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Everything posted by dannyt

  1. That only works if you can remember what was in the rest of the thread
  2. I would move up to LabVIEW 2010, the separate source & compile code feature is great I would say a must for team working situations. I have been working with it for a couple of years with no problems. I would also agree with candidus, planning an communication are key for team working.
  3. When I run this from the command line it tells me the service is not found, but this is not the original PC the code came from so who knows :-) The original PC was installed and setup in Germany all my code comments are in German, the goodness for Goggle translate. The translated comments imply they were trying to turn off MS updates uing long tests, but wcontrol will not do that time will tell me if the VI was trying to do something important.
  4. Thanks Guys, BAH - though I knew what net stop did your link was interesting as there was a list of XP windows services on there Saverio... cheers I did see some comment lying around near the call talking about CMM so you may well be on the right track
  5. Hi, A strange question this I am working on inherited code and there is a VI that issues either a cmd /c Net Stop wcontrol or cmd /c Net Start wcontrol I know net stop /start works on a windows service but I have no idea idea what service this command is referring to, so just on an off chance anybody else come across it ? I have looked in the admin services list on the PC in question and can find nothing there. cheers Danny
  6. That me signed up with Lava fo another year :-)

  7. I have never managed to get anybody to pay for a course and have learn LabVIEW by trying things and reading stufff on-line, I do have copy of Jim's http://www.labviewforeveryone.com/wiki/Main_Page which I liked and still dig into now & again but for somebody doing LabVIEW on thier own with nobody to give you feedback on your code I would really recommend the LabVIEW style Guide Book http://www.bloomy.com/lvstyle/ I sometime feel learning how to make LabVIEW code look, is harder that learning how to code a solution. One thing I would say IMHO RANT ON Only look at the NI example code as a guide on how to do things, a large amount of the NI examples that ship with LabVIEW provide a very bad guide on how code should look RANT OFF
  8. Jgcode, your suggestion is what I currently do, in a few places. So I am quite happy to carry on doing that. The backwards compatbility aspect is a good comment, I had missed. So I will keep quite now
  9. An OpenG VI I used quite often is 'Fit VI window to Largest Decoration.vi' I find it vey useful to help make message popup winows an the like look OK to the user without to much effort. I would like to suggest that this VI is a good case of a VI which should just ignore the Error in state and still do its job in this case just passing any error out obviously merged with its own error line. Anybody else like to comment on this ? Danny
  10. I would just like to wish you both good luck and good fun in your new role, I have enjoyed reading your LAVA contrbutions and learnt from them. Sound like you will be having an interesting time of it the next few years. regards Danny
  11. indeed it would
  12. Thank you for your replys, I suspect that I used to have the firefox checker setup and forgot about it so assumed it was within the web page. todd I am also using Windows 7 - 64, maybe I will look at the keyboard settings, but I am sure it is h cheepo keyboard I have cheers Danny UPDATE, I just checked my firefox seting and I already have check my spelling as I try ticked..... strange
  13. OK, I may be going mad here, but I am sure there used to be a spelling check option in the post and reply boxes, however I can not find it any longer, I know my spelling is not very good, never has been a strong point for me. But I have a new and really poor DELL keyboard that makes me look worse that I really am (if that is possible) as it seems to miss half the letters I type. So am I just not seing the spell check option is has it gone ? Danny
  14. A little late to this, but here is my take on it. IMHO I would never concider the level of comments that Jim put in his example, even if the end user aimed at was for novices. I have two reasons for this. One is at that in real life, with this level of commets I think I would never actually get any LabVIEW written and the second is that I do not think it is actaully going to help Novices, who need to get to a situation where they are comfortable with LabVIEW primitives and the general look and feel of G code. Somebody new to LabVIEW would just quickly read the comments and miss what the actual G-Code is. I am very much with AQ in the idea of peer review, if the person reviewing the code needs an explination then a comment is definitly required. Line labels are good, if lines travel a long way across a screen, sensiable labels for while and for loops can be very helpful as well.
  15. A happy Xmas to all on LAVA, may all your wires be content today and well terminated. LabVIEW 2011, the new focus on OpenG and much more it's been a good year. Maybe one year I will make it to the August barbecue Hope everybody has a good New Year (null)
  16. swenp, Thanks for that one, I will have to play with that method and se how it goes. I like being able to do things internally if possible
  17. If you cannot find anything else this may work as a fallback with a Windows systems http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb491009.aspx taskkill
  18. Thanks for the link, I will have a read of that when I get time later this week and I will also go ovr you new post Ton, just to convince myself I can get the same figures.
  19. Hey Ton, I was very interested in your reply as I feel this could impact other perfomace tesing I do; I am sure on both Lava & the dark side I have seen people test with hardcoded values on thier block diagram, but if I am doing this wong I would like to understand in what way. I changed my VI making the csv string to a control and also the "," and "%s" to controls. I then make all the control default values something other than the real values I wanted to use before saving it. Next I placed this as a subvi and tried again. I still get the type of values. I do understand what your point is having read the info on the 2011 compiler optimisations, but I cannot see how your got the different results. Danny
  20. I have been really using OpenG VI's a lot more in the last few weeks as I am working alone in my new job and I have no constraints on what I do. I do a lot of string to 1D aray type conversion typically a comma seperated string in a setup file converting it to an array, I was using the spreadsheet string to array but thought I would use the OpenG version as it is better on a block diagram, less room and functionaly neater. However I was supprised that the addition of the case structure in the OpenG version (used to get a little more functionality) had such an increase in performace. It made me wonder if the functionality in the OpenG VI should be split into two VI's ? timing spreadsheet to string.vi Dannyt
  21. Playing with OpenG Varients there great

  22. I was wrong. The LabVIEW project explorer adds a great deal to doing development

  23. Thank you, you lovely lovely person Two days ago I was writing something and I was thinking to myself, I am sure I have seen a VI somewhere that returned a parent's refernece, but could I find it. So of to rewrite my little VI, thanks again, Dannyt
  24. wow, you've gome all the way with it. You have given me something else to think about cheers
  25. I totally agree with you about your comments regarding errors, but to me there is far more to logging than that. There can be problems in code that do not result in errors but incorrect results or when you create a new feature or application you want to actively debug it. I think the blog sort of covers that aspect quite well. On my previous system if we turned on full logging and ran a test the result was a several Mb test file, with lots of useful information, but not stuff that could suitable be placed into a DB, for example we could see all telnet conversations both to UUT & thier replies, or all GPIB conversattions. We ran our test software in a foreign manufacturing plant and sometimes when there were problems we would ask them to turn logging on (a simple menu option) and get them to send back the log file as we could not debug on the remote executable.
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