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Justin Goeres

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Posts posted by Justin Goeres

  1. QUOTE(alfa @ Dec 13 2007, 02:21 AM)

    Because our thoughts are quantum systems this means our aura is a quantum system.

    See, I think that statement is probably where you're going to lose your audience ;) . Maybe everything else you're saying follows from there, but you certainly haven't convinced anybody around here that "our thoughts are quantum systems" or even what this "aura" is and whether it exists.

    I suppose 97.7% of us will just never get it. But checking the current Registered Users count there should be about 183 people that do understand you... :unsure:


    I consider a wave function with n=7 states from our aura.

    In the spirit of trying to understand your research and its implications for all of our lives... Why n=7?

  2. QUOTE(frentzen @ Dec 12 2007, 06:24 AM)

    The vi shows as a result, the data from the xml-file. I need to tell people what's going on in that vi, like

    first it loads the java file, then it opens the xml-file and so on. So i have to go through step by step.

    I think I already gave you all that information in the previous post, no?

    If you need to explain step-by-step what each node in the VI does, I suggest you consult the LabVIEW Help. For that matter, you could probably just open the Context Help window (Ctrl+H), point to each node in the VI, and read the text in the help window.

  3. QUOTE(eaolson @ Dec 11 2007, 02:49 PM)

    Sigh. I told myself I wasn't going to get involved in this thread anymore, but the growing misuse of scientific terms like "quantum" rather bugs me. Not only is saying a dream is quantized ridiculous (what's the smallest possible increment of a dream?), but saying that the Schrödinger equation applies to dreams is complete gibberish. You can't apply mathematical concepts to an abstract concept like that of a dream.

    I actually disagree a little (and only a little) with part of the above. There's no reason that dreams can't be "quantized" any more than there was a reason that matter couldn't be "quantized" 150 years ago. We just lack an experimental framework (and, for most of us, a reason) to describe them as such. What's more, there's a huge difference between saying dreams (or other brainial processes) are quantized in some way, versus saying they obey the laws of quantum mechanics, and can be described by the same theories. To refuse to even open the discussion seems to me to be throwing the baby out with the bathwater.

    Of course, opening the discussion implicitly means weeding through the crackpots. But personally, I kind of enjoy that part ;) .


    It's like asking someone to take the logarithm of a pineapple.

    Nah, that's just a units mismatch :P .

  4. QUOTE(crelf @ Dec 7 2007, 03:21 PM)

    It's not native, but hopefully it'll do what you're after. I wrote it a *looong* time ago - all care, no responsibility:

    Wow, that's wild. FYI, it's buggy as hell on WindowsXP, at least for the example you showed above (Calculator embedded in Notepad). Lots of weird redraw problems. Still a cool trick, and I know you didn't exactly promise the moon and the stars :P.

  5. I wish LabVIEW would show the little (current size) popup in terms of elements in addition to pixels when resizing an array on the front panel or block diagram. The fact is that when I'm resizing an array I almost never care what size it is in pixels, especially given that the pixel size is constrained to a set of values relative to the sizes of the array elements anyway. I frequently care how many elements will be displayed.

    E.g. (449,29 / 21 elements)


  6. QUOTE(Norm Kirchner @ Dec 6 2007, 06:51 AM)

    Dangit, I thought you were going to say that the MythBusters Crew was using it in their own tests.

    Yeah, and I had hoped they were actually going to do something with it, but they really didn't. It looks like the lab they were at just uses it to collect data, and then does the analysis offline with a different piece of software.

  7. LabVIEW made an appearance on last night's (5 Dec 07) new episode of Mythbusters!!! The main show topic was Confederate Steam Gun.

    The secondary plot (the one with Kari :wub:, Grant, & Tory) involved trying to fool a lie detector. They visited the Medical University of South Carolina to learn about lie-detecting fMRI technologies. Anyway, they showed a screenshot of a data collection program running on one of the lab PCs, and the LabVIEW front panel of the DAQ app was clearly visible. The first shot of it (according to my TiVo) is 39 minutes in, but they show it several more times after that. :thumbup:

    The UI could use a bit of work ;).

  8. QUOTE(wily medina @ Dec 5 2007, 06:06 PM)

    Ok the case is to create or to open a. txt to assign him permissions and alone that can be modified for labview and not to level of user or administrator of Windows.

    Look in the examples included with LabVIEW. If you can't solve the problem, show us what you tried and we will help you understand what's wrong.

  9. QUOTE(frentzen @ Dec 5 2007, 07:00 AM)

    i need a pretty good discription of the added vi. It would help me a lot with my study work.

    If anybody could help, would be great.

    It looks like it loads a javascript file called xml.js and executes some functions defined in that file to extract information from a data file, called Mean[1].20061013_123043.xml. The results look like some kind of summary info about the data file, and also some raw data stored in it.

    Without the two files in bold above, it's impossible to tell exactly what it does. However, since it looks like the data file (Mean[1].20061013_123043.xml) is in XML, you could probably parse it from scratch without using xml.js if you have to.

    Also, you should wire the Error Out terminal of the last IScriptControl node to at least an error cluster indicator. It's good coding practice, and it will let you know if anything goes wrong upstream.

  10. QUOTE(Tomi Maila @ Nov 30 2007, 07:25 AM)

    What's wrong with this video?

    It looks like to me like you're somehow changing the execution state of the VI while it's running. You manage to "break" (broken arrow) the VI without stopping it, and it's after that that the weirdness really begins. You sort of "fix" the problem by clicking the Run arrow again, which I suppose gets the VI back to a more self-consistent state and allows the Stop button to work.

    I also note that right after you click the Run arrow for the first time, your cursor moves out of the movie frame. :shifty:

    Care to make another movie where either

    • your cursor stays in frame the whole time? OR
    • the whole screen is visible?


  11. QUOTE(BrokenArrow @ Nov 29 2007, 02:30 PM)

    Please don't muck up this great forum with the copy-n-paste :nono: , we know what you meant.

    It looks to me like what may have happened with mario64's post is that he kept hitting Add Reply with the same text, and the forum software just appended all the replies together (and removed the linebreaks, which is a known problem). A flaky internet connection could cause that, if he wasn't getting confirmation back that each post went through.

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