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Justin Goeres

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Posts posted by Justin Goeres

  1. I've always said that the best thing about a good delusion is that any sufficiently localized segment of the reasoning behind it is internally self-consistent. I.e. all the small steps along the way seem to make sense one-by-one, but when one gets to the end and finally looks up, the end result is pretty shocking.

  2. I've always said that the best thing about a good delusion is that any sufficiently localized segment of the reasoning behind it is internally self-consistent. I.e. all the small steps along the way seem to make sense one-by-one, but when one gets to the end and finally looks up, the end result is pretty shocking.

  3. QUOTE(bayram_mercan @ Nov 19 2007, 02:22 AM)

    It sounds like you're missing the http://joule.ni.com/nidu/cds/view/p/id/570/lang/en' target="_blank">NI-DAQ Drivers you need to talk to the hardware. Be careful to read all the info associated with that link. Depending on your specific situation you might need a down-rev version of NI-DAQ.

    You don't need to upgrade to LV82 to do data acquisition, but if upgrading is an option for you I'd do it just because LV82 is a much more advanced product than LV61 was.

  4. QUOTE(Cool-LV @ Nov 14 2007, 07:13 PM)

    and Sorry for the not clear question, OS is WinXP, the function that simulate open the local connection status, and press disable network, and press enable to enable the network, thanks

    upwards guy's suggestion that I haven't tried, because I see it needs user password to connect, should any tip be easier ?

    Like rolfk said, it's still really hard to understand what you're trying to do. If you want to map/unmap network drives (with or without password) the other suggestion above is a good one.

    If you're trying to access information about network adapters in the system, you can do that with the ipconfig command:

    C:\>ipconfig /?USAGE:	ipconfig [/? | /all | /renew [adapter] | /release [adapter] |			  /flushdns | /displaydns | /registerdns |			  /showclassid adapter |			  /setclassid adapter [classid] ]...etc...

  5. QUOTE(paololt @ Nov 17 2007, 03:25 AM)

    Hi all, i need someone help me

    I have to realize a ping between two pc; i'm following an example i found in Labview example under the section udp networking.

    My problem is that: i have 2 strings to compare bit by bit: data sent and data received and then i have to calcolate bit error rate.

    how i can do that?

    What have you done so far and where are you stuck? If you can post some of your code we can probably point you in the right direction.

  6. QUOTE(ccbb1 @ Nov 16 2007, 01:21 PM)

    How can I export a VI from version 8.2.1 to version 7.0?

    You'll have to do it in multiple steps. Each version of LabVIEW can save back to a certain subset of previous versions of LabVIEW.

    I don't have 8.2.1 open right now, but my guess is that it can only save back to LabVIEW 8.0. So you'd have to save the VI from 8.2.1 -> 8.0, then open it in 8.0 and save it from 8.0 -> 7.1(.1), then open it in 7.1(.1) and save it from 7.1(.1) -> 7.0.

    There's an outside shot that you could go all the way from 8.0 to 7.0 in one step, but my recollection is that you can't.

    You might be able to work out an arrangement with somebody around here to do it for you if you don't have those intermediate versions and if your project isn't huge.

  7. I, for one, am overjoyed that The One True Creator, His Holiness The Flying Spaghetti Monster (may eternal garnishments of basil and olive oil be upon Him) has finally chosen to reveal Himself on our humble discussion forums. Truly, in His sight we are blessed! In this moment The One True Language and The One True Ruler of The Universe are united!

    Let us rejoice with feasts of piping hot spaghetti and build a beer volcano, that we may show our devotion to The Creator and He may in turn show us favor! And let Pastafarianism continue its march to the far corners of the world!


  8. QUOTE(hooovahh @ Nov 13 2007, 07:13 AM)

    I don't know about any one else's situation, but if I develop code for money I no longer own the code. The code can be distributed by the people who own the code, the people who paid me to develop it. And since I no longer own it, I can't post it on some community based site (like this lovely one)

    That is a vast oversimplification, and it's incorrect.

    In America today, if you generate creative output (such as program code) you automatically own the copyright to it, and the copyright does not transfer to anyone else unless there is an agreement in place that specifies it should transfer. Unless you have specifically assigned the copyright of that work to the entity you're doing the work for, you still own the copyright on it. This is a point that is widely misunderstood, especially among programmers.

    An exception to that is a situation where the work you are doing is defined as work-for-hire. Work-for-hire is a very specific contractual concept that basically waives upfront most or all the rights normally granted to you under copyright. But (in the case of contracting) work must be defined as work-for hire. If your contract doesn't say it is, it's not.

    Note that the situation is somewhat different when you're working as an employee of a company. In that case, you are typically acting as an agent of the company when you're doing the work. In that sense, you never create the code in the first place -- The Company does. So The Company receive all the benefits of copyright as the original author of the work; no transfer of copyright is necessary.

  9. I'm going to play a bit of devil's advocate on this one. I read the geek dad posting via the link from Michael's blog, but I didn't exactly get the impression that Chris Anderson "hates" graphical programming.

    Here's sort of the relevant part to me:


    "if...then...else", "while", even "for...next" -- you won't know how much you actually like those constructs until you don't have them. For anyone who's ever programmed, there's nothing better for understanding programming logic than properly tabbed and commented code, all in a column of text as God intended. And for your kids, there's no time like the present to introduce real programming, using coding conventions that will be as relevant in the decades to come as they were in decades past.

    The only statement I truly take issue with there is where he says "there's nothing better for understanding programming logic than properly tabbed and commented code, all in a column of text as God intended." While I find that statement both laughably inaccurate and dripping with bias, it sounds to me like he's not specifically dissing graphical programming in general, but rather lamenting the limitations of NXT-G.

    It's disappointing, though, that his solution to the problem was to run back to the warm, calming embrace of his beloved plaintext source files :P. As everyone in the choir here knows, that's throwing the baby (graphical programming) out with the bathwater (missing flow structures in NXT-G). I would've told him to just buy the LabVIEW Student Edition and gaze in awe as all his problems melted away.

  10. QUOTE(Aristos Queue @ Nov 10 2007, 05:48 PM)

    I've discussed elsewhere several times why dynamic dispatch subVIs aren't called out on the diagram by some glyph, or halo, or something. Search those posts out. Summary: When reading the caller diagram, I really don't care about the underlying implementation of the subVI. Whether it is a static dispatch subVI or a dynamic dispatch subVI is irrelevant -- the icon should tell me what the call does, not how it does it.

    I used to feel (pre LV85) more strongly about this particular issue. The problem in LV82 was that if you opened a dynamic dispatch VI from the block diagram it would only open the most ancestral version of it, which frequently doesn't have any useful code in it. If I was going to have to go to the Project window and dig up the particular implementation I wanted to look at, knowing that in advance from a glyph on the icon saved me several clicks, several seconds, and some confusion.

    The dialog in LV85 that lets you select a specific implementation mitigates that a lot, in my experience.

  11. QUOTE(Michael_Aivaliotis @ Nov 10 2007, 02:09 PM)

    Now the issue of removing line feeds and spaces, now that's a real issue, it should not happen of course. Any clue to how to make it repeatable? I'll report it when we can narrow it down.

    I think this will trigger it:

    1. Reply to a post.
    2. Reply again to the same post immediately (so it merges).
    3. Click the "Edit" button under your post to edit it and choose Full Edit (although I think Quick Edit does it, too). When the editor loads the linebreaks in the post you're editing will be gone.

    I just tried something like that over in the Testing forum and it removed the linebreaks. I'll try to narrow down exactly what makes it happen, though -- I run into it a lot because I'm a compulsive post editor.

  12. I've been meaning to write a post about this exact issue for a while, but hadn't gotten around to it. Thanks for bringing it up. :thumbup:

    I, too, see this as a huge problem for classes. It hasn't stopped me from using them because they're so great in so many other ways :). But I'd go so far as to say that I probably test my LVOOP code less than my non-LVOOP code, or at least I test it in larger chunks, because the effort required to actually do the tests is greater.

    I have wondered, though, how LVOOP fits in with the idea of automated unit testing. Maybe the impact of not being able to set class data element values directly on the front panel is less in that context?

  13. QUOTE(alfa @ Nov 10 2007, 12:58 AM)

    I think the problem is that the poster in that thread is trying to tie a model of elementary particle interaction to a model of interaction between infinitely more complicated systems (i.e. between humans & each other, humans & the universe, etc.).

    While it may be interesting (and fruitful!) to consider the idea of a sort of Unified Field Theory of Consciousness, I think it's reasonable for physicists to be skeptical that any such theory would bear anything more than a nominal resemblance to their own work. To call it crackpottery might seem rude, but it's pretty apt.

  14. QUOTE(eaolson @ Nov 10 2007, 08:48 AM)

    I've fallen into using The GIMP for my icons. I have a bunch of little badges (mostly culled from free icon collections, like Nuvola, Crystal Clear, and of course the NI Icon Library) in a couple dozen layers in an image template. Things like a disk, a queue symbol, a hammer, a magic wand, various directional arrows, a checkmark, an 'X', etc. Then I have a couple more layers for the background and the banner at the top. When I need an icon for a VI, I show/hide the badges I need to get the look I want, then I do a Copy Visible and paste the image into my VI icon (or class icon template, etc.).

    I usually leave a little space in the icon to add a little text in the LV icon editor.

    The downside is that the icons are in glorious 24-bit color over in GIMP, so sometimes LabVIEW's crappy dithering algorithm kind of ruins them on the way over. But overall, I like my graphical icons a lot better than my old all-text or mostly-text ones.

  15. QUOTE(Yen @ Nov 10 2007, 09:40 AM)

    • Having two consecutive replies merged into a single one. As far as I know, that is by design.

    That behavior has always confused me a bit, because it doesn't seem entirely consistent. Sometimes (usually) when I post two consecutive replies in a thread they merge, but sometimes they don't. My guess has been that it's a threading issue (i.e. it depends on which post(s) I'm replying to when I make the 2nd post), but the totally informal tests I've done haven't shown me any patterns.

  16. QUOTE(JDave @ Nov 9 2007, 11:59 AM)

    By dynamic events, are you referring to enabling and disabling events using the "Register For Events" node? Or User Events?

    Actually, I was referring to both/either. I didn't exactly make that clear.


    And when you write "Event Structure in a state machine" I think of the architecture where the Event Structure is located in one of the cases of a State Machine. So after a sequence of states completes, the state machine returns to the IDLE state to handle any new events. I think EJW is talking about an Event Structure in a While loop--nothing else there. But maybe that is what you meant...

    It's in the ballpark of what I meant :). I see an Event Structure by itself in a While loop as a special case (no pun intended) of the "Case Structure with an Event Structure in one of its frames" layout. I've never actually designed or built anything with the structure EJW is talking about, but I see no reason why it wouldn't be worth looking into. I think that we mostly think of the queue-driven producer-consumer design because that's what NI kind of pushes at us in the standard templates, but there are lots of ways to do these things.

  17. QUOTE(EJW @ Nov 9 2007, 09:22 AM)

    I realize this post may start a forum riot (state diagram diehards), but i am curious to know people's current opinions.

    I have recently been to the mountaintop and have begun to discover what dynamic events can do (after having mangled the queue-driven state machine into almost every possible contortion). Upon my return, I now fear that I may have found my next hammer-which-makes-everything-within-arm's-reach-look-like-a-nail :P. I am currently hitting everything with it.

    So yes, I think using the Event Structure in a state machine is absolutely a workable pattern. As with anything, there are right and horribly wrong ways to do it, but overall it's a great option.

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