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Posts posted by Gribo

  1. There is also an .INI file which directs to the API install path. It has just one line. C:\program files (x86)\signal hound\spike\api. I verified that the generated path is ok. Rolfk, this might explain why the same code works with the invoke nodes having the DLL path predefined. It should have behaved the same in both cases, or, at least report a file not found error (#7). I even tried placing the DLL in the same directory as the executable, which is one of the location windows searches for them, and got the same error.

  2. Hello,

     I wrote an application which can use either a 32 bit or a 64 bit dll, it loads the dll from a path specified in an INI file. This code works properly on the development machine (LV2013, both 32 and 64 bit, both with a debugger and as an EXE) but doesn't work on the tester machine as an executable. It throws error code 13 (in LV2013 - file is not a resource, in LV2014 - Failed to load DLL due to invalid format or missing dependencies). 

    However, when I change all the Invoke nodes to use a static predefined path, everything is OK.

    What am I doing wrong here? I rather maintain one code base and build for each target than maintain a code for each target.


    The API dll is from signalhound.com http://signalhound.com/spike


  3. RTLS systems can be quite expansive, especially with these requirements. I work for a company which makes such systems, indoor/outdoor location, sensors and relay outputs, LCD on the agents, GUI and even a LV API. We have used the system in the past to track workers in a construction site.

    You can check us out at http://www.precysetech.com

    Another company is Aeroscout, which can use the wifi infrastructure for their active tags access points. Their main market is health care (tracking equipment in a hospital).

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