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Everything posted by PaulG.

  1. First, LAVA comes back on line. Then dannyt gets his 100th post. Life is good.
  2. Good to see LAVA up and running again. I like the new look. I especially like the Picasa image viewer. Sweet. Thanks for your hard work.
  3. Scripting gives you Invoke Node > Add Page. But if you want to create an executable I don't know what you can do except what I've done in the past and that is to create as many tab pages as you think you will ever need and make them visible/invisible using the Pages array and page visible properties. It sounds kind of clunky but that's all I can offer.
  4. QUOTE (crelf @ Jun 8 2009, 03:07 PM) The Simpsons did a Milgram experiment during a family therapy session years ago. Even little Maggie got her shocks in. (suck suck suck ... BZZZZ Bart jumps out his chair) :laugh:
  5. QUOTE (i2dx @ Jun 8 2009, 12:59 PM) Only a government "think" tank or senate subcommittee could come up with that much nonsense.
  6. PaulG.

    Alfa String

    QUOTE (James Beleau @ Jun 4 2009, 11:16 AM) Compared to who? President Teleprompter?
  7. Done. Vote early. Vote often.
  8. QUOTE (ShaunR @ Jun 2 2009, 03:56 PM) Indeed. That is why assembly isn't much "faster" than C now days. I've heard it said: "C is the new assembly language." Compilers are getting that good. As far as assembly being "one of the least verbose" I will have to disagree. Assembly needs 25 lines of code to turn an LED off and on.
  9. QUOTE (Ton @ Jun 1 2009, 02:32 PM) I don't think so - or I don't remember ever trying it that way. I usually wait until I get my enum before I convert it to a typedef. QUOTE (hooovahh @ May 29 2009, 05:01 PM) <charming music> Say you have a generic DAQ system which needs inputs and outputs. There's a script for that. And say you want to make your programming life easier by adding tools which automate wiring up controls and indicators. There's a script for that. And say you just want to impress your friends, by writing the fastest 'hello world' program in existance. There's even a script for that. There's a script for just about any thing. Only on LabVIEW </charming music> I think that is the one thing that makes me the most nervous about scripting. To hell with the fear of losing my job. Today it's cute little "hello world" vi's that write themselves. Tomorrow it's Skynet.
  10. QUOTE (David Wisti @ Jun 1 2009, 11:54 AM) I do that all the time without scripting. Read the file, load the string values into a text ring, then replace the text ring with the enum. Or did I miss something?
  11. Thanks Q and thanks NI for looking down upon your lowly minions and bestowing mercy and compassion and giving scripting to the masses. (insert light from heaven and "ahwhwhwhwhwh" sound here) Just downloaded it this afternoon, installed it without a hitch (8.6) and have been playing around with it for about an hour. I haven't played around with scripting in over a year and in version 7.1. This looks really awesome. :thumbup:
  12. Wow. This is amazing. NI is actually going to release scripting to the general public. The 'verse just got a little bigger.
  13. QUOTE (Michael Aivaliotis @ May 28 2009, 09:10 PM) Yes. A great idea indeed. I've been here for years and it still takes a few minutes and keystrokes to figure out how to start a thread.
  14. PaulG.

    Going on Vaycay

    Over the years I've spent a lot of quality time in SF for work and a couple of vacations. You could do a lot worse. Have fun.
  15. QUOTE (atilio @ May 27 2009, 02:56 PM) All scrolling should be disabled in LV. That's the only way we can ensure diagrams stay a reasonable size.
  16. PaulG.

    Star Trek

    QUOTE (neBulus @ May 22 2009, 03:48 PM) I thought he was the evil Clerf.
  17. I have worked with a 6008 and I don't understand why you cannot drive a simple octocoupler with it. You are just driving an LED. The digital outputs should be sufficient to do that. But then again, my experience with (the really cheap) NI hardware is that they are pretty wimpy and you may need to use the digital output to drive a FET that will in turn drive the coupler.
  18. For all the data I want to save I make a cluster. On the Init state I write the cluster labels to the file from that cluster via properties > label text. Those are my column headers. Then when I run my VI and save the data it's parsed into the proper column.
  19. Crashes in 8.6 as well.
  20. You are rewriting 0 (black) into your plot color. Instead of using the numeric control use a color box.
  21. QUOTE (Karissap @ May 18 2009, 06:56 PM) That did it. Thanks. :thumbup:
  22. PaulG.

    Star Trek

    QUOTE (Cat @ May 18 2009, 02:28 PM) "Perhaps today is good day to die!!!" :laugh:
  23. This may be a noob question but I'm really stuck. I am using a tree control as a data indicator. I am running about 30 - 40 tests but want to keep the indicator small and only want the more recent tests, say 10 or so results to appear in the tree indicator. Right now it's only displaying the first 10 and the operator has to manually scroll down to see the results of the more recent tests. Maybe I didn't look hard enough in the properties but I can't seem to find a way to move the scroll position in my program as it progresses. Thanks in advance.
  24. PaulG.

    Star Trek

    QUOTE (TobyD @ May 18 2009, 01:51 PM) I guess I've had it up to here with time travel. It's too lazy. And Abrams took way too many liberties with the ST mystique and legend. It felt like sacrilege. :thumbdown: The only thing I liked about the movie were the inside jokes and references for us "old timers". "I'm not a physicist, damnit! I'm a doctor!" :laugh:
  25. PaulG.

    Star Trek

    QUOTE (shoneill @ May 15 2009, 10:00 AM) Funny you should say that. I thought Star Trek SUCKED. It was so dreadful I wanted to take a phaser to JJ Abrams.
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