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Rolf Kalbermatter

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Everything posted by Rolf Kalbermatter

  1. And I'm positive that they actually use some cryptographic algorithme such as MD5 or similar to protect the password so trying to fake the password is a rather difficult if not useless approach. The only way I could see is in patching the LabVIEW executable bij removing the password check altogether. But that is beyond my abilities.
  2. Your approach will work too, but since your data is really a 16 byte short in big endian format you could take advantage of the fact that LabVIEW's flattened stream format is also normalized to be in big endian. Just pick out the interesting bytes and wire them to the Type Cast function in Advanced->Data Manipulation. Wire a int16 constant to the middle terminal e voila you get your numeric 16 bit signed value. This is simple fast and will work on any LabVIEW platform independant of the underlying endianess of the CPU, since LabVIEW takes care of the necessary (if necessary) byte swapping for you. If the number in the stream would be in little endian format you would just have to add a Byte Swap node from the same palette to the wire after the Type Cast. Really swaps bytes twice on little endian machines (only Intel CPUs ;-) but it's most probably still faster than doing the byte extraction and joining on your own.
  3. Hi Michael I just took a look at your List Directory and thought there would be something to improve. Look at the attached version. On my computer it is almost two times faster in enumerating large directory trees even if it is called first in the timing test to not give it advantage through Windows directory list caching. Download File:post-10-1081496463.vi
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