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Everything posted by jhoskins

  1. You should have a look on the NI forums this question was asked not long ago, also in the breakpoint on the NI forum i have posted a lot of vi's for use with excel.
  2. The reason you do not see them is because you do not have the scripting features enabled. go to the scripting forum here on lava and put the features in your labview ini folder and then restart labview and you will see them.
  3. I cannot say anything about jim's third edition but I own a copy of LV for everyone second edition and it is a great resource to have and learn from, I cannot wait for the new version to come out so that i can buy it as well to see if i can learn something new. Maybe some new tricks
  5. You could also use the waveform monitoring VI's in the waveform pallette. try one called mask and limit. It may help.
  6. I think we will not be able to tell you much without seeing the code either do a screen shot or post the code or both. we will be able to help you better.
  7. I myself have a B.A.S in engineering technolgy. I have worked my way up from a lowely technician to a senior test technician by writing many test applications for R&D and manufacturing here at siemens preclinical solutions. There are many engineers here and a couple of physicist, all of them use c++ but some are slowly converting to LV
  8. I have a vi I have been toying with in 8.0 that uses scripting to create a window with a graph on it and display it as a child window inside the parent I can do this with the child window vi's that I got from this site and others. However i found in one of the properties a proerty called FP.Open in window. under that property there is host window, bounds and parent window. I have tried to get this same vi to work using this property but it will not make it a child. I do not understand which vi should be the host and which should be the parent. I really do not understand this stuff and would like your help. This is just something I'm exploring and want to learn and it is nothing pressing, so give me all the feedback/drawbacks that you know of. PS sorry if I have posted this in the wrong forum Download File:post-310-1150292083.vi
  9. I know for a fact that some of the error codes changed because they say so in the upgrade notes. LV 7.1 LV 8.0 20003 20012 20101 20111 20102 20112 20103 20113 20104 20114 This list came from the upgrade notes page 104.
  10. You can just build the exe and send it to them and have them put it into the same folder as the old one or you could build an installer just for the exe, by telling the application builder not to include additional installers.
  11. Thank you very much tim it works great. how did you get this getversioninfo to show up with an invoke node without a constructor node. I'm not used to using the .NET functions so if you could tell me how you did this I would appreciate it. thanks I figured it out for myself I just used the .Net reference instead of trying to use the constructor node on the block diagram and then selected the file info. Thanks again for your help.
  12. I would like to find a way to get the file version info of an exe. I have tried the file info from openG but it does not get the version info. I looked on the MS website and found the .NET function called file version info that is supposed to be under system diagnostics but when I bring up the constuctor node it does not show up :headbang: . Everything else that is supposed to be in there shows up. I want this info so that I can create a generic about dialog box for my exe. If anyone knows of an easier way to do this I would appreciate any answer.
  13. If I remember correctly you can only have one cursor active at a time so when using the property node you will get the value of the active cursor. So what you have to do is set the active cursor property first and then read its value. Another way to do it that I just found would be to use the cursor list property and use the cluster and array functions to get the values.
  14. In the examples look for a vi called two channel Oscilloscope and you will find your answer. If you cannot find the VI let me know and I will try to post it.
  15. Well said jim I agree whole heartedly. I monitor both forums, I like the way LAVA does things over NI. It does seem that both forums could come up with some sort of compromise. Maybe put a link on the ni forum with a link to the buglist here.
  16. I have a vi that I like to use for opening different files and applications. It uses the system exec vi. Who all have probably made better ones for doing this but this is my feable attempt. Download File:post-310-1140461285.vi
  17. Show us how you did that. Now this is realy getting interesting. :thumbup:
  18. Thanks Jim :thumbup: Seams as if you guys had the same trouble. Will try.
  19. I have a VI that I created in LV7.0 and it works great in 7.1 now I am trying to get it to work in 8.0 and I get a very weird thing going on in 8.0 that I cannot understand. If I run the vi as is it works great it finds all the vi's in memory as it should but when it is run from the tools menu. (I did this by saving it to the projects folder) it does not find all the vi's in memory. So i started doing some debugging and found the code was OK. Then I tried the example called memory monitor and when it is run standalone (ie double clicking on it in the example finder) everything runs great but when I save it to the project folder it does not show all the vi's in memory as it should. Does anyone have an explantion to this.
  20. Hi chris, I asked this on the exchange as well and the answer that I got from the person that is responsible for the developement of the installer is yes the installer checks to see if any NI software is present and that it will not install the software if it is the same version or greater. in your case it would look to see if that version of the runtime engine is installed if it is then it will skip this step in the install. Joe
  21. Thanks anyway I found it. I had to add this (SuperSecretPrivateSpecialStuff=True) to my ini file. :thumbup:
  22. wher can I find this at in 7.0 :headbang:
  23. Could you please give me this vi in version 7.0 so that I may have a look at it. i want to do the same thing but cannot figure out how to get the correct reference. Thanks Joe
  24. I just want know when it is going to be released. I want it, although it will probably be about 4G's for something that should be free.
  25. I dug through the licensing agreement and found nothing stated like this person said about breaking the agreement. I just wanted to get the opinion from the experts here. And another thing is he not already breaking that agreement by letting me know that it is going to be a product soon. HMM Maybe I need to buy some NI stock now that I have a trade secret.
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