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Everything posted by PaulG.

  1. Thanks Toby. I was just curious. I was trying to avoid a clean reinstall. But it seems like a good time to do so and get Windows 7. Maybe now's the time to buy a couple more disk drives and try my first RAID system. So much work reinstalling everything, though.
  2. My PC at home is running 8.5 on Vista, SP2. Will I break LV if I move up to Windows 7? Thanks in advance.
  3. Maybe your eye is better than mine but I don't waste any time figuring out color combinations for my GUI's. However, I've been complimented on my front panels. I use system buttons, one color, font and bold style for button labels and a custom background image. If I have graphs I make them transparent. If I have a lot of info to display to the operator I'll use a list box or a tree control as an indicator. If you follow these guidlines you can have a nice looking FP while avoiding the "LabVIEW Look".
  4. PaulG.


    Me, too. Funny how some of us always seem to have work to do.
  5. Uh ... um ... er ... I don't know about using Spoolie. He reminds me too much of "Clippy" (or whatever his name was) in Windows help. A LAVA mascot would be cool, but I think we need something a little less cute. I get enough cute overload from my cats as it is.
  6. Dude! You have a friend who was an extra in a Burton film?! Tim Burton is brilliant. One of my all-time favorites. I remember watching Mars Attacks! with my 10 and 12 year old (at the time) nephews. Talk about a party. PaulG now returns this hijacked thread to it's proper subject.
  7. My apologies. I should never have stopped here. This is getting so confusing I was the one confusing coercion with allocation. "Never mind"
  8. I'm scratching my head as well. Are you possibly confusing array copies with coercion?
  9. I think LAVA 2.0 requires one more click on "today's active topics" on the right side menu.
  10. I thought it was lame. Lost me after 30 seconds. It might have been the staccato British accent or the reference to video games.
  11. Since LAVA 2.0 I have been going with a different avatar but I want my previous (cat ("anything") into a variant) avatar back. Any chance you can simply replace it here on sight, O great and powerful admin moderator, or do I have to track it down in my archives and submit it again myself?
  12. (midi theme from The Godfather) "You're right, Michael. Probably not going to happen. She's family. Everyone in the family takes their post count like everyone else. But Michael ... Michael ... talk to Cat before you talk to Guido. Make her an offer ..." (midi fades ...)
  13. PaulG.

    Skynet v 0.1

    First, scripted VI's running amuck ... then Grey Goo.
  14. PaulG.

    Skynet v 0.1

    I liked your first idea better. That's the rub when writing software that attempts to imitate "evolution". A lot of evolution software programs have been coded but invariably the biases of the programmers find their way into the code. You just did it yourself. Which existing VI? The VI that starts off with just a while loop, or an existing VI that starts out functioning like an amoeba?
  15. The lower SNR here is one of the many things I like about LAVA. I wouldn't worry about it. If you get out of line Mike A. will send Guido to "talk" to you.
  16. Gripe gripe gripe. Complain complain complain. Sheesh.
  17. As far as I know that is normal behavior. Try this workaround.
  18. I have felt your pain. Contract work SUCKS. But it was better than starvation.
  19. Thanks for asking. You have been working very hard on LAVA and I for one appreciate it. But if it's no big deal, YES, the flags were cool. I like knowing where other members are from. Gives LAVA that "international" atmosphere.
  20. I think there is a world of knowledge and possiblities in OO in LV. Just look at all the different implementations (by reference, by value, LVOOP, GOOP, Endevo, etc., etc. ). The whole topic is overwhelming and a little intimidating. Some of us are still a little too nervous to jump right in simply due to the number of choices. I think it would be good if NI took the lead (hint hint) and really worked on some training material in OO programming and the native LV OO implementation. If NI leaves it up to us we will only offer only more choices and implementations. This will lead to a handful of gurus and the rest of us scratching our heads or paying someone else to do what we should be able to do on our own if we only had just a little more info ...
  21. I picked up a serial port to USB converter at an Office Max or similar store about a year ago.
  22. They do a lot of this sort of thing over here.
  23. Impressive! I see something ... it's cloudy ... getting clearer .... I see ... A BOOK! Yes! A BOOK in your future. "Object Oriented Programming in LabVIEW"
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