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Posts posted by PaulG.

  1. QUOTE (Irene_he @ Apr 10 2008, 09:25 PM)

    Some Chinese people get so offended that they setup an anti-cnn.com website ...


    I thought it was only American conservatives that hated CNN their propaganda. But it makes sense. CNN (as well as most of the dominant media) hate American Republicans/conservatives/i.e. "The Rich". Chinese companies make a lot of money for "The Rich". Thus, by guilt by association CNN would hate all of China.

  2. If you wire from an output but don't connect it to anything it remains a broken wire/dotted line. However, if you double click the broken wire it gets tacked down on the block diagram. If you hover over the broken wire and right-click you can create > indicator and the wire will connect to an indicator of the data type.

  3. Since you are still in 7.1 I would recommend LabVIEW for Everyone, 2nd Edition, and one of my favorites is A Software Engineering Approach to LabVIEW.

    SEAL teaches a good approach to overall design and managing code complexity. Also, spending a lot of time here and in NI's forums will be very helpful. NI Developer Zone has a ton of sample code and examples.

    Your greatest source of frustration will be your head's transition from text-based, procedural programming to graphic, data-flow programming. Many C/text programmers I've met got really frustrated the first few months learning LV ... and their code looked like it ... but they came around.

    Personally, I think anyone who programs in C needs to have his/her head examined. :rolleyes:

  4. QUOTE (Yen @ Apr 2 2008, 01:19 PM)

    If that's the way we treat our robots, I hope we never ever develop AI. :o

    Maybe we should start thinking about implementing Asimov's Three Laws of Robotics.

    Imagine the look on a developer's face the first time he hits his robot out of frustration - and it hits him back.

    "You stupid bucket of bolts!" WHACK!

    (whrrrrr whrrrrr whrrrr)


  5. "anxiousMemoryDeallocation=TRUE"

    Who would want to make an operating parameter "anxious" anything? Next thing you know we'll get "nervous" then "paranoid" then "psycho". Then we'll get HAL.

    "Deallocate memory please, Hal"

    "Deallocate memory please, Hal"

    "I can't do that, Dave"

  6. Symbolism over substance. If Google really gave a hoot they would have shut down their servers for an hour. As it turns out a lot of folks turned every light in their houses ON for an hour in protest of the hypocrisy.

    However, as a matter of fact I turned ALL of my lights OFF from about 11 PM until about 7 AM the next morning. So there.

  7. "I have a bad feeling about this". If I were on my own there is no way I would take on something like this while trying to learn a new language. Most likely LV can do what this project requires, but with your background and experience in other languages it might be a lot more efficient for you (and less frustrating to your customers) to just learn the robotics (not that hard) and write the code in something you know already. There is no way that anyone can predict just how long this project will take. I inherited a project that was supposed to be done in "90 days", but went 6-months overdue because the engineer (a C programmer) was learning LV while he was working on the project. This guy eventually got so frustrated he hired me - then left - and I inherited the project as a "lone gunman". I spent the next 6 months on-site with the customer breathing down my neck daily just getting the code to work, then another year going out there to fix the occasional bug that crept up almost weekly. "Newbie" code is buggy, not well written and horrendous trying to decipher. I got it done, but it almost resulted in my permanent burnout.

    I don't want to discourage you. LV is well worth knowing. But start small. "Baby steps". And think of your peers. :)

  8. QUOTE (Michael_Aivaliotis @ Mar 21 2008, 05:24 PM)

    Don't be skeptical ...

    I'm not anymore. I dug into Jott last night and they have plenty of support from some big money companies. One in particular is Amazon, and I shop quite often there. You can Jott Amazon, name a product or title, then Amazon will send you an email with the top 5-10 matches with availability and price. Sometimes I'll be listening to my XM and I'll hear someone I want to hear more of ... I can just Jott Amazon with the artist and an email will be waiting for me when I get home. That sounds really cool.

  9. I'm not sure what you want. Could you be more specific? If you are expecting to invoke methods or change properties throughout your code call all of the references at the beginning of your code, bundle them into a cluster and pass the data through iterations of your code with a shift register. If you want to perform the same operation on numerous references, many properties (visible, disabled) can be changed as a more generic class. Simply unbundle the references from the cluster, build an array with them and perform the same operation on them with a property node inside a For Loop.

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