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Justin Goeres

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Posts posted by Justin Goeres

  1. QUOTE(Ascen @ Nov 29 2007, 09:06 AM)

    I'm trying to read MATLAB-saved tab-separated ASCII files into 2-d double arrays,

    and while in theory the use of Read From Spreadsheet File seems straightforward,

    it for some reason only uses the first significant digit of each number. I've tried

    playing around with the formattings (%f instead of default %.3f, %d, %.20f, everything..).

    What is the very basic thing I am missing here:

    LabVIEW is trying to read the data from the input file in a localized format. I.e. it's looking for "XXX,XXXX" instead of "XXX.XXXX".

    If you add the text


    to the front of the format string, e.g.


    then I think it will work. The %.; tells LabVIEW to look for the . as a decimal separator.

    EDIT: Fixed an error. I had the wrong localization specifier before.

  2. QUOTE(george seifert @ Nov 29 2007, 08:32 AM)

    I solved it. I deleted the property node that gets the label text and created a new one. Very strange.

    I had something similar happen recently, but I can't find my notes on it anymore. In my case, it happened with property nodes in several cases of the same event structure all at once. I had to recreate them all from scratch (neither restarting LabVIEW & reloading the code, nor a mass compile worked). Never figured out what triggered it, and it hasn't happened since. It was infuriating. :angry:

  3. QUOTE(MrYoung @ Nov 27 2007, 08:29 PM)

    When working with 8.2, it is simple to build dynamically loaded VIs into the EXE using the "Source Files" and the "Source File Settings" tab in the app builder. Wen you generate a preview of the build, the dynamic VIs are not visible.

    When working with 8.5, you cannot set the destination of the source files to the EXE. The only choices you have are "same as caller", "Support Directory", and "Destination directory". When you generate a preview, the dynamic VIs are pasted. How do I get the same result as in 8.2? :headbang:

    Maybe I'm misunderstanding, but it works for me. I regularly build EXEs with dynamic VIs included, and have never had any issue. It works exactly like it sounds like you think it should :blink: .

    In the Source File Settings tab, when I select a dynamic VI, I see the following choices:

    • same as caller
    • My Application.exe
    • Support Directory
    • Destination Directory

    Selecting My Application.exe as the destination causes the dynamic VI to be built into the final EXE file, and it does not appear separately in the Preview (just like in 8.2). Are you saying you don't even see My Application.exe as a choice?

    If I select a manually included non-VI file (like a config file or something), I still see My Application.exe in the Destination pull-down, but it's greyed out (again, just like 8.2).

  4. QUOTE(crelf @ Nov 27 2007, 02:55 PM)

    HM Queen Elizabeth II is behind all conspiracies. But who's behind her? :shifty: (c'mon Justin - you know this one!)

    The horse? (no, that was Catherine The Great.)

    The European banking consortiums? The Federal Reserve? The Illuminati? Satan himself?

    I'm afraid there are too many possibilities.

  5. QUOTE(Mike C @ Nov 26 2007, 10:30 AM)

    Hello all. I am using FTP to tranfer a file from a remote server. I want to be able to monitor the download progress but I don't know how to do that. Getting the file size is not a problem, but how can I find out how much data has been trasferred at a given point during the download?

    If you're using a command-line FTP client, it might output its status to stdout. If you can get the client to send that output (or any other status) continuously to a file, you might be able to poll that file from your application and parse out the most current information. That's all kinds of ugly, though, and pretty unlikely to work :P.

    Another option, if you know the size of the file you're downloading in advance and the local filename you're downloading to, would be to just poll the size of the local file as it's downloaded, and divide that by the total number of bytes you're expecting. This, too, depends a bit on your FTP client; if your client preallocates the file on disk it won't work. That's only half as ugly as my first suggestion.

  6. QUOTE(Mike C @ Nov 26 2007, 10:30 AM)

    Hello all. I am using FTP to tranfer a file from a remote server. I want to be able to monitor the download progress but I don't know how to do that. Getting the file size is not a problem, but how can I find out how much data has been trasferred at a given point during the download?

    If you're using a command-line FTP client, it might output its status to stdout. If you can get the client to send that output continuously to a file, you might be able to poll that file from your application and parse out the most current information. That's all kinds of ugly, though, and pretty unlikely to work :P.

    Another option, if you know the size of the file you're downloading in advance and the local filename you're downloading to, would be to just poll the size of the local file as it's downloaded, and divide that by the total number of bytes you're expecting. This, too, depends a bit on your FTP client; if your client preallocates the file on disk it won't work. That's only half as ugly as my first suggestion.

  7. QUOTE(Yen @ Nov 24 2007, 09:54 AM)

    Works fine for me in 7.0 - I never saw any problem with that and I've been using it quite a bit for at least a couple of months (I knew about it before, but for some reason didn't use it). Did you try both sides of the keyboard? I assume you would notice if your shift key didn't work. Also, I assume you made sure you pressed shift before you dragged.

    Hmmm.... OK, it works for me in 7.1.1 and 8.2, but not in 8.5 :blink: . I can't find anything in the Options dialog that looks like it would be related, nor do I know of any suspicious INI keys.

    Can someone else try it in 8.5 on their machine to confirm whether it's just me, or whether the shortcut is just missing in 8.5?

  8. QUOTE(sara @ Nov 23 2007, 06:34 AM)

    actually I have DAQ which give asignal to open and close valves in specifies time to watering plants ...

    please help me I dont have much enough experince in labview...

    Again, what have you tried so far? We can't solve your problem for you, but if you show us what you've done we can help you understand what's right or wrong with it.

    If you haven't done anything yet, start by looking at the examples provided in the LabVIEW Help (Help >> Find Examples...). You can search for examples that will show you how to control the DIO lines on your hardware. You can also find basic information on how to write programs in LabVIEW by going to Help >> Search the LabVIEW Help.... There's an entire section in the help called Introduction to LabVIEW.

  9. QUOTE(sara @ Nov 23 2007, 06:34 AM)

    actually I have DAQ which give asignal to open and close valves in specifies time to watering plants ...

    please help me I dont have much enough experince in labview...

    Again, what have you tried so far? We can't solve your problem for you, but if you show us what you've done we can help you understand what's right or wrong with it.

    If you haven't done anything yet, start by looking at the examples provided in the LabVIEW Help (Help >> Find Examples...). You can search for examples that will show you how to control the DIO lines on your hardware. You can also find basic information on how to write programs in LabVIEW by going to Help >> Search the LabVIEW Help.... There's an entire section in the help called Introduction to LabVIEW.

  10. QUOTE(sara @ Nov 22 2007, 11:32 AM)

    Hi all ,

    I want to control watering plants in my garden by using labview .

    Can you help me ...

    Definitely. What hardware do you have on hand and what have you tried so far?

    Also, is there a specific date when you need to hand indeploy this system?

  11. QUOTE(sara @ Nov 22 2007, 11:32 AM)

    Hi all ,

    I want to control watering plants in my garden by using labview .

    Can you help me ...

    Definitely. What hardware do you have on hand and what have you tried so far?

    Also, is there a specific date when you need to hand indeploy this system?

  12. QUOTE(Cool-LV @ Nov 21 2007, 12:35 AM)

    I don't see what's crazy about that at all. That's exactly what I'd do.

    There's a list of several thousand different colors (with names!) here. It wouldn't be terribly difficult to write a VI to parse the RGB values out of that page and create an array with their values. Use that array as a constant in a color-lookup function, and you're done.

    If you only need a couple hundred decent colors, you could also work from LabVIEW's 221 valid icon colors. It's trivial to generate those programmatically. You can also do the same thing with web-safe colors and get roughly the same result.

  13. QUOTE(Cool-LV @ Nov 21 2007, 12:35 AM)

    I don't see what's crazy about that at all. That's exactly what I'd do.

    There's a list of several thousand different colors (with names!) here. It wouldn't be terribly difficult to write a VI to parse the RGB values out of that page and create an array with their values. Use that array as a constant in a color-lookup function, and you're done.

    If you only need a couple hundred decent colors, you could also work from LabVIEW's 221 valid icon colors. It's trivial to generate those programmatically. You can also do the same thing with web-safe colors and get roughly the same result.

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