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Everything posted by dannyt

  1. they must be very friendly then
  2. Builder arrived today starting on my new bathroom

  3. Hi Jim and All I would like to thank and applause the people who have made this happen :beer_mug: it just makes so much sense. I think it is a great step forward in revitaling the OpenG community and look forward to see how this evolves OpenG going forward. cheers Dannyt
  4. Hi Gavin, That is great thank you, I can now load the package OK into LabVIEW 2010
  5. I cannot get the latest version of scripting tools package to install in LabVIEW 2010. I am not sure if this is a package or a VIPM problem. I suspect it is a package issue at present and somehow involved with format release of scripting. Is there a way to find out what the auto-conflict is referring to ? I will force the install and see what happens EDIT unselected the auto-conflict and installed in 2010 but did not load as expected Dannyt
  6. Thanks for the quick response actually loading the scripting tools package is my problem so I will move my question over there cheers Dannyt EDIT question moved to link for clarity
  7. pretty please, what am I doing wrong with my friends list ?
  8. HI I was interested in playing with this to see what the performance of the Xnodes was compared to doing some of this stuff long hand, specifically the Unindex and Unbundle.xnode function. Unfortunately, the VIPM package does not work in LabVIEW 2010, I suspect this is due to the formal release of scripting so I cannot install (due to conflicts) the package lavag_scripting_tools >= which is seen as a dependency by the xnodes package. Are there plans for a 2010 release some time Also does anybody using these function have any comment about performance. cheers Danny
  9. Doing something to help others when you are aware that in doing so you put yourself at a significant risk. thought I do suspect in a lot of case the spure on the moment action is instinctive, but I still think that counts after all it could equally be instinctive to run away. I suspect from an evolutionary point of view a "hero gene" is not a good thing. The people in the nuclear plant control rooms are they operators or engineers ? they could achieve that status. Re your quote made me think. If a doctor or GP make one mistake in doing so it can and does cost lives but as engineers we normally have the luxury of safe guards between our mistakes and the consequences of them, peer review, system tests and many more things. Just came across this,
  10. Hi As your two outputs are arrays I am assuming your cluster has two arrays in it. If that is the case you are trying to cast an array into a digital type you missed out the array cast see below A couple of things to look at to learn more about this control reference casting that might be of interest Wiki control ref & control ref nugget & Try multiple type casts hope this helps Dannyt
  11. Yes I think in situations as you describe above it is a very valid term, your example way a very good one. I do however feel the term is generally over used by the media thought, but that is true for many words. Re. your subtitle can engineers be hero's ...well yes but their opportunity in a work environment are limited compared to many others.
  12. Nice one, first step along the LabVIEW road to greatness
  13. Taking all the tiles of the bathroom wall

  14. A really interesting article on the register today. TEMPEST-busting tech
  15. I stumbled upon this photo enjoy Failblog
  16. Bump Any feedback please Admins ?
  17. Hey sorry to hear that and a very poor way to find out about the loss of the new role as well. Hope you find something soon.
  18. Double congratulations to you
  19. Hi, I am not sure I understand your problem here, to us a test specification is a formally control document written by a design engineers telling the test software team what we need to test on a unit or device. The test specification defines expected results & limits, maybe also defining specific test conditions, it is often reviewed and signed of by various teams in the organisation. We then have to abstract that test specification into a form that is usable by an automated test system, this is true whether the automated system is written in LabVIEW (graphical), Visual Basic or Python (text based) form. We use a number of text files to define test limits & test configurations. These configuration files are linked in some way back to the original test specification for audit & QA purposes. The test software then reads these limit & configuration files when it runs to carry out the tests. The better you do your abstraction the easier it will be to deal with changes to you original test specification. So for example if a test limit changes or maybe a set up condition like the power of an input signal changes you only need to change the limits or configuration text files and not your actual code. When you move from the stage of running a few simple stand alone tests or checks on units under test to try an do fully automated testing against test specifications you need to look at the concept of a Test Executive this software layer will carry out the function you were talking about. Again this software layer is really needed indifferent of the programming language you are using. As has already been said you could look at TestStand write your own or several NI Allience Members supply Test Executive Type Systems. cheers Dannyt
  20. Hey Cat Good luck with the Op hope it goes well and does it's stuff. cheers Dannyt
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