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Everything posted by Khalid

  1. QUOTE(vronto31 @ Jan 31 2008, 01:43 PM) Another option is to use OPC. I know SAP supports at least the OPC-DA interface. Google it. -Khalid
  2. QUOTE(psiam @ Feb 23 2008, 03:02 AM) Not exactly sure what you mean by a "UI" page. If you mean a web page, you can use the DataSocket VIs passsing it the URL. The output string will be the source code of the web page. Regards, -Khalid
  3. [quote name='
  4. Hi Marius, I must commend your willingness to learn. Here are some basic resources for learning LabVIEW: http://www.ni.com/academic/lv_training/how_learn_lv.htm http://forums.lavag.org/knowledgebase.html&showarticle=3 After this, you will want to pick up a good book, like Jim Kring's LabVIEW for Everyone. Of course, monitoring these forums and participating in the discussions is invaluable as well. Good luck! -Khalid
  5. Khalid


    OK, now I am curious.. -Khalid
  6. Khalid

    Hello LAVA

    Welcome Mike! It's a small world indeed... see you around -Khalid
  7. Marius, You should look at the Event Structure in LabVIEW, and use that instead of the While Loop. With the current implementation you are polling the Save and Load buttons all the time in the While loop. With Event Structure you would get an event whenever any of these button's values change (after you set it up that way). Plus, with your Vb background, you will like Events As for passing the array reference into the subVI and then using a Property Node, I guess it can be considered similar to using a pointer. But, you don't want to do that in LabVIEW unless you have a good reason. Because, Property Nodes execute in the UI thread (which is other than the diagram thread), and this will cause a thread-switching which is expensive. Here's a comparison of Terminal versus Property Node versus Local variable: Local variable = 15 times slower than Terminal Property node = 653 (!!!) times slower than Terminal The above is from the following post: http://forums.ni.com/ni/board/message?boar...essage.id=90261 Depending on how long you will be working with LabVIEW, you may want to stop thinking in terms of C and VB, and start thinking in terms of data-flow programming. Regards, -Khalid
  8. To get the output from a subVI into its caller VI, the most staright-forward option is to create an output terminal on the subVI, and use that in the caller VI. Hope this helps. -Khalid
  9. Hello, Are you talking about Siemens' HMI software WinCC? If yes, how does LabVIEW fit in the picture? If not, what is this Wincc? Please provide more details. Thank you, -Khalid
  10. Hi Marius, I looked at the VIs. I am not sure what the task is. May be you can describe what you are trying to achieve, i.e, the functionality desired -- without going into the implementation details. This should help us program it. Regards, -Khalid
  11. Hello Harry, Looking at the manual briefly, it doesn't list the Modbus addresses for the parameters explicitly anywhere. However, sections 5.4 and 5.5 do list some examples. In these sections, the register addresses are specified in paranthesis. You will want to contact the device manufacturer to get a complete of Modbus register addresses. Gut gl
  12. Not exactly what we want, but the following runs the IE in LabVIEW's ActiveX container and then gets the screenshot: Regards, -Khalid
  13. It depends on the communication protocol the PLCs use. Please find out the exact communication protocols the PLCs use. We can then discuss the options available for communicating with LabVIEW. -Khalid
  14. I am guessing you would like to communicate with the two PLCs using LabVIEW. Please write in detail as to what exactly you are trying to accomplish. The Delta PLC uses the Modbus protocol as per the attachment. And I am again guessing -- based on your previous posts -- you have been able to communicate with it. What communication protocol does the Omron PLC use? Alternatively, does it come with an OPC Server? Also, please share any details and VIs that you have tried so far. Regards, -Khalid
  15. Khalid

    STA 300 ,

    So, did you try the example from Keithley's website? What errors are you getting, if any? Regards, -Khalid
  16. Khalid

    Hi folks

    Welcome Santosh. How is LabVIEW in India? Quite popular -- at least in the Universities? Regards, -Khalid
  17. Khalid

    STA 300 ,

    Hi, What Keithley KPCI board are you using? Did you check Keithley's website for example VIs? -Khalid
  18. Alameer, That article is for LabVIEW 8.x. You are using LabVIEW 7.1, right? In which case, you will need the Professional version. Check under your Tools menu -- do you see a "Build Application.." item? -Khalid
  19. The wallpaper (eventually) has to be a BMP. When you are manually setting a JPEG, for example, as your wallpaper, Windows actually makes a copy of this to a BMP format and uses that for the wallpaper. Check out the 'Wallpaper' and 'ConvertedWallpaper' regisrty entries under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop. Regards, -Khalid
  20. Khalid


    BBC and other media will very likely spell LabVIEW as Labview. The following is my recent (and true!) correspondence with BBC on a similar issue: --- NewsOnline Complaints <newsonline.complaints@bbc.co.uk> wrote: > Subject: RE: Feedback [NewsWatch] > Date: Thu, 26 Oct 2006 17:03:36 +0100 > From: "NewsOnline Complaints" > <newsonline.complaints@bbc.co.uk> > To: <[removed to avoid spam]> > > Thank you for your email. > > It is the style of BBC News Online to spell all acronyms that > are read > like a word (Unesco, Aids, Nato and Unep) in lower case. > Acronyms that > have each letter sounded (BBC, IPCC and FBI) are written in > upper case. > > This style is intended to help the reader scan the page. It > is adopted > by a number of publishing groups and is not unique to us. > > Regards > BBC News Website > http://news.bbc.co.uk/ > > > > > -----Original Message----- > From: [removed to avoid spam] > Sent: 26 October 2006 05:09 > To: News General Feedback > Subject: Feedback [NewsWatch] > > > > From: Khalid Ansari > Email address: [removed to avoid spam] > Country: Canada > > COMMENTS: Sorry for being a stickler, but have noticed BBC has > been > pretty sloppy with the English usage lately. See the > following for > instance: > > http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/6076212.stm > > "Nasa" and "Stereo" are acronyms that should be capitalized. > Check > NASA's website: > > http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/stereo/main/index.html > > Regards, > > -Khalid > Khalid Ansari, Canada >
  21. Alameer, Sorry for the delay in getting back to you. I looked at your DeltaPLC protocol. It uses the ASCII mode of the Modbus protocol. Unfortunately, at the moment I do not have a Modbus-ASCII device to test this. But, you can try using the 'MB Serial Master Query.vi' and changing the mode to ASCII. You can add the 'MB Serial Init.vi' to this with your Serial settings. If successful, you should see the data in the Modbus Data Unit Out cluster. Hope this gets you started at least. Regards, -Khalid PS: By the way, I tried running the Master and Slave examples included in the library in ASCII mode but wasn't successful. Hi David, Sorry for the delayed response. I don't remember fixing anything specifically for 8.x. But, as you know, there are issues in general with this library, especially with the Slave code. I agree with your suggestions that the Ethernet and Serial versions could be separated (even if they use some common core VIs), Slave implementation can be improved, and all these can be moved to individual .lvlibs. I also don't like the fact that pretty much every VI in the library is reentrant. Haven't studied them in detail, but I am not sure if they all have to be reentrant. I guess as a first step, we should formalize the list of changes, and priortize them. Regards, -Khalid
  22. If you don't mind waiting a few days, I can take a look at the protocol you attached and provide some suggestions, hopefully -Khalid
  23. Khalid

    Emitting a LED

    MAX is short for Measurement and Automation eXplorer -- National Instruments' hardware configuration software. You would use this to configure your hardware boards and devices. Who makes this JPCI 3100? Do they have VIs for it? -Khalid
  24. Khalid

    Emitting a LED

    What card are you using? I am guessing it is some kind of a DO card. Is it supported by LabVIEW/NIDAQ? Can you test it under MAX? Thanks, -Khalid
  25. You're very welcome. The NI Modbus library has support for both Serial and Ethernet Modbus. From your first post it appears you wil be using the Serial mode. So, start by trying out the MB Serial Example Master.vi and MB Serial Example Slave.vi first. You could use two computers -- one as Master another as Slave, or use a null-modem cable to loop from one COM port to another on the same PC. Your goal should be to communicate between the Example Slave and Master VIs. Once you have this working, replace the Example Slave VI with your PLC. Feel free to post any questions you may have. Again, I strongly recommend that you get the Example working first. -Khalid
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