's an argument to be made for why the arcade is better off with a semi-wipe like this every once in a while.

    In fact, I wouldn't mind if some kind of wipe happened say, once a year. We could identify a handful of untouchable scores and hold a poll about whether to just retire them and replace them with new games. There could even be a simple Hall Of Permanent Untouchable Champions page so that the results are preserved for when we Google our own names :P.

    All that having been said, some scores do matter. For instance, I beat Jim at last year ;).

    http://lavag.org/old_files/monthly_03_2008/post-2992-1205949686.jpg' target="_blank">post-2992-1205949686.jpg?width=400

  3. QUOTE (Chris Davis @ Mar 19 2008, 05:10 AM)

    So, should the DELL in the background be worried???

    The Dell in the background has something to worry about, but if it's worried about the OLPC, it's looking in the wrong direction. :ninja:

  4. I think there's still a little confusion about what normandinf is asking.

    The reason normandinf has a broken run arrow is because Class A and Class B2 both have a dynamic dispatch method called "Write Numeric.vi" and the connector panes of the two VIs are different.

    In Class A, Write Numeric.vi takes a DBL.

    In Class B2, Write Numeric.vi takes a CDB (or at least, a complex number of some sort).

    This will not work, for the reasons I described in my other reply above.

    What normandinf is asking for, in effect, is the ability to override the Private Data of a Parent Class in a Child Class while still using the same dynamic dispatch VIs to read & write that data. :nono:

    If I've got this wrong somehow, please post a screenshot of the Errors List window.

  5. It's not LabVIEW, but just for giggles here's a screenshot of one of the most appaling UIs I've ever seen:


    That's the actual application window. It's an application I tried to use briefly a few years ago, when I was looking for a tool to change the icons on some EXE files. Some of those colored areas are (clusters of) buttons, some are drag & drop receivers, etc. It made my eyes bleed.

    I wish I had a better-quality screenshot, but that's the best I found on the net, and I'll be dambed if I'm going to subject myself to that again just for a LAVA post :P.

  6. Here's what Anders said, in code:


    Note that the U8s on the front panel are the same as any other U8. I added "(as hex)" just to make it clear that they're set to display in hex. The display format doesn't change the behavior of the U8 on the block diagram.

    You can also use the same typecast operation with U16s, U32s, etc. and they'll be cast into multiple characters instead of just a single character as shown.

    EDIT: Attached the file, 'cuz well, why not?

    Download File:post-2992-1205766284.vi

  7. QUOTE (normandinf @ Mar 14 2008, 07:13 AM)

    I'd like to know if it is even possible to imagine such a feature working correctly in LVOOP? Why is this diagram giving me a broken arrow?

    The short answer (and a jedi like AQ can give all the gory details) is that all the connector panes of a dynamic dispatch VI and its overrides have to be the same because they're constrained by the syntax of G as a language.

    To elaborate a little bit... One of the biggest features of LVOOP's dynamic dispatch is that the override VI that is called at a particular node is determined at runtime, but the wire types and their connections (i.e. the complex numeric vs. the filepath) must be determined at edit time. If you had two override VIs with different connector panes both overriding the same dynamic dispatch VI, it would be impossible for the compiler to generate valid code because it doesn't know in advance what class will be on the dynamic dispatch wire.

    In a couple rare instances, I've used a Variant as an input to a dynamic dispatch VI just like you mention, but generally I try to avoid the question entirely. I would be interested to know if other people have different approaches.

  8. QUOTE (mrgsdsjg @ Mar 13 2008, 11:12 AM)

    Any help or examples would be greatly appreciated. I am loading a modified version of the Advanced serial write and read VI. Thanks for your help!

    You're on the right track. And good job consulting the examples. That's half the battle :).

    But rather than modifying the Advanced Serial Write and Read example to behave like an event-driven UI, a better approach would be to take something like the User Interface Event Handler template (File >> New... >> User Interface Event Handler) and add the serial read & write code that you need from the serial example.

    A really simple way to do it is to put your write operations in cases of an Event Structure (just like you've already done, although I'd probably use a Value Change event rather than a Mouse Up event, and set the booleans to Latch When Released). Then put your read operation in the Timeout case of the Event structure and wire something reasonable, like 100 ms to the timeout terminal of the Event Structure (see the LabVIEW Help for more info).

    This way, your program will execute the serial read every time the Event Structure times out (which is almost every time). But whenever you press one of the buttons, the event for that button will fire, triggering the associated serial write.

    Welcome to LabVIEW, and welcome to LAVA!

  9. Is there a way to make all the GUI galleries accessible from one place? Right now it looks like each one is just a personal gallery of the user who created it. That means, for instance, that Israel CarriĆ³n's gallery and Carlos Calderon's gallery are totally separate, and if you're looking at one of them there's no indication the other one even exists. (Case in point: those are the only two I know about. Are there others?)

  10. QUOTE(Aristos Queue @ Mar 10 2008, 07:35 AM)

    I remember reading about an early innovation in that field about 12 years ago. It involved video chat software (CUSeeMe, as I recall) and...I swear this part is true...a tiny video (or at least color-sensing) device you would stick to the front of your monitor. The software interacted with the hardware by displaying colored boxes in the chat window, which the sensor would interpret and use to send the control commands to the "attachment." I recall the "features" list including a claim along the lines of "Works with any computer! No messing with USB or serial devices!".

    QUOTE(neB @ Mar 10 2008, 07:15 AM)

    I can see the Wire-workers now completing a rather invloved VI and then stepping outside for a cigarette.

    I already do that. (or, I would if I smoked.)

  11. QUOTE(george seifert @ Mar 7 2008, 10:59 AM)

    I'm still kind of lost. After your edit you make it sound like it can't be done. I know there's a solution since it's a well known problem (http://mathworld.wolfram.com/ApolloniusProblem.html). I'll have to chew on your answer for awhile and see if any of the math comes back to me.

    Oh, CRAP. I expanded the terms wrong. :oops:

    Every term in the expansion where I had, for instance, 2*x1, it should've been 2*x*x1. Sheesh. That makes everything else I did wrong, so I just removed all the content :). If you really want the screenshot I posted, PM me and I'll send it to you. All it's really good for is admiring the pretty formatting of poor math :P.

  12. QUOTE(george seifert @ Mar 7 2008, 08:24 AM)

    It's been far too many years since I've done math like this and I can't remember all the tricks. Can LV matrix operations be used somehow? There's a Solve Linear Equations VI, but I don't see how to apply it to this situation. Any hints would be greatly appreciated.

    I'm in the same boat. If I had a nickel for everything I've forgotten, I could pay people to remember things for me. There might be some magic in a MathScript node that you could bring to bear on it?

    Meanwhile, I worked it out by hand and it doesn't seem terribly complicated. Since x1, x2, x3, etc., are all known, those terms collapse into a constant in each equation. From there you can write a matrix equation and it all falls out pretty easily. Obviously you could do the last part with LabVIEW's matrix tools, but the gymnastics of expanding the original equation are something you might have to help LabVIEW with?

    VB VISA.zip

    EDIT: On second thought, now that I've written all that out I'm not convinced that the system is fully determined. If x^2+y^2-r^2 equals c1, c2, AND c3, doesn't it follow that c1==c2==c3? But if at least two of c1, c2, c3 are equal to each other, then your system isn't determined.

  13. QUOTE(JDave @ Mar 6 2008, 01:09 PM)

    Now I'm wondering if you know that much about Dilbert or if you are just google bluffing... :D

    Is there a difference? I'm inclined to believe that the sum total of "knowledge" I've gained in the last 5 years consists entirely not of things I have learned, but rather things I have bookmarked after Googling them.

    P.S. When I was first getting to know my wife, she told me that I'd score big points with her if I could guess why a particular series of concepts were important to her. So I typed them into Google. BAM! The answer was the first hit. "I'm feeling lucky," indeed. :P

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