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Posts posted by PaulG.

  1. I tried yours and it behaves the same way for me. However, I re-created your VI and I can edit any comment in any case regardless of what the enum is set to. I live and die by enum state machines and have never encountered this before. However ... upon futher investigation it so happens that when I expand the size of the comment block itself it started misbehaving the way you observed. Very strange.

  2. QUOTE (NareshN@Capsys @ Sep 10 2008, 08:17 AM)

    How can i edit the font size of lable in a customised runtime menu?Please help me regarding this,



    It's a property that can be changed. Select the control on your block diagram, right-click, then select create>property node>label>font>size. Right click that and select "change to write". Then you can write the font size you want.

  3. QUOTE (Antoine Châlons @ Aug 31 2008, 11:16 AM)

    Hi there,

    There is a long http://forums.ni.com/ni/board/message?board.id=170&thread.id=202946' target="_blank">thread on NI forum about that very anoying issue.

    The issue is even worse on LV 8.5 than in 8.x but fortunately it is fixed in 8.5.1. I know no other solution than upgrading.

    By the way, if you "save as", and don't change the name, it will ask you if you want to overwrite, say "yes", and most of the time it saves the VI succesfully ; weird..

    Hope this helps

    I tried that. Didn't work. :angry: This issue is like being nibbled to death by a duck. :)

  4. QUOTE (crelf @ Aug 29 2008, 01:32 PM)

    What version of LabVIEW are you using? Can you post a VI that you're having this issue on?

    Pick one. Every one I've worked on today. And it just so happens it's not doing it anymore. :o Everyone is leaving early for the weekend so it has to be related to the office network somehow. I'll see if I can duplicate it again ... but I ain't stickin' around either. Not even for LAVA. :rolleyes:

  5. I looked this up here and on the DS but have not found a solution. I keep getting a "Generic file I/O error. Cannot save VI 'xyz.VI'" From what I could glean it's network related and has been around since at least v8.0. I can go days without getting it, then one or two days out of a week I'll get it over 100 times. :headbang: "Save as" something else is out of the question. And copying everything from the network drive to the local drive is out of the question as well. Is there a patch somewhere to fix this? It's really annoying.

  6. I think the native LV tip-strip is pretty worthless. As alread said, you can make your own. I've made a vi that "popped up" and closed a "tip strip.VI" that displayed the information in the tip strip when the user right-clicked within the boundaries of a control. I just shut tip strips off in my application and used my LV version of it.

  7. It's difficult enough dealing with real discrimination (race and age) you don't need to create new problems by asking irrelevent personal questions.

    After reading through this post I'll offer a suggestion: stick to the technical stuff. :yes:

  8. I think LAVA has been hijacked? A joke, right? (nervous laugh) ha ha ha ... "air force one"? These look like clown shoes. Just about everyone I know disdains and is afraid of clowns now days. ROTFLMBO!!!!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

  9. The CERN is awesome. And they're using LabVIEW to control a lot of it. And ... on a lighter note ... some physicists are concerned about the possiblity of the CERN creating, among other exotic things, a mini black hole that could escape, orbit through the earth and gradually swallow us up in a matter of days … :blink:

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