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Posts posted by PaulG.

  1. QUOTE (Antoine @ Jun 20 2008, 03:29 AM)

    EDIT :

    for some reason the end of the video is missing (about 10 seconds)

    I've seen it. It's the part where the official-looking guy appears and says: "If you have seen this person contact INTERPOL at ..." :)

  2. QUOTE (limhj @ Jun 18 2008, 05:14 AM)

    ... I work as a software engineer in medical instrumentation area ...

    Lucky you!! I learned LV working in a medical instrumentation R&D lab years ago. I miss medical R&D. (sigh) But LV is just enough fun to keep me sane working in the insane world of manufacturing test engineering. :)

  3. QUOTE (Justin Goeres @ Jun 17 2008, 05:21 PM)

    All the physicists in the house say Hey!

    Hey! :thumbup:

    Now raise your arms above your head and move them back and forth as though there were no consequences!

    Wanna-be amateur "for all intents and purposes" HEY! :thumbup:

  4. <rant of my own> Thanks again, Jime for speaking up for a lot of us. The palette structures and disease-of-use to customize them are one of the few (if any) issues I would consider user-hostile in the entire LV enviroment. And to add to our frustration, every time NI comes up with a new version it creates a brand new default palette always loaded with nothing but express vi's (???) and other useless garbage. Then you have to go through the headache to cusomize them all over again. :angry: </rant of my own>

  5. Just an update: I actually had a real person at uSoft contact me about my problem. We went back and forth via email for over a week. She offered a bunch of suggestions but none of them worked. I backtracked my steps and did some Googling of my symptoms and came up with a few ideas of my own. I ran checkdisk /r. An error was found and corrected. I disabled my anti-virus software and re-ran SP-1 and it went perfectly. That was over a month ago, and my system has been humming along fine since.

    "Never mind" :D

  6. QUOTE (hooovahh @ Jun 13 2008, 11:37 AM)

    I didn't mean to hijack this thread into The Simpsons, I just wanted to come up with some Simpsons quotes that were relevant to Lava.

    I think the Simpsons have been relevant to just about everything at one time or another.

  7. QUOTE (hooovahh @ Jun 12 2008, 12:42 PM)

    "Actually, when Lava is underground it's called Magma." - Chloe Talbot

    "You're so smart." - Lisa Simpson

    "This lava is not a criminal, it hasn't hurt anybody :a man screams in pain: Anybody I know!" - Chief Wiggum

    (singing) "I am so smart. I am so smart. S-M-R-T. I mean S-M-A-R-T" - Homer Simpson

  8. QUOTE (telamon @ Jun 9 2008, 12:27 PM)

    ... hooked up to a screwboard with a million inputs and outputs ...

    WOW! A million?! That would be intimidating. :wacko:

    Exaggeration aside, just how much do you know about LabVIEW? What will get you started is under File>New>VI>From Template>DAQ>Data Acquistion with NI-DAQmx.vi

    Also, make sure you know how to find and test your hardware channels in the Measurement and Automation (MAX) explorer.

    What you are trying to do does not sound that complex, but it might look like it to someone who is very unfamiliar with the LV environment.

    And if you are indeed working with a very large number of inputs and outputs my personal Engineering Rule #1 states: "NOTHING is more useful than accurate documentation." :)

  9. That's really sick. Hysterically funny, sure ... but sick. I love it. :yes:

    The group version reminded me of an episode of the Simpsons where they were all in the family "shock therapy" session. :laugh:

  10. QUOTE (Chelectro @ Jun 4 2008, 03:04 PM)

    where can I find a v->ev utility in the functions of the block diagram? please see picture.

    I don't recognize this VI. If it's part of your VI libraries installations (including add-ons) you should be able to find it using a search of your functions palette. It might be part of an add-on that I don't have but I couldn't find it in my 8.5 Professional Development System. If this was created and saved by someone else it could be anywhere.

  11. QUOTE (hooovahh @ Jun 3 2008, 12:05 PM)

    I know this one I know it! ...

    You da man, Brian. It actually works, even in LV. Go to the head of the class. And thanks. :thumbup:

    Update: ... however ... I just tried to access one pc to another here in the office … and the right-click is partially disabled, at least in GoToMeeting. It's the strangest thing, too. The right click actually works on the remote PC, showing the right-click selections, but my host does not see the right-clicked selections. WT …??? I guess GoToMeeting was not made to do this sort of thing ... time for Plan B.

    But at least I know how to right-click without a mouse. :)

  12. Thanks anyways, guys, :thumbup: but none of these solutions appear to work. Looks like it is LV-specific. I have yet to duplicate a right-click from ANY keyboard combination in the LV environment in any case. I'm using GoToMeeting. I few years ago I used GoToMyPC for similar work and don't remember the right-click not working. Have you ever tried to change a tunnel to a shift register without the right-click? :(

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